Xanadu Weyr - Hatching Sands
Immensity yawns in this cavern, the space vast in every dimension. Rough walls of natural basalt with the odd intrusion of harsh granite rise up from a carefully leveled floor, arching up into immeasurable darkness that can never be fully banished. Yet, the attempt is sometimes made, with firelizards and the smallest of the green dragons depositing glows on a thousand little ledges until the effect resembles a starlit sky. At ground level, big permanent torches have been built, designed by clever smiths to burn for hours if enough fuel is provided. On those occasions when there is something happening in here, those torches are lit and their bright illumination can be almost as powerful as daylight. Sand covers the floor of the cavern, a wide sweep of sand that is deep enough to bury the largest dragon egg twice over. That sand, however, is unique: a mixture of red and white grains that combine to form a distinctive shade of pink.
There are two obvious exits. The first is the dragon sized tunnel that leads due north, long and gently curved so that the outside is not visible from within. That tunnel is large enough for dragons to fly through, although none but greens could do it abreast. The other exit is the steps that have been built against the wall, leading up to the galleries and ledges where spectators can watch.
Casiella steps carefully onto the Sands, bowing low to Kilaueth. Slow and wary, she steps into the Clutch, glancing about with mild interest. "Which of you have I not visited yet?" She muses to herself. Spotting the Second To the Right Egg, she steps up to that Egg, laying her fingers gently on the shell.
Second To The Right Egg to Casiella> « Tinklings of Tiny Golden Bells loop in, a bright ball of light gleaming so brilliantly at the joy of itself. It loops in tiny cartwheels, shimmering and jingling with gay laughter. Oh how wonderful to be me! It seem to declare in every flicker and chime. There's a pause. It wheels about to you and tinkles merrily. There's a spray of glitter upon you, dazzling and twinkling like stars within your mind. Isn't that just wonderful? A little tune pipes in the back of your mind. It soars around you, and it's own glitter jingling and piping merrily. »
Casiella blinks a long moment as the Egg invades her mind, all glitter and light an happiness. "Well, hi there." She says, blinking owlishly. Her overall thought is curious and interested, though she blinks a little more at the glitter.
Keriana scurries onto the sands, reveling in the peaceful thrumming quiet. "This is nice. But there are a few that I haven't come to visit, and so." So she goes over to Star-Eyed Helper Egg to visit it in its happy little shell.
Star-Eyed Helper Egg to Keriana> « Shimmering Void of Power creeps into your mind, nothing more than a black void filling space. Dimmly in the background, different color starts can be noted, which echo the color-emotions that can be found in a dragon's eyes and more. Those dim stars shimmer faintly in the distance of your mind's eye as the blackness creeps further in, searching the topmost thoughts of your mind for information. »
Second To The Right Egg to Casiella> « Tinklings of Tiny Golden Bells spin about you once more, hidden metallic tones of games and adventures echoing after. It chimes a greeting. Suddenly all around you is the most magnificent jungle with jeweled flowers and decadent greenery. Where has the sparkle gone? Why -here- silly! It zooms forward from behind and emerald leaf and jingles a giggle of joy. Blowing glitter at you the landscape changes to a beautiful blue-green lagoon, dolphin-people laying all over the rocks. Then again to another lagoon with a great ship. It seems to be showing you the interior of it's littel world. Where should tey play first? Another place, a wild-people's camp. And another, a ring of trees »
Casiella pauses in her curiosity to be amazed at the vividness of the pictures this little Egg puts forth. "Wow." She murmurs, smiling. "We can play wherever you please, I suppose. Show me what your favorite thing to imagine is."
Second To The Right Egg to Casiella> « Tinklings of Tiny Golden Bells shimmers a moment in thought. It -has- no favorites. They are all favorites! Or they wouldn't be here! It jingles a moment and returns to the first lagoon. Do you like the water? The Dolphin-People? Yes or the Pirates? Another shift. Or… Another shift, a new place, a rock out in the middle of another lagoon allll alone. Marooner's Rock? Ooh! Off in the distance, rounding the corner to the rock is a little rowboat, two men sitting in on one end and one lady sitting at the other. It jingles and zooms forward! Follow me and keep hidden, it chimes. »
Keriana ponders quietly, strumming the surface of the egg gently. "You're just quiet and gentle. Did I wake you from a nap? We could think about things together, maybe." Slowly, she's coming to the realization that all the eggs are different, and not all of them are difficult.
Star-Eyed Helper Egg to Keriana> « Shimmering Void of Power seeps further into your mind, though not forcing its way. Nap? For a moment the spectrum of stars shimmer before a green star 'chortles' in amusement. Nothing so as undignified as a nap, but resting, yes. Soundless, feelingless and endlessly black, the void continues to gently wrap around your mind, looking for information about you. The two could 'talk' yes, even if its means are a bit .. challenged. »
Keriana hums quietly to herself, which seems a little weird. Humming to eggs is weird too, though. "Well, let's try it.. I'm not very good at it, I'm sorry.." She closes her eyes in order to think better, and comes up with this. « I guess it's a little like this, but it's not very clear. Can you hear what I think, even when I'm not trying to do this?» Limited, yes, but.. understandable. More like a tin can telephone than anything else.
Star-Eyed Helper Egg to Keriana> « Shimmering Void of Power seems a little intrigued that you're actually trying to meet it half way, the chortling green star fades back into the rear, while a warm golden star washes over you with approval and appreciation. Even if it could 'hear' fine when you talked to yourself, or just thought for that matter. The black void however, rustles at the edge of your mind, wanting admittance that it's not going to force. Information can be a very vital key, yes it can. »
Keriana beams innocently. « Well, you know.. you get poked enough by these things, and eventually, you might as well respond in kind. It's the doing that takes a few moments, though. » The sweet, wonderful, nice and charming egg is brushed tenderly, because.. it's being nice to her and not laughing. Not that any of the other ones would have laughed at her either. « Most important. You'll get all sorts of information once you're out, though. »
Casiella chuckles softly, and plays along with the Egg, imagining herself ducking here and there. "Let's go over to the rock!" She says, enjoying the playful mentality of this Egg. "Can we swim in the water? Is it warm?"
Star-Eyed Helper Egg to Keriana> « Shimmering Void of Power grows a little annoyed, as is voiced by a red-orange tinged star, gleaming a little less faintly in the distance. But it said that it wants information. Now. However, the fact that its growing annoyed doesn't wash out the golden star radiating warmth either, it still thinks that this new personality is a kind and compromising one. Again, the black void presses at the edge of your mind, curious about you. »
Keriana makes a strange face at the Star-Eyed Helper. The gold is all very nice, but that black void.. « What kind of information? Like me? I'm Keriana, but I don't think that helps you much..» So instead, she works on her life story with it, becoming particularly enthusiastic about computers and controls and engineering and other math science things. Yay.
Second To The Right Egg to Casiella> « Tinklings of Tiny Golden Bells jingles a warning. Beware of the eeeeevil pirates! The have the wild-people's princess! The boat moves on past and the little light tinkles with relief. The water? It chimes a yes and dives in, the water about the right temperature of cool and warmth. Like the waters at Ista perhaps. Beneath the surface it is equally as jeweled, patterns from above over the sands and sea grass. Around the rock base are bright corals, urchins, and anemones. »
Star-Eyed Helper Egg to Keriana> « Shimmering Void of Power eases the pressure upon your mind as you reveal what it wants to 'hear' about. A purple star - with the definite tinge of curiosity - shines dominantly, the golden star emitting that reassuring warmth not too far behind. Out of the corner of your minds eye, you might THINK you see a hawk made of flame appear, but that was only a trick of your mind really, since its gone just as quick, and the hatchling responds at last. Computers? Controls? … Technology? A picture of Peej is now what occupies a portion of the void, appearing much like a cut-out person. »
Keriana is most confused. « Peej? What about him? Do you know something that I don't?» Eggs as matchmakers. Weird. « Nah, I don't know so much about Peej. I know more about Fyenai, and Ziven, and Mysarra, and .. and.. » Those people. « Oh, you want more information about other people! » Right.
Casiella smiles indulgently, 'swimming' with the Egg for several long moments and enjoying the 'warmth' and the sights. Somewhat unhappily, she expresses to the Egg that she must move on, promising to visit the Egg again soon.
Star-Eyed Helper Egg to Keriana> « Shimmering Void of Power pauses for a moment, the golden star withering for a few moments, and the image of Peej - another tech person - fades into the endless void. For a few moments the red of anger glares - the heat more like of that in an active volcano - before it seems to get its temper back under its control. It's rather obvious that it can gleam information about others from those others, when they come around. It wants more about /you/. »
Keriana eyerolls in answer to it's last flareup. « Ah. He's just another one. Well, I'm here as a candidate for all of you, but before that, I was an apprentice posted here. And I'm still working on that craft, so I don't really expect life to change much. » Her story is told in a tone that's mostly self-effacing, because there's no really bright achievements, except for leaving her little island hold.
Second To The Right Egg to Casiella> « Tinklings of Tiny Golden Bells shimmers about in the warm water, now more of a glow than a a twinkling star. It jingles it understanding and pipes a little tune, familiar but you would never play it. Liek something from your childhood but it brings back no more than a feeling. It sprays a blast of glittering water droplets at you and fades away, the tune echoing, along with the glitter, in your mind. »
Casiella smiles softly, pulling away from the Egg slowly, unwillingly. She turns, looking for her next target, and chooses instead the Death From Above Egg.
Star-Eyed Helper Egg to Keriana> « Shimmering Void of Power apologizes for its burst of temper, with a comforting blue star, which gives off a fuzzier warmth than the golden star did. But no one is perfect, including little hatchlings-to-be. It starts to withdraw slightly, though the comforting star also supports - what it feels to be - your declining mood, bolstering the fact that everything is something, and a person doesn't need Big Events to be a good person, yes? »
Death From Above Egg to Casiella> « Gentle Feathers of Doom drifts into your mind, a breeze of docile multi-colored feathers. One might call this hatchling-to-be sedate and calm, as the feathers gently drift about your mind, with the touch of down feathers. It doesn't pry for information, as some of its siblings might tend to do, but instead, it waits, wary, the feathers rustling in a gentle breeze. »
Casiella blinks at this Egg's patience, looking mildly confused. Tentatively, she opens her mind. This Egg was nothing near what she had expected, and she presents that emotion to the Egg. Surprise and interest.
Keriana sagenods, agreeing with it. « Sorry if I seemed upset. Not really, maybe.. miffed. » The blueness is very nice, and that is accepted. « Big events are.. well, they are something that happens in the future, I suppose. Like you hatching, and everyone else hatching.. and then seeing who Impresses.. that'll be a Big Event, right?» Keriana sits down beside it on the sands, leaning against the smooth warm egg.
Death From Above Egg to Casiella> « Gentle Feathers of Doom really isn't as pushy as some of its siblings are! The feathers drift into your mind on a lofty breeze, dipping, dropping, then lifting up again as they tickle the edge of your mind, gleaming the top layer of information in a sluggish mannor. Surprise? For a long moment the draft pauses, letting the feathers settle before it picks up again, with a feeling of indifference. It does things the way it does things. »
Star-Eyed Helper Egg to Keriana> « Shimmering Void of Power wraps that blue star around your mind, as the endless void withdraws a little further, the green star again chortling in the distance as the golden star shimmers in agreement. That'll be a Big Event indeed. One that it's looking forward to with much anticipation! Your mind is briefly swamped in a comforting and fuzzy warmth (a hug?) before it keeps withdrawing from your mind, as it seems to be nudging at you to go visit some of its siblings. »
Keriana yawns. "Oh, right.. more people are here. You should talk with them, too." Because Keriana is most busy. Yesh.
Casiella nods, amiably. "You are a refreshing change after the other Eggs I have Touched." She says to it, quietly. "Not that your brothers and sisters are bad in their… Entrances. Just a little startling, is all."
Death From Above Egg to Casiella> « Gentle Feathers of Doom snorts in a strong burst of wind, sending feathers that suddenly lost a bit of their downy-softness crashing against your mind before they settle into their drowsy patterns once more. Like its brothers and sisters it is not. Most definitely not! In fact - though one might not want to mention it to the hatchling - it can be down right dense and slow on the uptake of things. »
Dashiell slips onto the hatching sands, damp as anything. Looking behind him, he then turns to bow to the gold, before slipping his way through the eggs. Having touched a good many, he settles himself by the Bonded to an Alpha egg.. it's tickled him for some time, and he crouches, laying a palm on it in silence. To start with at least.
Mylla wanders in with her group of slightly tardy candidates, her hair and skin just a little wet. She hurries to make up for lost time, searching through the clutch to find an egg she's yet to touch. She settles on the Star-Eyed Helper egg, stepping up and placing her palm on it, gently.
----< Mylla touches egg 3 - Star-Eyed Helper Egg >----
Star-Eyed Helper Egg to Mylla> « Shimmering Void of Power creeps into your mind, nothing more than a black void filling space. Dimmly in the background, different color starts can be noted, which echo the color-emotions that can be found in a dragon's eyes and more. Those dim stars shimmer faintly in the distance of your mind's eye as the blackness creeps further in, searching the topmost thoughts of your mind for information. »
Casiella pauses, looking quite thoughtful for a long moment. "No, you aren't anything like your brothers and sisters." She says, slowly. "You are different, and that, too, is quite refreshing. Have you been enjoying yourself, with so many people visiting you?"
Eydie rushes in, behind Dashiell and Mylla, and is still buttoning her shirt up. Oops? Damp as ever, the teen turns to make respectful bows to the gold and other higher-ups present. "Sorry we're late," she says hurriedly, and heading over to an egg that someone isn't occupying. She'll touch the Far Side of the World Egg. Yes.
Death From Above Egg to Casiella> « Gentle Feathers of Doom rustles around in your mind, drifting here, drifting there. Could it be any more laid back than it seems to be? Well, yes. It could be sleeping instead. The semi-rough feathers regain their soft downy-ness as the wind chuckles, the feathers rousing up in a brief cyclone of cheeriness. Yes, yes it has been enjoying itself, except for when its gotten confused, that is. At the thought of being confused, the cyclone dies, feathers laying limp on the 'ground' of your mind. »
Bonded to an Alpha Egg to Dashiell> « Rough Sandpaper Thoughts scrapes into your mind with a faint shimmer of gold and a rustle of sand as it probles your mind, more roughly than many of the others. It practically manhandles you for a moment, flipping you this way and that before plopping you back on your feet. Well now, have we a soldier here? » [Elia]
Mylla smiles tenatively at the egg, her fingertips slowly dancing over the surface of the shell. She takes a look around the sands, idly, then focuses her thoughts to help out the pre-hatchling form an impression about her. Her name, appearance, friends, daily life, family… she gives mental impressions of everything really important to her as quickly as possible.
Dashiell lets out a faint snort, a'wash with sensations in his mind as he is, he peers around, looking left and right at his fellow candidates, and over at the gold in situ cautiously, then looks back at the egg under his hands. "In a way." he murmurs to it. "I keep myself in order anyway. I have to. There's not much room for slack in my life.." - HAH! Not that anyone would realise that at times.
Star-Eyed Helper Egg to Mylla> « Shimmering Void of Power pauses at the brink of your mind, trying to absorb all of the information thrown its way, before it finally puts up its own barriers, gathering itself before an angry red star shouts into your mind to slow down. And a mental breath is taken, as your mind is empty of everything except faintly glimmering stars, and a very vast void. Information is very good, but spilling it out in two seconds flat does nothing for it. »
Far Side Of The World Egg to Eydie> « Soft Scratchings of Pencil and Groans of Waterlogged Wood wash in and out like the sea, the pencil pausing almost at once upon your approach. Scents of surgical scrub layered over with salt of the sea tickle your nose as the sounds of filing paper put signifiy notes put aside, for the moment. Deep at the bottom of your mind water watches back and forth, the groaning of the wood pausing to ask with warmth and politeness how it might help you. »
Bonded to an Alpha Egg to Dashiell> « Rough Sandpaper Thoughts drag over you like a canine's tongue, a swirl of copper ribbon signifying it's approval of your togetherness. It doesn't stand for slackers, you know, and it seems that's all that's been approaching it lately. With a clang of iron, it slips further into your thoughts. Hmm, not a fool, either. It can't abide the silly little scatterbrains that have been flitting it's way, the thought of disgust puntuated by the vague image of some other candidate. » [Elia]
Eydie turns her head, looking down at the egg she's touching. "Well, I was just touching you," she says, in a somewhat incredulous tone. She doesn't know how the egg can help her? "I'm just curious is all," she says, shrugging her shoulders in the direction of the egg, before looking around at her surroundings. Putting another hand on the egg, she just turns back to it. "There's nothing wrong with being curious, right?"
Mylla seems to recoil from the egg, surprised a bit by some sort of feedback she gets from it. After a second or two to compose herself, she plants her hand on the shell again, giving an apologetic note, then going back through the information about herself again, much more slowly this time.
Dashiell's lips quirk up, a faint little smirk on the side of his mouth. "A lot of us arn't used to hardship of that kind." he informs his current egg. Thinking deeply, he offers a view of a backpack, which can /only/ contain so much in the 'ol' kit bag' and he smiles, smiles, smiles. "No room for extras, save for small things. You have to make sure you don't cart a lot of extra baggage along for the ride." He glances at the others again, then hunkers lower to the shell, murmuring low. "You have a fan though."
Star-Eyed Helper Egg to Mylla> « Shimmering Void of Power would sigh, if sound would carry in the void that is its mind. But instead a golden star which emits a soft warmth glows and glimmers in front of you as the void starts for your mind again, wrapping around it with a gentle touch, now absorbing the information at a much better rate, stopping you here and there to question you at points of interest in your life. Y'know, things that make you, you. »
Far Side Of The World Egg to Eydie> « Soft Scratchings of Pencil and Groans of Waterlogged Wood roll about, the pencil recording in small notes your reactions, but only for a moment. Reassurance leaks into your mind in the form of the scents of exotic herbs. Of course there's nothing wrong. Nothing at all. A few sounds like the shifting of wood and the tinkling of glass and a heated sweet smelling herbal mixture is offered. What would you like to know? It has fabulous accounts fom other visitors and stories of some of the things here to offer you. »
Bonded to an Alpha Egg to Dashiell> « Rough Sandpaper Thoughts quiver in your mind, dumbstruck by the idea that it has a fan. A thin band of gold encircles your thoughts, considerably more gently than before. Really, it's not so rough. Facade, mostly, a face it puts up for the public. Like a dog begging at your feet, the thin ring of gold shimmers into a soft grey as it pokes for info. Certainly, stranger tings have happened than the idea this little mind has a fan. » [Elia]
Casiella soothes the Egg gently. "There is no reason to be confused." She tells the Egg. "Life's much to short to be confused. Make what you can of life, and go on."
Dashiell can't help but grin. Absorbing as the eggs are, he brings his face even closer to the surface, whispering to it. "Mysarra likes you." an image of the pernicketty girl comes to mind. "She's always speaking about you. And I like you too.. did right from the first time I saw you. But.. I havn't had the chance to speak to you yet. Bad timing I think." The strict regimentation doesn't seem to bother him that much, he even seems to welcome the structue, but.. his gaze trails over the odd fur flurries on the eggshell. "A place for everything, and everything in its place.. there's nothing wrong with that.. but sometimes, you have to play just as hard as you work, you know. Sometimes you have to let fly the strict, and go with the enjoyment."
Death From Above Egg to Casiella> « Gentle Feathers of Doom likes this approach from you, as the lazy draft stirs up the feathers again, and they resume tickling your mind in their slow, but somehow amusing way, looking to gleam bits of information/emotions here and there. Alright, so it isn't exciting, but who needs to be exciting to /enjoy/? »
Eydie looks down at the egg and blinks. "I like stories," she says in a relatively surprised tone. "You can tell me some good ones? Like about who?" she asks, slowly realizing she's asking questions in rapid fire. "Sorry, I'll slow down, but what can you show me?" Yes, Eydie is talking to an egg. She never thought she'd come to this. A glance around proves she thinks no one is listening, and she goes back to looking at the egg.
Mylla continues her little mental question and answer session with the egg, filling in the little questions with answers, trying to be honest and not puff herself up too much with that ego of hers. Forgetting that this isn't a normal conversation, her replies slip verbal again. "So what about you? What're you like? What are you looking forward to?"
Casiella giggles happily at the tickling sensation that floats through her mind, letting the Egg feel that she is relaxed. It may also let her glean a few memories - a girl session here, a bit of chores there, and a more recent altercation that she frowns upon and attempts to tuck hastily away.
Fyenai is a bit late after the others, but he had to stop in the barracks for just a moment, though he knows later that it was silly. Now he stands at the entrance, bowing low to the gold and taking a moment to look over the eggs before he sneaks closer to the Second one in order to visit with that one again, patting it's surface gently and offering it a smile, "Hi, again."
Bonded to an Alpha Egg to Dashiell> « Rough Sandpaper Thoughts can understand the need for play, though it can't quite wrap those flurries of gold and black around what exactly one does 'to play'. From what is can gather from the others it had spoken to, it has gathered something about swimming in the ocean, a concept that sounds very enjoyable, and some sort of structured game where one person tries to find a bunch of people that have hidden from them. The latter is an interesting idea, though it thinks it might have to put those ideas to the test when it gets out. At the mention of you liking it, however, you suddenly feel a strange surge of loyality and strength, as though it were trying to bouy you up. Indeed, it likes you as well, for al that it comes offa bit gruff at first. » [Elia]
Star-Eyed Helper Egg to Mylla> « Shimmering Void of Power glimmers in your mind with the multi-colored stars, each taking their own turn, from the golden approval, to green's humor and blue's comfort and support. Even the annoyed orange takes its turn, swatting at you when your ego starts to over inflate. It? Oh, well here's the second person to ask that question. Faintly in the distance a hawk made of flame perches on a pair of stars. That, that is what it really is. A sense of pride - the hawk - fills the egg. Guidance to give, friendship to have, that's what its looking for. What its looking forward to. »
Far Side Of The World Egg to Eydie> « Soft Scratchings of Pencil and Groans of Waterlogged Wood dissolve into the sound of shuffling paper and unloaded books. One of these flips open and reveals images of Western Weyr that were shown, a few pages flip and another place, Ista, is shown. Then Igen. It continues on, page after page of unique places. Then opens another book with a creak. Images of birds and beasts and even humans decorate the pages. No color, unfortunately. »
Ziven slowly walks into the caverns, dusting what little flower is stilll speckled on his shirt, wrinkling up his nose as he pauses in his steps to sneeze into his hand. "Ug." is muttered quietly before he manages a bow to the gold.
Second To The Right Egg to Fyenai> « Tinklings of Tiny Golden Bells loop in, a bright ball of light gleaming so brilliantly at the joy of itself. It loops in tiny cartwheels, shimmering and jingling with gay laughter. Oh how wonderful to be me! It seem to declare in every flicker and chime. There's a pause. It wheels about to you and tinkles merrily. It's YOU! There's a spray of glitter upon you, dazzling and twinkling like stars within your mind. How wonderful! You've come to see me again! A little tune pipes in the back of your mind. It soars around you, and it's own glitter jingling and piping merrily. »
Mylla continues to run her hands over the egg, her expression unsure and evaluating, but also upbeat and optimistic. "What made you pick that image for yourself? What do the hawk and the fire and the stars mean to you? Symbols can mean different things to different people, after all."
Death From Above Egg to Casiella> « Gentle Feathers of Doom gleans these little memories with a bit of wonder, its simpleton mind not really catching on to some of the things happening. But at the thought you try to tuck away from it, talons burst from the thick cover of feathers and latch onto the thought, tugging it back to view. Uh, there's a new aspect! »
"Places?" Eydie asks, looking down at the egg in question. "Stories of places? I recognize some of those places, actually," she says, sounding slightly confused. "I don't recognize any of the humans," she says slowly. Shards, and here she was thinking the egg was going to gossip!
"Thanks for the vote of confidence there." Dashiell confides to his egg-of-the-moment. "It's nice to be liked. Hmmmm…." Thinking to himself, he compiles some thoughts up firmly and offers them for perusal: Play, involving, at least for him, honing his skills with dexterity, and his suppleness, doing exersizes that enourage flexibility, juggling balls, rolling knives across his fingers, things like that. "It's different for everyone." his hand strokes the shell beneath him. "Sometimes, people just play in order to relax from work.. me, I like to play by doing a different kind of work. Skills should be maintained or they go soft. I'm sure when you're out and about, you'll take to playing in the skies, or maybe swimming, and flying beneath the waves."
Casiella blinks, startled, tugging the thought away from the Egg and trying diligently to tuck it back into the shadows, where it belongs. Glimpses of the memory show an altercation between a certain not-quite-sober blue rider, herself, and an unidentified brownrider. Fear, uncertainty, and anger are all attached to the memory.
Ziven wanders around the eggs and finally lets his hand settle on one he hasn't been to yet, kneeling slightly so he isn't overtowering the egg too much.
Fyenai laughs quietly at something, folding his arms and settling them atop the egg so that he's sort of leaning on it, careful not to put all his weight on it, though, so he doesn't knock either of them down, "Yep! Of course I came to see you again. It was fun talking to you, last time. Have you met a lot of people?" He traces invisible little designs on the egg's surface as he speaks, relaying some of them to the egg mentally so that its inhabitant can have fun with the shapes.
Star-Eyed Helper Egg to Mylla> « Shimmering Void of Power pauses for a moment, as if its thinking before it swathes you in its gentle warmth, as if it just wants to be comforting, even while it 'talks'. Why the hawk? Hawks fly free, and the fact their preditors nothing tends to interfere except to annoy. Fire? Fire can be fierce, but also warming and life saving. The stars? Well.. that's just its way of communicating. »
Death From Above Egg to Casiella> « Gentle Feathers of Doom claws at the memory. Once it sets its talons into something, it's not all that keen on letting go until it gets what it wants. A few more moments and the talons release the memory, and then disappear into the downy-feathers which tickle your mind once more, back to its lazy indifference as if nothing happened. »
Bonded to an Alpha Egg to Dashiell> « Rough Sandpaper Thoughts pulls back in utter wonder as the image of each of those feats flashes into it's mind. Black and copper weave together in your thought, meshing into a canope that floats over your mind. How…amazing! A sudden delight floods your thoughts, followed by curiousity. Perhaps it can learn to do some of those things? Swimming and flying are quite natural thought, but juggling? Rolling knives? That's the sort of things it'd like to do! » [Elia]
Mylla seems to grow a little more comfortable with her egg, edging a little bit closer and nodding to the egg, even though it obviously can't see her do so. "That's pretty sophisticated… you seem very mature for your age." Being, what, negative a couple sevendays? "Do you have more questions about me? Or the world outside?"
Casiella smiles softly, letting the Egg drift back into it's sombriety. She gives its shell a last pat, promising to return and spice up it's time, then she pulls away completely. She bows to Kilaueth, and makes her way quietly off the Sands, looking contemplative.
Far Side Of The World Egg to Eydie> « Soft Scratchings of Pencil and Groans of Waterlogged Wood roll out a bit longer than normal with a pause of curiousity. Then slide back in. It is documenting these things. Oh yes. But it has some adventures. Rolling in this time a story of a battle so well documented you can see the ships and hear the cannon fire, the yells, the gunsmoke and the splintering of wood. This could not have come from any visitor. Continuing in the pages are the eggs opinions on the battle. The bloodshed and its dislike of such barbaricism. Like beasts… The surgical scrub scent takes over a little now as the mind is reminded of such things and is disgusted with them. Little lights, like candles, flicker. »
Star-Eyed Helper Egg to Mylla> « Shimmering Void of Power blanks the stars out for a second in a negative, leaving your mind utterly black for those few moments, and then the stars flash back on. Oh, it's home again. And that nice golden warmth strokes you again, thanking for the compliment as another non-descript color star nudges you on your way if your done with your own questions, and the hawk disappears back into the void. There are siblings to explore, you know! »
Born from the Stone Egg to Ziven> « Curious Shimmers of Warmth explodes into your thoughts with a wave of warm blues and green, like drowning in food dye and bubbles, a feeling of utter happiness that someone has come to visit it. It plucks at your mind, vibrating like a harp string as it tickles you. Letsee, perhaps you have some fun new games for it to learn about? There's absolutly nothing it loves better than games. » [Elia]
Eydie pauses, looking the egg once over and blinking. "What happened to you? Nothing, I can't think. You couldn't have gone or seen any of these things. You're an /egg/." Yes, state the obvious, Eydie. "So where are you getting this?" she asks, looking around once more, before giving the egg a light pat. "I'd best be going, though. Places to go, eggs to touch, that sort of thing."
Dashiell laughs ever so lightly. With a slight rearranging of his posture, he settles himself on the sand, knees bracing his egg-of-the-moment so that contact is maintained, and giving in to the urge to try and 'buff' the surface to get rid of some of the trench-grime that's in the shell's colouring. "It's all a matter of practice.. From what I've seen of what you'll be one day, you have.. hands. Even if you're destined for someone else, I could probably teach you to toss a sand-bag between one and the other. Juggling is simply a matter of catching and throwing in a loop. It's not honestly that hard." - He says, when the image comes unbidden into his mind, of clonking himself in the head several times in the learning, with sand-filled balls. "I want to learn how to /use/ the knives. Not just juggle and play tricks with them." - Rememberance comes of being shot, hurt by a weapon he has no wish to encounter again.
Ziven blinks slightly as he leans back taking in this odd sensation for a moment before finally parting his lips to speak, "Games? I'm afraid I don't know any games…I've been too busy to play games, I'm sorry. There's nothing really interesting about me."
Mylla edges back away from the egg, giving a friendly farewell in her mind as her fingertips drift away. She then looks back around at the clutch, smiling as she spots Eydie. "You should try this one, it's… unique." Aren't they all? She moves over next to touch the egg Eydie was just at, tenatively tracing a fingertip along the designs on the surface.
Second To The Right Egg to Fyenai> « Tinklings of Tiny Golden Bells twinkle merrily and gather up teh proffered shapes, spraying them with glitter each. It pipes a little tune. Yes! It has met many people! Some like to play too! You are suddenly transported to the high foliage of a brilliant jungle canopy. The green leaves seem to glow like gems. It is here the little shimmer star places these pretty designs, hanging them with the most care and twinkling. This is it's home! For now. Part of it atleast. It did not get to show you before! »
Far Side Of The World Egg to Mylla> « Soft Scratchings of Pencil and Groans of Waterlogged Wood wash in and out like the sea, the pencil pausing almost at once upon your approach. Scents of surgical scrub layered over with salt of the sea tickle your nose as the sounds of filing paper put signifiy notes put aside, for the moment. Deep at the bottom of your mind water watches back and forth, the groaning of the wood pausing to ask with warmth and politeness how it might help you. »