In her twenties, Marel is around 5'7" in height, with wavy, sable hair of shoulder length. In an oval-shaped face, her dark, finely-shaped brows and thick lashes of the same contrast with ice-green eyes that betray little unless she chooses to. Usually serene of expression and calmly contemplative, it can be difficult to discern what she is feeling. Her form is reasonably slender, her carriage confident, if sometimes a touch uneven.
She usually favours well-fitting trousers and looser shirts, the latter pulled in at the waist with a wide leather belt or sash to emphasize a slimness of waist and the subtle flare of her hips. Often, she can be found wearing a smart leather jacket in wine-dark shades, this garment the one that most frequently bears her knot: that of a brownrider of Xanadu Weyr. Her black leather boots are well-made and of a fashionable design, stitching and laces picked out in russet, their small heels adding a mere half-inch to her height.
Born in the High Reaches with her brother during a blizzard while their parents were visiting Thea's home, Cold Stone Hold, Marel was named Marella (pronounced mar-EL-la) by her father (Donnchadh - pronounced 'don AH ha'). The name means 'shining sea' and reflects her heritage from sea trader stock. In her early teens and her grow-up-as-fast-as-I-can mindset, she took to calling herself Marel.
Marel is close with her twin brother, Mur'dah (Muireadhach), despite his stubborn, contrary nature and his ability to find trouble. Their oft-resulting spats don't last long. The two of them have had the run of the Weyr during their childhood. As their mother, holdbred and raised herself, didn't feel right about fostering them, the pair spent their early days in the nursery and then in the Weyrbarn with their parents at night. When they were old enough, harper lessons took most of their days.
Her childhood was an interesting mix of visits aboard the Vega Run - her paternal grandparents' trading ship - trips to her father's retreat (an uninhabited tropical island in the Southern Sea north of Xanadu), playing with the other rough and tumble weyrbrats, runner riding lessons, dragon rides and learning how to sail the Zephyr, her mother's sailboat. Life was idiyllic for the twins, with their parents being weyrmated and together until they turned fourteen.
Following the twins' journey to Cold Stone Hold in the wake of Muir's confirmation as their maternal grandfather's heir, a four month stay brought no visits from their father, and eventually one of Thea's weekly visits meant a return to Xanadu Weyr for the both of them. With the discovery of her parents' split and her uncle now Cold Stone's heir in a move to release the twins back to the Weyr, it was a conflicted Marel that returned to her home. Though she was glad to be back at the Weyr, she was troubled by the state of her father, the prospect of someone sending her or Muir away again, and felt a duty to try and make her mother happy. Shortly after her return to the Weyr, she enquired after a job at the Petals and Pots Garden Shop, and was employed by its current boss, Ryenis.
Shortly after finding employment, she was Searched by her brother N'shen for Sahazyth and Orionth's clutch. Having accepted, she was frightened she would be parted from Muir and considered selfish by her family, though these feelings were somewhat abated by her twin's own Search, also by N'shen. There was one particular egg that troubled them both during their Candidacy, but, come Hatching day, Marel was to find her lifemate in brown Isyriath, who spilled from the Colorful Field of Flowers Egg and nudged her away from Muir to claim her as his own. However, it wasn't long until Muir became Mur'dah, brown Kalsuoth's.
Marel and Isyriath had a relatively easy weyrlinghood, seemingly knowing how to work together seamlessly after a very short time. It can be said that most of what they did during their training was attempted together and wholeheartedly. It can be a little unnerving to see how close they are, for they always appear to know exactly where the other is in relation to them and their near-constant communication makes it difficult to 'tell' when Marel is speaking with her lifemate. At the conclusion of weyrlinghood, Marel was assigned to Quasar Wing (policy and diplomacy), led by her brother N'shen, now Weyrleader.
Upon her grandfather's death, Marel was granted an inheritance and a percentage of future profits from Cold Stone Hold. She used the substantial sum that she was given to purchase the garden shop, re-fit, restock and re-brand the business. She kept on those staff that were willing to stay and work for her, bearing in mind her youth and the fact that she was one of their colleagues, now their boss.
Renamed the Wildflower Boutique, the shop stocks everything needed to plant and care for gardens, though it specialises in fresh flowers and gifts on a meadow theme.
Though she has often stated Isyriath does not chase green or gold without her support, the understanding between Marel and her lifemate was put to the test when he chose to chase Seryth, her mother's gold, and refused to listen when she tried to stop him. Terrified that he might catch Seryth, Marel barricaded the door of her cottage and ended up using her belt knife to inflict a wound to her thigh in an effort to cause herself enough pain to stop Isyriath. She was successful in that and that alone, for though she went to the infirmary, she subsequently ignored the pain and let the wound get worse, which resulted in her being returned to the infirmary by her twin and her mother for a prolonged stay. After being released from the infirmary, Marel became increasingly anti-social, tending only to Isyriath and the shop - outside of administrative duties for her wing - and avoiding company whenever she could. She bears an ugly scar on her left thigh that could have been much less than it is, had she been more sensible.
It was suggested that Jethaniel could create a device to deliver electric shocks to imobilise or hurt Marel, should Isyriath chase Seryth again. Marel supported this plan, despite the fact that others, notably her sister, Darsce, didn't. She now wears an anklet around her right ankle, which can deliver a varying intensity of electric shock.
Since her mother's death, Marel has become much more distant, but not so competent at masking her feelings as she'd like to believe. She likes to have work to do to keep her busy, and, if she is ever distressed, it's not something that she allows herself to show while in company. She manages her business and keeping its records and stock up to date with an almost brutal efficiency. Marel's daughter, Nerri, was born when the brownrider was seventeen turns old. The little girl is formally recorded as being named Thea-Nerys, for her grandmother and her parents.
What You Should Know About Marel
- Marel is difficult to read. She almost always sports a serene and calm expression and it is very difficult to rile her enough to make her lose control.
- She owns the Wildflower Boutique.
- Her cottage is in the meadow and is one of the oldest buildings of the Weyr. It is kept impeccably clean and tidy.
- Her cottage has its own small courtyard, within which she has her own garden and grows her own flowers.
- Marel was once weyrmated to M'kal, blue Xeosoth's, but ceased to be when she chose to bear Nerri, her flight-born daughter.
- Marel's brown firelizard, Brier, is the one with the loopy flightpath and whistling voice.
- Marel was a daddy's girl and felt a strong connection to her father, usually managing to cut through his gruff exterior. She now doesn't like to see him at all, preferring to recall him as the man she remembers from her childhood.
Name |
Relation |
Age |
Location |
Position |
Status |
D'had |
Father |
+37 T |
Xanadu Weyr |
Bluerider |
PC |
Thea (deceased) |
Mother |
+22 T |
Xanadu Weyr |
Senior Weyrwoman |
PC |
Mur'dah |
Brother |
Same |
Xanadu Weyr |
Brownrider |
PC |
Nerri (Thea-Nerys) |
Daughter |
-17 T |
Xanadu Weyr |
Bluerider |
Tiya (Elentiya) |
Daughter |
-27 T |
Xanadu Weyr |
Weyrbrat |
Marisela |
Daughter |
-29 T |
Xanadu Weyr |
Weyrbrat |
Remy |
Son |
-33 T |
Xanadu Weyr |
Weyrbrat |
Regina |
Daughter |
-33 T |
Xanadu Weyr |
Weyrbrat |
L'gan |
Weyrmate |
-7 T |
Xanadu Weyr |
Bronzerider/Journeyman Tanner |
PC |
Calisi |
Weyrmate |
-7 T |
Xanadu Weyr |
Sr. Weyrwoman |
PC |
Alishe |
Niece (N'shen) |
-9 T |
Xanadu Weyr |
Weyrbrat |
Darsce |
Half-sister (Asher) |
+10 T |
Ierne Weyrhold |
Business Owner |
PC |
N'shen |
Half-brother (Anatasha) |
+12 T |
Xanadu Weyr |
Bronzerider |
PC |
Natali |
N'shen's Weyrmate |
+14 T |
Xanadu Weyr |
Greenrider |
PC |
Rehsa |
Half-sister (Asher) |
+13 T |
Ierne Weyrhold |
Resident |
Halimeda |
Half-sister (Melia) |
+19 T |
Xanadu Weyr |
Resident |
Tharen |
Uncle (Thea) |
+21 T |
Cold Stone Hold |
Holder |
Rensea |
Grandmother (Thea) |
+46 T |
Coldstone Hold |
Former Holder's Lady |
Thadan (deceased) |
Grandfather (Thea) |
+58 T |
Coldstone Hold |
Former Holder |
Lairgnen |
Uncle (D'had) |
+40 T |
onboard Vega Run |
Seacrafter/Trader |
Caileigh |
Grandmother (D'had) |
+63 T |
onboard Vega Run |
Seacrafter/Trader |
Naois |
Grandfather (D'had) |
+65 T |
onboard Vega Run |
Seacrafter/Trader |
Qirin |
Second Cousin |
-1 T |
Xanadu Weyr |
Visitor |
PC |
Face in the Crowd Brown Isyriath
Rich caramel pours across the slender frame of this mid-sized brown, dipping into the hollows left by muscle and bone as it flows from crown to tail-tip. Golden highlights trail along his neck and back, emphasizing the curvature of his spine and ribs and tracing patterns on his hide. His wedge-shaped head is held high atop his long neck, with wide, whirling eyes set deep beneath thick eyeridges. The long snout tapers to a delicate point, coated in a pale cream that slowly deepens to mocha before blending into the overall caramel of his coloration. His legs, fore and aft, are thickly muscled, just a touch short for the length of his body but clearly powerful, muscles clear beneath the silky hide. Strong paws are tipped by talons of pale ecru, much like the ridges that march down his spine from the nape of his neck to the base of his tail. From his shoulders his wings spring boldly, the spars dipped in rich dark chocolate, a brilliant contrast to the cloudy white of the sails that stretch between them. His long tail, shading from caramel at his haunches to cocoa at the tip, maintains a near constant thickness from end to end, thinning only slightly towards the point.
Image credit to Somaticsilence
In Solemn Remembrance Gold Rescue
Delicate butter gold hide covers this firelizard from the tip of her dainty muzzle to the etched and carved perfection of her tail. Streamlined, she still manages some feminine curves, as she is rounded through the shoulders and about her belly. Her haunches are even slightly thick for one so lithe and bunched a bit with muscle before ending in fine boned paws with the silvered gold talons. Her wings are a confection of frothy sails, brilliant bright gold and flashed over with a crystalline iridescence that sparkles and winks as they are spread.
In Solemn Remembrance Gold is based on Memorial Day for the for her personality, and her description comes from a an iris called 'Memory of France' that is both bright yellow and white. She was created by Bey.
Hidden in the Desert Bronze Glimmer
His shadowed, glimmering desert hide accentuated with hints of sun-kissed sandstone, this sturdy bronze is anything but uniformly one solid colour. Somewhat mottled in a tortoiseshell fashion, his stocky form is covered with shades ranging from ore-rich red ochre to much paler brass. Compact and somewhat boxy, he has large paws and generous wings designed to support his heavy frame.
Succulents Survive Even Brown Thumbs Brown Brier
Squat and thick from snout to stubby tailtip, this brown firelizard could hardly be called pretty. He has, however, plenty of character to offset his lack of beauty. A subtle quirk of his mouth gives him a perpetual whimsical smirk, bright eyes only add to his charm. His hide, no matter how often oiled, appears waxy, cocoa dusted with hoar-frost seems flaky until closer inspection reveals that, no, it's just this fella's natural color. He's got a cutely-rounded pot-belly that just begs for tickles. The wings - barely enough to distinguish it from a lizard - are hardly worth mentioning and he will probably never achieve normal flight. The talons end in toes? Upon closer inspection you'll find tiny claws barely formed emerging from the blunt ends but they aren't even sharp.
See Only Tree Egg: Rough grey bark seems to spiral and twist oddly around the ovoid, with sparse needles of pine clumped haphazardly, leaving bald the rest of the branches and forming a peculiar beauty. Odd crystalline spots ooze from fresh wounds here and there, but don't ask if it feels any pain; it won't tell you. It's just an egg, after all.
Inspiration: The theme for this clutch was hobbies. See Only Tree Egg is based off of the hobby of Bonsai gardening, the title specifically taken from the 1984 movie 'The Karate Kid', quoting Mr. Miyagi's coaching advice to 'Danielson' how to trim his first Bonsai. Your Succulents Survive Even Brown Thumbs Brown Hatchling is based on container gardening - his description is based on a succulent, of course.
Credit: Succulents Survive Even Brown Thumbs Brown Hatchling was created for you by Thea on January 10th, 2013.
Eye of the Storm Cerulean Blue Flynn
Waves of blue-green water rush over this young firelizard until he's caught up by the current and all but swept away. Creamy white specks pepper his muzzle that will surely give him an aged look when he's a bit older than he is now. Cerulean blue sweeps across his head knobs, along the ridges of his neck and towards the start of his wings. The edges of the deeper blue swirls out slowly to become creamy white and pale greens that go to the very tip of his outstretched wings. Each tridactyl claw is a different shade of the blues and greens that adorn this little blue. His long, thin tail ends in pure white, almost as if he simply ran out of color.
Pale Yellow Mottled Egg: Wisps of faint color other than the soft white of the egg shell mingle along the round egg. Multiple shades of yellow form a happy formation of colors to tantalize your sights.
Credit: M'kal
"There's Coffee in That Nebula!" Green Kathy
A handsome study in verdant coloring, this green is in charge and she /knows/ it. With wings perhaps a bit too large compared to the rest of her body, she struts around with confidence and a commanding gaze from the moment she steps forth from the shell. Flowing, moss-like color swaths her wings while almost-bark brown coats her head. Striated in a back-swept pattern, the color combines with her head shape to almost give the appearance of having hair pulled back into a bun. And always holding that head high, this firelizard seems possessed of a bossy (but deep down, kind hearted) personality that melts away only in the most private of moments. This is her world: you're only serving on it. Set a course for the kitchens, though! She has an addiction to klah and the finer foods in life, as evidenced from her very first feeding.
"Do It!" Egg: Molded and fired in pure, china white, this egg is unusually wide and squat. Rimming around the top is a bronzed band that sparkles in the light but aside from that, the light coloring of this egg is almost entirely unblemished. It's almost clean enough to drink off of, even.
Hatch Message: As if the hatchling inside suddenly decided now was the time, the egg positively explodes open. No subtle cracking, no slow opening…just instant expulsion and BAM! A formidable green hatchling steps from the discarded shards and looks about expectantly. Who has the food? It's needed here /now/.
Inspiration: This clutch is based off of popular characters from the television show 'Star Trek: Voyager.' This particular hatchling is based on the character of Captain Janeway, a stalwart, formidable woman who protected her crew at all costs. Her only weakness? Caffeine in liquid form. More information on Captain Janeway can be found here. This clutch was dammed by Angharad's Gold Aerin and So'l's Bronze Kon.
Credits: So'l
Name: Tinkerbell
Dam: Rabbit
Sire: Domino
I know that it’s hard for you to imagine
That I’m not that young girl you once knew.
I’m no longer twelve; what you see is a woman
Standing in front of you.
And I, I have been patient, I have been kind,
I paid all my dues and I gave up my time.
I can’t be confined to the past anymore.
My wings have grown.
Everyone says
Just to be thankful,
Just to be grateful
Or just let it be.
But I’m tired of this waiting; it’s always tomorrow,
I’m done with perceptions that you’ve had of me.
I’ve given you blood; you’ve given me tears,
I’ve given my heart and so many years.
It’s finally time to fend for myself
And open my wings.
It’s my time to soar, yes.
My time…
And I don’t need you to love me; that’s not what I asked
I just want you to see that I’m more than my past.
You have expectations, well they’re just too small
And I’m dreaming big,
So watch me soar.
Watch me soar.
Watch me soar.
It’s time to let go,
Take a leap, touch the sky,
Feel the wind press against me as my wings learn to fly,
Then soar
I will soar.
Watch me soar.
Yes, I know that it’s hard for you to imagine
That I’m not that young girl you once knew.
I’m no longer twelve; what you see is a woman,
Soaring in front of you.
Mama told me not to waste my life,
She said, "Spread your wings, my little butterfly
Don't let what they say keep you up at night
And they can't detain you
'Cause wings are made to fly."
And we don't let nobody bring us down.
No matter what you say – it won't hurt me.
Don't matter if I fall from the sky.
These wings are made to fly.
I'm firing up on that runway;
I know we're gonna get there someday,
But we don't need no "Ready. Steady. Go!", no.
Talk, talk turns into air
And I don't even care, oh yeah.
Your words don't mean a thing
I'm not listening
Keep talking, all I know is:
Mama told me not to waste my life,
She said, "Spread your wings, my little butterfly.
Don't let what they say keep you up at night,
And they can't detain you
'Cause wings are made to fly."
And we don't let nobody bring us down.
No matter what you say – it won't hurt me.
Don't matter if I fall from the sky.
These wings are made to fly.
I am seeing my life,
In a way I had not.
Awake through your eyes,
I see all I forgot.
You created a home filled with love and respect,
I abused it at times, made it hard to connect.
In each piece of my life,
there's been proof of regret,
And the things I can't change,
I don't want to forget.
But say goodbye to the girl who was scared to let go,
But who's yearning to see life outside the unknown.
I am destined to prove I am ready to fly,
Show me how to say goodbye
To the old.
I made work my life,
Wouldn't settle for less,
Always fought hard to prove that I'd be the best.
I closed down my heart,
Love could not come inside.
That's the moment I felt the old me start to die.
A career on the rise,
No one else to protect,
I started shedding my skin till there was none of me left.
Say farewell to the girl who's forgotten her pride,
Say hello to the girl who is rising inside.
She won't hold back my life,
Can't sit here and repent,
Show me how to say goodbye.
There was a light within me,
But then it started fading.
I lost the someone I had always dreamed I'd be.
I need to stop pretending,
That I can't change my ending.
You'd never let my spirit die this way.
Who says goodbye when life's just beginning?
Say hello to a world that I forgot was there,
Was a prisoner inside,
Now I'm breathing the air.
Yesterday's old cocoon will hatch a new butterfly,
Show me how to say goodbye,
To the old.
And welcome the new,
You won’t find him drinking under tables
Rolling dice and staying out ’til three
You won’t ever find him be unfaithful
You will find him, you’ll find him next to me
You won’t find him tryna chase the devil
For money, fame, for power, out of greed
You won’t ever find him where the rest go
You will find him, you’ll find him next to me
Next to me
Next to me
Next to me
You will find him, you’ll find him next to me
When the money’s spent and all my friends have vanished
And I can’t seem to find no help or love for free
I know there’s no need for me to panic
'Cause I’ll find him, I’ll find him next to me
When the skies are grey and all the doors are closing
And the rising pressure makes it hard to breathe
When all I need is a hand to stop the tears from falling
I will find him, I’ll find him next to me
Next to me
Next to me
Next to me
I will find him, I’ll find him next to me
When the end has come and buildings falling down fast
When we’ve spoilt the land and dried up all the sea
When everyone has lost their heads around us
You will find him, you’ll find him next to me
Next to me
Next to me
Next to me
You will find him, you’ll find him next to me
Next to me
Next to me
Next to me
You will find him, you’ll find him next to me
2016 onward logs are posted at Starlight.
Title |
OOC Date |
Cast |
(No) Orders |
March 03, 2015 |
Marel, E'tan |
What Others Don't Have |
March 04, 2015 |
Marel, E'tan |
Errand Boy |
March 19, 2015 |
Marel, G'ir |
I Know... |
July 05, 2015 |
D'had and Marel |
Get. Out. |
July 10, 2015 |
D'had and Marel |
A Guilty Conscience |
July 22, 2015 |
Marel, E'tan |
A Mess |
July 24, 2015 |
Marel, D'had |
Surviving and Healing |
July 27, 2015 |
Marel, E'tan |
Title |
OOC Date |
Cast |
Pretty Universal |
March 23, 2014 |
Marel, Ka'el |
Uncle (Or Not) |
March 23, 2014 |
Marel, Mur'dah |
Mine |
March 23, 2014 |
Marel, Thea |
Summer Snoozing |
March 30, 2014 |
Ka'el, Marel, Skyler |
Shatter (Vignette) |
April 03, 2014 |
Marel, Isyriath |
To Help |
April 03, 2014 |
Marel, Mur'dah, Isyriath, Kalsuoth |
Responsibility |
April 04, 2014 |
Marel, C'yr, Isyriath, Vesukith |
Fruitless Search |
April 06, 2014 |
Kiena, Marel, Mur'dah, Tharen |
Forever and Ever |
April 06, 2014 |
Marel, Mur'dah |
What Makes A Weyrmate |
April 18, 2014 |
Ka'el, Marel |
Shuttered |
April 18, 2014 |
Marel, Mur'dah |
The Future |
April 22, 2014 |
Marel, Jethaniel |
Call it a Date |
April 27, 2014 |
Ka'el, Marel |
Mother and Grandmother (Vignette) |
May 05, 2014 |
Marel |
Xanadu Cribs |
May 18, 2014 |
Ka'el, Marel |
Call It What You Will |
May 29, 2014 |
Marel, Soriana |
Nerri |
May 31, 2014 |
Darsce, Marel, Mur'dah |
Hushed Voices |
June 08, 2014 |
Ka'el, Marel |
Preserving Fragments |
October 01, 2014 |
Marel, E'tan |
Title |
OOC Date |
Cast |
Well Re-Met |
January 01, 2013 |
Marel, Idrissa |
Problems of the Privileged |
January 02, 2013 |
Kale, Marel |
Meadow Musings |
January 03, 2013 |
Datsun, Marel, Muir, Soriana |
How Long is 'Now'? |
January 04, 2013 |
Marel, Muir |
Crumpled |
January 06, 2013 |
Marel, Kale |
Pastry Regret |
January 07, 2013 |
Marel, Soriana |
Vignette - A Lost Voice |
January 08, 2013 |
Marel |
Subtle |
January 10, 2013 |
Marel, Jethaniel |
For You |
January 12, 2013 |
Marel, Muir, Thea |
Anything (Marel is Searched) |
January 18, 2013 |
Marel, N'shen, Alishe (NPC) |
Breaking the News |
January 18, 2013 |
Marel, Muir |
Taozyuth Strikes Twice (Muir is searched) |
January 19, 2013 |
Alishe (npc'd by N'shen), N'shen, Marel, Muir, Thea |
Fair and Square |
January 20, 2013 |
Marel, Muir, Mikal |
The Final Frontier |
January 20, 2013 |
Darsce, Datsun, Garait, Jethaniel, Kale, Marel, Mikal, Soriana, Thea, Zahleizjah |
Kind of Them |
January 21, 2013 |
Marel, Natalya |
Feline Three Part Harmony (Candidate Project) |
January 21, 2013 |
Marel, Kale, Muir |
Misconstrued! (Egg Touch Four) |
January 23, 2013 |
Idrissa, Lorelai, Marel, Mikal |
A Rainbow of Colours |
January 24, 2013 |
Marel, Soriana, Mikal, Idrissa |
Miserable! (Egg Touch Six) |
January 25, 2013 |
Marel, npc AWLMs |
Nowhere to Hide |
January 25, 2013 |
Marel, Muir |
Base Camp (Round Up - Day 2) |
January 26, 2013 |
Garait, Zahleizjah, Jethaniel, Marel, Natalya, Alzanbri |
Coincidence? Or Calculated? |
January 27, 2013 |
Marel, Muir, Thea |
Here With All of Us |
January 28, 2013 |
Marel, Mikal |
Sanctuary |
January 29, 2013 |
Marel, Thea |
Mikal and His Amazing Rainbow Cape |
January 31, 2013 |
Marel, Mikal |
Straight on 'til Morning (Candidate Trip) |
February 01, 2013 |
Anoryn, Garawan, Hotaru, Idrissa, Marel, Mikal, Muir, Soriana, V'dim, Zahleizjah |
Foul and Fowl |
February 03, 2013 |
Marel, Muir |
Lessons Learned |
February 06, 2013 |
Marel, Soriana |
Sahazyth's and Orionth's Clutch Hatches |
February 10, 2013 |
Garait, Garawan, Fi, Muir, Hotaru, Idrissa, Jethaniel, Kale, Marel, Mikal, Naris, Ontali, Ph'rys, Rou'x, S'gam, Soriana, V'dim, Yurolt, Zahleizjah |
Not Anymore |
February 17, 2013 |
Marel, Mur'dah, Isyriath, Kalsuoth |
Uncivilized Behavior |
February 23, 2013 |
Ka'el, Marel |
Icy Cold |
February 27, 2013 |
Marel, Soriana |
The Future |
March 11, 2013 |
Marel, Ka'el, Isyriath, Kanekith |
Winds of Change |
April 20, 2013 |
Ka'el, M'kal, Marel, Mur'dah, Isyriath, Kalsuoath, Kanekith, Xeosoth |
Friends |
April 24, 2013 |
Marel, M'kal |
Terribly Factual |
April 29, 2013 |
Marel, Soriana |
Invitations |
May 09, 2013 |
Marel, M'kal, Xeosoth |
Good Morning? |
May 12, 2013 |
Mur'dah, Marel, Thea, Ka'el, Soriana |
Second Chances Aren't For Everyone |
May 27, 2013 |
Ka'el, Marel |
Protective |
June 04, 2013 |
Marel, M'kal, Xeosoth |
Awkward, Much? |
June 05, 2013 |
Marel, Mur'dah |
No Matter What |
June 06, 2013 |
Marel, M'kal |
Weyrling Graduation |
June 14, 2013 |
Anoryn, Angelique, Cyrus, Idrissa, Ka'el, Kera, Marel, M'kal, Mur'dah, N'shen, Soriana, Thea, Zi'on |
Celebration! |
June 14, 2013 |
Angelique, Idrissa, Jnelle (npc), Ka'el, Kei'lan (npc), Kera, Marel, M'kal, Mur'dah, N'shen, Soriana, Xanthius (npc), Zahleizjah, Zi'on |
Control Lost (Vignette) |
June 15, 2013 |
Marel, Isyriath |
Marel's Mediation |
June 21, 2013 |
Ka'el, Marel |
Not Perfect |
June 24, 2013 |
Marel, M'kal, Xeosoth |
Twin Talk |
July 02, 2013 |
Marel, Mur'dah |
Mystery of the Garden Gift |
July 09, 2013 |
Ka'el, Marel |
Flight Lost (PG-13) |
July 10, 2013 |
Marel, M'kal, Isyriath, Xeosoth |
No Doubt |
July 13, 2013 |
Marel, Thea |
Thank You |
July 22, 2013 |
Ka'el, Marel |
A Win Away From Home |
July 24, 2013 |
Marel, N'talya, Isyriath, Alamith |
News From Cold Stone Hold |
August 04, 2013 |
Marel, Mur'dah, Tharen (npc), Thea |
Contractual Requirements |
August 08, 2013 |
Jethaniel, Marel |
Announcement |
August 24, 2013 |
Dasce, Marel, Mur'dah, Jethaniel |
Midnight Rendezvous (Seryth Rises) |
September 01, 2013 |
C'ar (npc'd by M'kal), Ka'el, Marel, Thea, Tenth, Kanekith, Isyriath, Seryth |
Abandoned (Vignette) |
September 01, 2013 |
Marel, Isyriath |
Don't You Ever |
September 02, 2013 |
Ka'el, Marel |
Freak Out Central |
September 12, 2013 |
Marel, M'kal, Isyriath, Xeosoth |
Confession |
September 14, 2013 |
Marel, Mur'dah, Thea |
Is it Bad? |
September 15, 2013 |
Marel, Mur'dah |
Bedside Manner |
September 16, 2013 |
Marel, Kera |
Physical Interrupt |
September 18, 2013 |
Darsce, Jethaniel, Marel, M'kal |
Home |
September 19, 2013 |
Marel, M'kal |
Because I Care |
September 25, 2013 |
Ka'el, Marel |
Reconnecting |
October 09, 2013 |
Marel, Mur'dah |
Weyrmates |
October 10, 2013 |
Marel, M'kal |
Made to Order |
October 11, 2013 |
Jethaniel, Marel |
Friends of Rank |
October 13, 2013 |
Marel, Ka'el |
A Plan |
October 26, 2013 |
Marel, Mur'dah |
Of Flowers and Firelizards |
November 24, 2013 |
Marel, Eltanin |
Playing Hooky |
December 29, 2013 |
Ka'el, Marel |
Title |
OOC Date |
Cast |
A Plague of Awkward |
January 14, 2012 |
Daoi, Derin, Keziah, Matrin, Thea, Muir (npc), Marella (npc) |
The Little Sperm That Could |
January 17, 2012 |
Derin, Esr'lan, Keziah, Thea, Marella (npc), Muir (npc) |
Turnover Masquerade |
January 27, 2012 |
Ers'lan, Fl'ynn, Daoi, Derin, Matrin, Miah, Keziah, Thea, Zafirah, Muir (npc), Marella (npc) |
Ya Don't Say That to Yer Ma |
January 27, 2012 |
D'had, Thea, Marella (npc), Muir (npc) |
Slip of the Knife |
February 08, 2012 |
D'had, Marella, Muir, Thea, Xe'ter |
Babes in the Woods |
May 18, 2012 |
Idrissa Kale Laurali Mikal Soriana Marella Muir |
Surgery, Dinner and a Story |
July 18, 2012 |
Healer Garmel (npc'd by Thea), Kimmila, Marella (npc), Muir (npc), Thea, Thero |
Yumeth's and Maehwazeyeth's Clutch Hatches |
September 01, 2012 |
Danikan (npc’d by Kale), Idrissa, Joss (npc’d by Soriana), Kale, Soriana, Sorrin, Thea, Marella (npc), Muir (npc), Yumeth |
Changes |
December 29, 2012 |
Marel, Muir, Tharen, Thea |
Arranging an Apology |
December 30, 2012 |
Kale, Marel |
What Now? |
December 30, 2012 |
Marel, Muir |
Hunting and Exploring |
December 31, 2012 |
Marel, Muir, Datsun |
Title |
OOC Date |
Cast |
Alarmclock Not Required |
January 20, 2011 |
D'had, Thea, Marella (npc), Muir (npc) |
The Candy Tree |
April 05, 2011 |
D'had, Thea, Marella (npc), Muir (npc) |
Why the Weyrsecond Should Get a Lip Ring |
April 24, 2011 |
Kiley, Pyriel, Ryeokie, Thea, Muir (npc), Marellea (npc) |
A Fisher... A Baker... A Matchmaker? |
May 06, 2011 |
Briana, Flandynn, Thea, Marella (npc), Muir (npc) |
Title |
OOC Date |
Cast |
Breakfast of Champions |
January 25, 2010 |
Avani, D'had, Marella (npc), Muir (npc), Thea |
D'had Does Something Special |
January 26, 2010 |
D'had, Marella (npc), Muir (npc), Thea |
R&R |
February 13, 2010 |
D'had, Marella (npc), Muir (npc), Rensea (npc), Thea |
It's a Juggling Act |
February 22, 2010 |
D'had, Marella (npc), Muir (npc), Thea |
See Ya Next Fall |
March 10, 2010 |
Marella (npc), Muir (npc), R'soe, Thea |
Family Ties |
March 24, 2010 |
D'had, Marella (npc), Muir (npc), N'shen, Thea |
Baby Beds, Boats and Boots |
March 25, 2010 |
D'had, Marella (npc), Muir (npc), Thea |
Catcalls |
April 11, 2010 |
D'had, Marella (npc), Muir (npc), Thea |
Close Encounters of the Child Kind |
May 05, 2010 |
Emalia (npc), Marella (npc), Muir (npc), S'gam, Thea |
N'shen's World - Gone Wonky |
June 20, 2010 |
D'had, Marella (npc), Muir (npc), N'shen, Thea |
Stormy Afternoon |
July 25, 2010 |
Amelia, Eledri, Marella (npc), Muir (npc) Thea |
Baby Bathing |
August 24, 2010 |
D'had, Thea, Muir (npc), Marella (npc) |
Houston, We Have a Problem! |
October 05, 2010 |
D'had, Thea, Marella (npc), Muir (npc) |
Restday?? |
October 31, 2010 |
D'had, Thea, Marella (npc), Muir (npc) |
One-Track Mind |
November 02, 2010 |
D'had, Thea, Marella (npc), Muir (npc), Seryth, Seibith |
Checkmate |
November 12, 2010 |
D'had, Thea, Marella (npc), Muir (npc) |
Title |
OOC Date |
Cast |
Trouble Times Two |
December 21, 2009 |
Besk (NPC), D'had, Thadan (npc), Thea, Mair (NPC) |