

Or'len is a tad on the short side for his age group, with a healthy amount of baby fat lingering long past its used by date. He's growing into a fit young man over time, though the slight chubbiness kind of suits him. He has hazel eyes, warm, trusting, no matter his true mood. He's got a jolly-cheeked sort of face in general, so much so that it seems that even a scowl would have a comical element of innocence. He'll grow out of it one day, but, for now, it gives him an excellent poker face - he's always so cheerful looking, it's near impossible to tell a bad mood from a good one.

He wears pretty basic clothes, whatever he could swipe from the storage caverns, often mis-matched. Greens with reds, browns with purples, oranges with blues, he really doesn't seem to mind what he wears, just so long as it fits. The one thing he is proud to wear is the knot on his shoulder, the knot with the strand of mossy green woven through it.


The tenth of twelve children, born after five farmers, two kitchenworkers, and two crafted chefs, Lorallen never quite knew what he wanted to do in life. At age fourteen he was drifting through life as an odd jobs sort of man, hanging out with various friends and family as the mood took him. His parents were a little concerned, but their little farming cothold was running smoothly enough. Young Lorallen always was a little spoilt, as were, and are, his younger brother and sister.

It was a shock to all concerned when he was searched, on a trip with his recently turned eighteen older brother, apprentice chef Joiran. The boys had come to Xanadu, to visit their older sister, Myra. Lorallen was searched one day on the beach, interrupted on an outing with his siblings. When Myra managed to pick her jaw up off of the ground, she congratulated him, and immediately offered a white knot to Joiran, in what might have felt like a cheapening of Lorallen's moment, if he hadn't been so thrilled and surprised.

There had been two clutches in close proximity, so the lads stood for both. Neither boy impressed, but they consoled themselves with the thought of the next clutch. Joiran was far more confident of their chances, and Lorallen drew a great deal of encouragement and strength from his brother. He was tempted occasionally to step down and go home, but something held him back. He spent time in the galleries, just looking out at the eggs. He worried that he hadn't paid enough attention to that first clutch, he'd been focusing more on chores.

The second clutch hatched, though Lorallen was wondering once more what he was doing there. It was, therefore, a great shock when he exited the hatching sands via the weyrling's exit, with Pride of the Summer Green Mhairiath in tow, and Joiran trudged out of the other exit, for a second time. Still, Myra was there to console him, Lorallen, no, Or'len, assumed. To tell the truth, he wasn't really thinking particularly much that day, he had Mhairiath to see to.

Weyrlinghood was largely uneventful for the pair, until about the time weyrs were assigned, and Or'len's clearly needed work. He started asking around then, calling in all favours to get it ready for habitation, but he also had to make a few promises. It was one of those that saw him tapped to asteroid wing when he graduated, as he'd promised one woodcrafter he'd apprentice under her. And that's how he came to be an apprentice woodcrafter.


Name Relation Location Position Dragon
Koranos Maternal Grandfather small hold in the XAW area farmer
Leyni Maternal Grandmother small hold in the XAW area farmer
Pharad Paternal Grandfather small hold in the XAW area farmer
Meira Paternal Grandmother small hold in the XAW area kitchenworker
Janira Mother small hold in the XAW area kitchenworker
Borran Father small hold in the XAW area farmer
Koranos Older Brother small hold in the XAW area farmer
Pharad Older Brother small hold in the XAW area farmer
Leyni Older Sister small hold in the XAW area farmer
Myra Older sister XAW journeyman chef Green Ailath
Eliala Older Sister small hold in the XAW area farmer
Estha Older Sister small hold in the XAW area kitchenworker
Gareltan Older Brother small hold in the XAW area kitchenworker
Shirafi Older Sister small hold in the XAW area farmer
Joiran Older Brother XAW journeyman chef
Boniran Younger Brother small hold in the XAW area child
Ansali Younger Sister small hold in the XAW area infant
Zirani Niece (via Myra) XAW infant



Green Mhairiath
Dusky grey-green shrouds this stocky green dragon in the tones of a misty moor. Smudges of moss tattoo her long neck, while a contrasting wash of pale yellowed lichen peeks through down the line of her ridges and stipples over more than ample hips. Her wings show the faintest traces of heather — a soft lavender sheen washing down the spars and dappling the faded sage of broad wingsails. A shadow starts just beneath a long and slender snout, fading down her stomach before reappearing in a circle on her right upper arm, a dark smudge against the sage.


Lorallen doesn't impress.
Or'len impresses.

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