PE Suggestions!

The mail was too long, so… ;)

Everybody should add stuff. It will be epic.

  • a barrel of fruit/meat/drink is spilled and you walk into the mess
  • a dragon in a hurry nearly lands on you
  • a dragon sneezes on you
  • a firelizard flies past carrying something strange
  • a firelizard steals some of your clothing while you're in the baths
  • a friend/family member decides to try to hook you up with someone
  • a harper compliments/criticizes you on your voice
  • a harper talls a tall tale and tries to get you to believe it
  • a higher ranked individual compliments/criticizes you on your clothes/craftsmanship
  • a little kidlet comes up to you and tries to give you a doll or other toy
  • a passing trader tries to sell you something
  • a pile of something non-lethal falls on you
  • a poorly-secured package tumbles off the back of a flying dragon and crashes to the ground nearby, the contents spilling everywhere
  • a trade caravan stops by and sets its wares out
  • a weyrbrat playing a prank on someone else mistakenly targets you
  • a wherry makes off with your lunch/breakfast/picnic
  • an avian lands in your drink/food
  • one of the nannies seems to have lost track of a child and you get asked to help search the weyr
  • over-protective avian parents dive at you because you've gotten too close to their nest
  • someone accidentally (or purposefully) walks off with something of yours while you're busy
  • someone gets sick on your shoes
  • someone offers to paint your portrait
  • someone or something is hunting you
  • someone sends you a mystery gift
  • someone sneaks up behind you and tries to scare you
  • someone steals your marks pouch (or other valuables)
  • someone walks into you randomly
  • something bites you when you put your shoes on
  • something catches on fire
  • something strange washes up on Xanadu's beach
  • there is a commotion in the kitchens
  • you're asked to help sort through supplies
  • you're nearly run over by a frightened animal
  • you accidentally recieve a letter addressed to someone else
  • you are challenged to a contest of wits
  • you brush/walk into some vines and develop an itchy rash
  • you burn your tongue on hot klah
  • you catch a blood-red sunrise/set
  • you discover some critter (like a trundlebug/tunnelsnake) hiding under your pillow
  • you discover something surprising in the forest
  • you encounter a group of curious dolphins
  • you encounter a low tree branch
  • you encounter some person (possibly drunk) who insists he/she knows you some somewhere
  • you fall off something and suffer injury
  • you find a critter (trundlebug/tunnelsnake/flit) in your shoe/bed/work/food
  • you find a lost ovine
  • you find someone's lost stuff
  • you find something half-buried in the sand
  • you get a faceful of pie as somebody slips in the kitchens and the pastry goes flying
  • you get a notice from the healers about needing to take a full physical
  • you get a splinter
  • you get a sunburn in an unpleasant spot
  • you get caught out in a thunderstorm and have to seek shelter
  • you get drenched by a sudden rainstorm
  • you get food poisoning
  • you get in a fight or witness one starting
  • you get in a food fight
  • you get invited to hear a practice session for a new song by some local harpers
  • you get recruited to help haul supplies
  • you get some unexpected ingredient in your food (bug/hair/spices/strange fruit/etc.)
  • you get talked into going on a blind date
  • you have a confrontation with your nemesis (or just someone you dislike)
  • you hear strange noises coming from under your bed
  • you help rescue a beached dolphin
  • you land in the mud
  • you literally get buried in work/paperwork
  • you lose your lunch
  • you slip in a puddle in the bathing caverns
  • you spot something shiny in the underbrush while you're outside
  • you step in a some dung/mud/puddles/spilt booze/pudding
  • you step on a trundlebug and it stinks
  • you stub your toe
  • you stumble upon someone something intriguing in some obscure nook of the weyr
  • you trip over something
  • you uncover a surprise in the bathing caverns
  • you win a contest/raffle
  • you/someone accidentally knocks over a shelf in the storage caverns, spilling stuff everywhere
  • you/someone spills something that gets all over you
  • your footwear gets left behind in a puddle of mud
  • you get deficated upon by an animal of your choosing
  • you smell something absolutely horrible, but you can't seem to find the source.
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