Sex Male
Flits Vein
Wher Hysk
Craft Miner
Rank Journeyman
Speciality Wherhandler
Age 22
Birthplace Small Mining Hold (Crom)
Significant Other(s) Janelle



A powerful older lad, he does bear some resemblance to M'nol, his brother, but only in that they share the same eyes and hair. This tall 20-turn-old keeps his dark black hair neatly trimmed and out of his brown eyes. His clean, masculine frame stays mostly hidden under his crisp black pants and brown tunic.


Hylon was raised the middle child of a mining family from a small mine-hold. He was in the mines for shifts a few times a week before he was 11 and years in the mine have hardened his body and graveled his voice. He wasn't pleased when his father had sent his second youngest sibling, Morlanol, away to avoid him being apprenticed in the Harper Craft and couldn't help but appreciate the irony when he became M'nol by impressing brown Faraeth. Then their youngest brother had been selected for a wher clutch.

With these changes, and the arrival of a new batch of apprentices from the main craft hall in Crom, Hyrlon decided to try his own luck. The Mine at Xanadu had been officially opened and a gold wherhandler had move there. Xanadu seemed like a golden opportunity, and he took it, catching a ride with some traders and catching a ship to the fair land of Xanadu.

Hyrlon hadn't been in Xanadu long when he found himself being sleepily dragged back to the miner crafthall, but at least it was good news: he was getting a chance at a wher. The egg he chose was from Fasask's clutch and hatched what he would call a gorgeous blue wher, who announced his name as Hysk. Hyrlon returned to Xanadu to discover that he was not alone in his having of a new friend, instead Xanadu boasted four new whers.


Name Relation Location Position Age NPC/Adoptable
Morloy Father Small Crom Minerhold Sr. Journeyman Miner +31 yes/no
Hylona Mother Small Crom Minerhold Cook +29 yes/no
Myrana Sister Miner Craft Hall Journeyman Miner +10 yes/yes
Barnok Brother in Law (Myrana) Miner Craft Hall Journeyman Miner +11 yes/yes
Hyloy Brother Small Crom Minerhold Journeyman Miner +8 yes/yes
Hyrona Sister Small Crom Minerhold Apprentice Miner -1 yes/yes
Janelle Girlfriend Xanadu Weyr Sr. Apprentice Miner: Wherhandler to Social Green Jansk -3.3.10 no/no
M'nol Brother Xanadu Weyr S&R Wingrider with The Hills Are Alive Brown Faraeth -6.2.22 no/no
Myron Brother Small Crom Minerhold Apprentice Miner: Wherhandler to Jealous Brown Myrsk -7 yes/ask the mic (adoption in progress)


Hyrlon's logs can be found at this place ^^


Awaken the Spirit Bronze Vein
Lean and Mean Green Lodestone
Lovesick Without a Cure Brown Truss


Polite Blue Wher Hysk
Indigo wars with navy over the hide of this little wher, enshrouding him in his own personal darkness that sadly does nothing to mask his true form. Everything about him droops - nose, eyes ridges, neck ridges, even his wings appear to have a permanent downwards cast to them. His forelegs are twisted, giving a rather bow-legged silhouette, while his back legs and tail are merely short and stubby in turn. His torso shades more towards midnight, though there is evidence of permanently flaky skin there where the colour seems to dissolve into a myriad of black lines.


Title OOC Date Cast
Another Miner? June 24, 2009 Hyrlon, Satoris
A Coca-Cola Clastic July 1, 2009 Aoriya, Dylon, Enka, F'yr, Hyrlon, Jessamin, Kerys, Kire, M'nol, M'tri, Orventa, Phylicia, Sigam, Zafirah
Feeding the Wher-lings July 7, 2009 Hyrlon, Janelle, Verina
A Gathering of Whers July 7, 2009 Aeyric, hyrlon, Kanta, Verina
A Chance Meeting July 8, 2009 Hyrlon, Tig
Stormy Whers July 9, 2009 Hyrlon, Janelle, Tig
Settling... Down? July 15, 2009 Hyrlon, Janelle
Celebrating the Future: The Weyrlings Graduate July 19, 2009 A'di, B'ky, Cenlia, D'son, F'yr, Hyrlon, Jessamin, M'nol, Niva, R'zel, Riley, Vivian, Zip
Wher Training July 22, 2009 Hyrlon, Janelle
Names for a Miner's Offspring July 27, 2009 Hyrlon, Satoris, Thea
Tene-uous Whers July 29, 2009 Hyrlon, Janelle, Tennebrous
Another Storm July 29, 2009 Hyrlon, Janelle, Tennebrous
Scuffed Noses and Scratched Legs August 1, 2009 Fraille, Hyrlon, Janelle, Moria, Tenebrous
Awkward Miners August 27, 2009 Hyrlon, Janelle, Phylicia, Tennebrous
Tene-Fetch August 30, 2009 Hyrlon, Tennebrous
A Walk on the Beach September 01, 2009 Hyrlon, Janelle
Wher Games September 03, 2009 Hyrlon, Janelle, Thea, Tig
Socks and Sighing September 04, 2009 Hyrlon, Janelle, Phylicia, Tenebrous
Seesaw Miners September 09, 2009 Hyrlon, Janelle
Kissing and Advancement September 10, 2009 Hyrlon, Janelle, Satoris
Meetings on a Beach September 12, 2009 Cenlia, Hyrlon, Janelle
Of Journeymen and Journeys September 17, 2009 Janelle, Hyrlon, Tennebrous
Plotting Training October 06, 2009 Hyrlon, Janelle
Just a Cough October 28, 2009 Hyrlon, Janelle
Wher Meets Seacrafter November 12, 2009 Geneir, Hyrlon
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