Standing 6'3" tall this young man for all of his imposing height doesn't stand out in a crowd. Slender build, with shoulder length blond hair(conveniently tied into a ponytail). His one distinguishing feature is a thin white scar that runs from the bottom of his right ear to the tip of his chin, the reminder of a childhood injury. Hazel eyes peer out at the world with a curiosity inherited from his Mom. One would think that a stiff breeze would blow L'ter away quite easily but they would be wrong, his wirery build belies a strength born of hard work and long hours hauling nets.
He wears a blue sisal shirt which is tucked in a pair of servicable wherry pants. A leather belt circles his waist serving the dual purpose of keeping his pants on and as a place to keep his leather pouches on. Looking further down one sees a pair of worn and dusty work boots, but one also notices that great care has been taken in maintaining them in good condition. L'ter knot has Bronze threaded through orange and blue, marking him as a wingrider for Xanadu Weyr and a rider of a bronze dragon.
Lothear is a young man looking for a place to belong. He's been traveling from his home in Ista for a number of turns and -has yet to find a place to call 'Home'. He has worked with the fisherfolk, seafolk, herders, and farmers and of course with his -father on their small cothold outside Ista Hold. Youngest son of four, steady, dependable and willing to put in a days work -without complaint.
Lothear has learned patience, the value of hard work and the joy of discovering new things. He's enjoyed his travels while -trying to find the 'place' for himself and gotten to know a lot of people as well as making new friends. Working either with -his hands or mind suit him well as he's had to do both on his travels.
Even tempered for the most part but a little touchy about his feet(those rafts at the end of his legs) and their large -size. Willing to learn whatever is needed to perform his job and to dedicate as much time to it as is needed to do it right.
Lothear was searched by a dragon and his rider while at Fort Weyr and asked to stand for the clutch currently residing on the sands at Telgar Weyr. His candacy was nothing remarkable, plenty of chores and the sewing of a robe for the hatching. It seemed like months had passed before he stood on the sands waiting to see if any of the hatchlings would find him worthy, and much to his surprise Bronze Mesekteth chose him as his. So started an interesting relationship.
Lothear was searched by a dragon and his rider while at Fort Weyr and asked to stand for the clutch currently residing on the sands at Telgar Weyr. His candacy was nothing remarkable, plenty of chores and the sewing of a robe for the hatching. It seemed like months had passed before he stood on the sands waiting to see if any of the hatchlings would find him worthy, and much to his surprise Bronze Mesekteth chose him as his. So started an interesting relationship.
Weyrlinghood was an interesting time where Mesekteth and L'ter got to know each other better. Mesekteth's penchant for discovering new ways to torment his fellow weyrlings and lifemate's ended up getting the pair into more trouble than L'ter had ever been in all of his life previously. But Mesekteth shone when it came time to fly and between, then before either realized it it was time for graduation much to L'ter's relief! Moving into their own weyr was done with little fuss or bother, though at times tunnel snakes, trundle bugs, and sundry other wildlife could be seen fleeing from the weyr as L'ter chased them out much to Mesekteth's disappointment.
Mesekteth won a fair number of flights in the past 4 turns as his flying and endurance allowed him to win more than his fair share of green and gold flights. They both did well as a search team and learned the intricacies of search and rescue in the process rescuing those ship wrecked, or just plain lost. A well seasoned pair they now are considering a change of jobs but as of yet haven't decided on what they wish to do.
Bronze Mesekteth
Sand the color of reddish gold slides easily and predominantly over the frame of this young bronze. Green flashes here and there flesh out his color, giving him a bronzen undertone to complement the flash of sandy hide. He is obviously young, and seems almost unfinished in his form - he is much more wiry then any of his clutchmates, with little actual flesh seeming to pad his skin from his bones. His long wings, when he spreads them, don't seem to be quite as wide as they should be, giving him the appearance that they almost don't belong. His body itself is low to the ground, his short legs being the only truly stocky and powerful looking thing about him. His color darkens as it spans down towards his underside, a truly greeney-bronze streak that graces the bottom of his long muzzle, running down his thin neck to his underbelly, then branching out to run along the inside of each leg before stretching all the way to the very tip of his tail. His tail is a work in itself, long and perfect for lashing out without notice. Indeed, this young bronze seems to be mostly neck, wings, and tail, with very little invested in his actual body itself. It gives him a look that is overall somewhat tunnelsnakey, and he moves in the very same way - quickly and aggresively. The only regal thing about him is his long, wedge-shaped head. His headknobs are crowned with the very Rukbat's very glory, the brilliant reddy sand color, the same that dominates his back and wings, sweeping over his headknobs then down to grace his eyeridges as well. His eyes seem to be constantly narrowed, surveying the world through suspicions unknown. Like the rest of his body, his color darkens as it spans down towards the underside of him, a truly greeney-bronze streak that begins at the beginning of the bottom of his long muzzle, running down his thin neck to his underbelly, then branching out to run along the inside of each leg before stretching all the way to the very tip of his tail.
Title | OOC Date | Cast |
Telgar's Hatching, October 9, 2005 | October 09, 2005 | Alisar, D'ce, Diz, E'fen, Hamemelis, Jule, Katlyn, Keelin, Khell, Lothear, Manawan, Marte, Nelali, Nikhil, O'lief, Saralynn, Senkyou, Sianne, Sorrin |