K'vir | |
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Portrayed By | Clement Becq |
Gender | Male |
Aliases | Kyzen, Kyzenviro |
Place of Birth | Fort Weyr |
Current Location | Xanadu Weyr |
Occupation | Galaxy Wingsecond |
Status | Rider of Bronze Zekath |
Copious amounts of wavy and curly black hair tumble haphazardly over his head and when he leaves it to grow longer, the locks are just long enough to cover his bright and expressive blue eyes. Despite the messy state his hair is often in, it suits his squared jaw and aquiline features, rather than distract from them. Gone is the look of boyhood and maturity has seen his once lanky frame fill out. Broad shoulders balance out an equally athletic frame, cutting an imposing figure even with this average height.
He is often dressed in sturdy clothing that can withstand rougher handling or work, but give him ease of movement. Most of it is left in a natural state with no dye or added fanciness, keeping strictly to functionality. His knot, when pinned and visible on his shoulder, is that of a Wingsecond. A thread of bronze is woven through threads bearing Xanadu Weyr's colors.
Common Knowledge
- He has an unusual friendship with the bronzerider Ha'ze, even before he Impressed.
- Has a knack for finding trouble or unintentionally starting it.
- Though some call him 'Kyzen' when not using 'K'vir, his full name is Kyzenviro.
Uncommon Knowledge
- He Impressed Zekath in Igen Weyr at a very young age; the minimum of 12 Turns
- Held back from S&R until he was 16 Turns; only recently added Guard training
- Zekath only started chasing proddy females when K'vir hit 15 Turns; speculation is that his lack of maturity kept the bronze from chasing
Kyzen, as he was once called, was born on a summery day, mid-route between Fort Sea Hold and Fort Weyr. His arrival to the world was premature, surprising both his parents and resulting in Kimmila giving birth to him in the back of the wagon she was riding in with no one but Th’ero to oversee before the Healer’s could catch up. Despite it all, the boy was healthy and warmly welcomed by his parents.
With both his mother and father being riders, they did their best to spend as much time as possible with him during his early months but Kyzen was most often tended by the Weyr’s nannies until he was weaned and now lives, more or less, full time with his foster family, who is none other than Kimmila’s older half-brother Tlazio and his wife and son.
Even at a young age, Kyzen developed a reputation for himself in Fort Weyr. Aside from being "the Weyrleader's son", he was known for his overly curious personality, his charming and outgoing behavior and… his knack for finding trouble, causing trouble and being the first child to, perhaps, wear a hardness and a leash when out and about with this parents when he was a toddler. It's not that he ever went looking for trouble! He just never quite learned the lesson of 'think before you act' and it may never sink in!
For much of his early life, he spent his days in lessons with the Weyr's Harpers and playing with the other weyrbrats and children. He even befriended a few children among the Traders who would visit the Weyr in the warmer seasons. He lead a normal life for any child, carefree and with minimal responsibilities, along with the typical dreams and goals that any youth his age would have.
His life took a drastic change, one that he did not full realize at the time and his impulsive nature led him to accept before absorbing the whole situation. In Turn 2707, in the second month of winter and just barely a month into his twelfth birthday, Kyzen was Searched by Igen's Ch'y and his blue Etoth. Without a second thought, the boy agreed and he was taken immediately to the desert Weyr — much to the alarm and shock to his parents later when they came back from their duties to find their eldest son gone.
Homesickness didn't even have a chance to really settle in before he was ushered out on the Sands, where he Impressed bronze Zekath.
Being the youngest Candidate and then the youngest Weyrling had a profound effect on Kyzen… now K'vir. Zekath was a perfect match for him in temperment and despite the hurdles the young boy faced, they pushed through their training. Even so, K'vir was held back for awhile, until he reached his fifteenth Turn. He spent much of is time in Igen, but gradually wanderlust struck…
… or so he'll claim!
Truth of the matter was, as he matured, so did some of his interests and it came of no surprise that he was a bit of a player and a heartbreaker. He'd no intentions of settling down but no intentions NOT to live life to it's fullest either (around his duties, of course). Eventually he turned to S&R and both he and Zekath found it much to their liking.
A few more Turns saw him cross paths with one particular young woman who would go on to change his life completely. Though anyone who saw the pair would wonder how in Faranth's name the ever got along but K'vir was lovestruck and not so easily deterred. He was serious enough about the relationship that he left Igen Weyr and transferred to Xanadu, where he has remained since.
Turns came and went and K'vir has made Xanadu his home. He's grown considerably since the young boy he was and now has a growing family of his own. Both he and Zekath have been a fundamental part of Galaxy Wing for some time now and who knows where they may go from there.
Name | Relation | Location | Position |
Risali | Weyrmate | Xanadu Weyr | Sr. Weyrwoman |
D'lei | Weyrmate | Xanadu Weyr | Weyrleader |
Bethari | Lover? | Xanadu Weyr | Jr. Weyrwoman |
Kyriel | Son (Risali) | Xanadu Weyr | Child |
Darien | Son (D'lei) | Xanadu Weyr | Child |
Zyriden | Son (R'hyn) | Xanadu Weyr | Child |
Garan | Grandfather | Southern Boll Hold | Sr. Journeyman Harper |
Kenali | Grandmother | Southern Boll Hold | Cotholder |
Th'ero | Father | Fort Weyr | Weyrleader; rider of bronze Velokraeth |
Kimmila | Mother | Fort Weyr | Wingrider; rider of blue Varmiroth |
Elladyr | Brother | Fort Weyr | Child |
Aranthi | Sister | Fort Weyr | Child |
Elynthoria | Half-Sister | Fort Weyr | Child |
Kiena | Aunt | Xanadu Weyr | Wingrider; rider of blue Ujinath |
Eliana | Cousin | Xanadu Weyr | Child |
Ezsrisa | Cousin | Xanadu Weyr | Child |
Keruthien | Cousin | Xanadu Weyr | Child |
Tlazio | Foster Father/Uncle | Fort Weyr | Journeyman Smithcrafter |
Eat or Be Eaten! "Vanda"
Delicate and slender of limb and features, large of frame, and broadest at the curve of powerful haunches. She is a prime specimen as far as gold firelizards go and while she is often sedate and calm in her behaviour and movements, she's not one to trifle with! Palest of sunlit golden cream dominates her smooth hide, pristine and unblemished save for where it roans to a burnished hue along the farthest tips of her lean body. From the triangular point of her dainty muzzle, to the sweep of 'knob and ridges and dusting the back of her large, broad wings and onward down the graceful curve of her back, hips and whip-cord tail. Talons are dipped in gold-leaf shine, a little added flare to this aristocratic man-eater of a Lady.
Look At This "Tweak"
A rather gangly bronze he seems a bit more elongated than your average firelizard. Compacted head bears a fine intelligence, although it may be questionable how much it actually gets used. It's not entirely his fault you see! See these overlarge wings, how awkward and all angles the membrane stretched between looks a tatter mess of rope and sail and its hard to see how he would ever keep them all sorted out. Of course there is also that tail of his. How dare it go swinging back and forth and he didn't mean to knock that over if only you can catch the flash of cream colored talons that tried to right his latest affair. He seems rather uncomfortable with himself, this gangly darkly hued bronze and the heavy collar of chocolate brown that encircles about the juncture of his neck and chest is just the distracting ornamentation he doesn't need. What's that, just a trick of the patterning of his hide… You don't say?
I Am Brown "Groot"
He's a big one, this brown firelizard; he might not be the largest of his kind, but he's close enough. His hide is an earthy brown, though at the lighter end of the scale; somewhere between klah and birch, with a healthy dappling of faint green and ruddy tones throughout. The lines of his muscles and the junction of joints is deeply marked with a distinctly darker brown - indeed, he looks as if he's hewn of roots or twisted branches, a creature of plants more than flesh and bone and ichor. His eyes are a little on the small side, but his headknobs and ridges are quite outsized for a creature of his stature. His wings, too, are overly long and with sails that look as if they're made of leaves and plant fiber rather than tissue. His tail is a particularly knotty-looking thing, though it - like the rest of him - is perfectly smooth and normal to the touch. And then there are his claws, gnarled and oaken in hue, thick and ancient - well-suited to this strange beast. He moves slowly, ponderously, purposefully - but always with a sense of wide-eyed wonder.
I Didn't Do It Blue "Dunno"
This lizard has been dipped in vivid royal blue from his muzzle all the way to the tip of his tail. Thick bands of dark navy stretch from his eyes down along the side of his neck and continue to streak along his back. A dusting of pale honey coats a wedge-like shape at his tail, and flows along his upper forelimbs and graces his dainty little headknobs. This wiry fellow has been graced with exceptionally large wings that will always look altogether too large for his body even after he has grown to full size. Those elephantine wings are shaded in midnight blue top that fades to a lovely shade of sky blue along the back.
No Shades of Grey Bronze Zekath
Angular of figure this metallic bronze looks ready to weather the worst that the natural world has to offer. Broad head is rather flat and tapers not nearly as much as most others. Eyeridges are not a smooth or rippled arc, but seem comprised of two angular planes that rise and converge over each eye. A thick shorter neck is studded with equally distinct bronzite ridges that erupt along his spine, fading along his back only to return to stud the length of his tail. Body follows a similar pattern, heavy in build but not necessarily bulk. It portrays one of strength yet skill for it is not just brute force his weapon alone. Wings match in size what is needed to carry him, the twine of muscle and sinew blended to support the stretchy swaths of wingsail. Of hue he is primarily a burnished slightly aged bronze. The strongest cleanest planes in the hue serve only to accentuate the planes and angles of his appearance, even where the muscle smoothly curves. The coloring is not solid and around the edge of each major part of his body the hue darkens along cracks and crevices making him seem to be wearing the color at times, rather than of it. Sails are a bit different, billowing of weather worn metal scarred and pitted by the desert storms he's weathered.