Super Science Scrubbers!

Xanadu Weyr - Main Clearing
A wide clearing stretches from east to west, the ground packed hard although grass grows across most of it. Trees are strictly forbidden in this space, their danger to the constant draconic traffic reason enough to banish them to the forest that creates a border to the north. Where the ground is less trampled, tiny flowers poke their delicate heads out from their shaded hiding places with upturned petals to wave to whoever may be looking.
The cliff looms imposingly on two sides. Toward the southwest, a spire stretches up to high above where the everpresent watchdragon sits on a lonely peak with Xanadu's Starstones. A massive rocky spur extends to the north, curved slightly to hold the clearing and pocked with doors and windows.
The hatching arena and Dragonhealers' Annex sit to the southeast, built together into a single complex that takes up a large portion of the perimeter beneath its domed roof. To the southwest, wide steps lead up to the caverns, and almost directly south is the entrance to the Infirmary. Nestled between the infirmary and the main caverns there's a human-sized archway with frequent traffic - it leads to the Wanderin' Wherry Tavern.
Tucked near the arch, just off to one side is a tiny wood-frame shop bearing the name 'Wildflower Boutique'. Windows have been cut along the cliff in various places along the cliff. Those of the administrative offices are placed to have the best view of Xanadu's airspace - to the southwest, over the entrance to the caverns and the infirmary. Others mark the dormitories and those of lucky residents, while toward the northern edge of that spur cluster the windows and entrances to the crafters' complex.
The rest of the Weyr lies to the north and east - a broad road that leads through the meadow and the trees of the forest beyond. At the far northern edge of the clearing, just inside the perimeter kept clear of trees, a clocktower sits and proudly displays the hour.

Why are Risali and Leirith out in the middle of the main clearing? BECAUSE MIND YA BUSINESS, THAT'S WHY. It's summer time, the world is bright and warm and still. There's not a cloud in the sky to hint at a summer shower or to provide relief from the persistent glare of one very eager Rukbat, and Risali is taking shelter beneath one VERY LARGE WING as she stands there with hands on her hips, glaring skywards at something nobody else can see (probably because it isn't there yet), and looking the perfect picture of impatience with hands on her hips and one foot set forward just so. « A-WEEMA-WEH, A-WEEMA-WEH, A-WEEMA-WEH, A-WEEMA-WEH. » IN THE JUNGLE, THE MIGHHHHTTTTY JUNGLE. But no, really. Leirith seems to have that part on repeat, and that enormous body is giving a slight bobbobbob that hints at some kind of draconic dancing and - it's a mess, really. To boot, they're just kind of in the middle of the clearing, blocking the way without being polite enough to move when somehow-blind-and-or-deaf passersby nearly collide with a golden hide or the tiny woman lurking beneath the shade of wing. Okay, so there is plenty of room, but ROLL WITH IT. "I don't see it." « A-WEEMA-WEH, A-WEEMA-WEH, A-WEEMA-WEH. » Yep. ENJOY THIS SET, FULL OF A WHOLE LOT OF NOTHING. SORRY GUYS. SUPER FAIL. BUT THERE'S A MASSIVE, QUEENLY OBSTICAL IN THE WAY AT LEAST.

The curious thread-tangle of Euclath's interest precedes him into the clearing, nudging up around the heavy bass-beat of gold-mind, subtle enough to pass beneath notice - though he's hardly making any deliberate attempt to. He comes curious-ing in all on his own, with no Meion in sight, following that not-a-sound to stalk the wild (and emphatically-sprawled) Leirith into the Weyr's central clearing.

Rukbat's eagerness ain't got nothing on Leirith's! While the queen takes front and center in the light, Garouth sweeps in from the south, where the shadows are at their longest - not that it makes much difference, this time of year and day. The bronze is in the air, D'lei in his straps as they carry out the aerial form of the surveillance that Leirith and Risali conduct from the ground. NONE SHALL ESCAPE THIS OBSERVATION. …at least, not if it's what they're looking for. And they happen to see it. But, hey, there's the potential there, right?

Rhodelia might not have her very own business, but some business does at least have her carrying a towering stack of buckets from the caverns towards the Wherry. Precarious the burden may be as it sways with every step. Even if she can't exactly see over the buckets, the SOUND is enough to have the bartender pausing shortly before she would have ran into said golden hide. The sudden lack of movement doesn't agree with that stack of buckets and first one comes tumbling down and then another and pretty soon, all of them are crashing down and sending clouds of whatever white substance might have been in said buckets. Never mind Rhodelia, she'll just be coughing over there looking like she ran face first into a sack of flour.

"I still don't see it." « GAROUTH LOOKS BADASS UP THERE. » "Stop staring at Garouth." Leirith's answer? A bombastically amused, « NO. » "You are supposed to be looking for it, Leirith." « I AM LOOKING AT WHAT I CARE TO SEE, MINION. » But DO NOT WORRY, Risali's focus might be tangled up towards the sky on that something-that-isn't-there (and maybe might never be, because her source is D'merial), and Leirith might be staring at DAT TAIL, but that head tilts just as Euclath appears, the lack of rider noted, the queen no less enthusiastic when she projects, « MY EUCLATH. » BOOMBOOMBOOMBOOM. Those bass and drums pick up, a hint of affection woven through draconic speech, even if both Risali's and Leirith's attention are pulled from their respective points to Rhodelia. Leirith just drops her head to the ground, tilts it as whirling eyes find Euclath again and she tells him (and the world), « I BELIEVE THIS IS WHAT THE HUMANS CALL A 'GHOST'. » Badum, tsh. Risa has the grace, at least, to wince, and then hedge out from beneath wing-shade to move towards Rhody and all those dropped buckets. Don't mind her, she's just going to start collecting things and glance upwards from where she's crouched with an awkward half-smile. "Are you okay?" The words are tentative - not quite lacking confidence, but definitely a hint apologetic.

Euclath bounds forward into the bright beat of Leirith's attention - and that dustcloud, full of the urge to be helpful. It's the sort of thing that Meion would offer to do, after all, and since she's not here, it falls to him to be helpful. How does one help with this sort of thing, again? « What should I do? » The inquiry is for Leirith and Garouth, though he's not yet so practiced at controlling his reach as to fully escape the notice of their respective riders. Meanwhile, in his attempt to assist he's doing something of the opposite, adding a small dragon's-worth of chaos to the cleanup situation and turning teal-blue scales cloud-colored with whatever-that-is.

Garouth, what do your dragon eyes see? …clouds. Not in the sky, oh no; that would be too normal and usual. Instead, there are clouds billowing up from the clearing, powdery white to cloak (or at least dust at) humans and dragons alike. He cups the air with his wings to hang for a moment and get a better look, then folds them into a swoop down to land himself at the clearing's edge. Probably out of the range of flour-like smog, but it's not like he's had a great deal of experience with that particular hazard, so here he is. Ground-crawling shadows sweep out from the epicenter of his landing, rustling through the grass and scuttling quickly against the ground worn bare by footsteps until they reach Leirith and Euclath. « She is not dead. » D'lei is not far behind that swarming darkness, swinging off Garouth's neck and approaching with an expression midway between amusement and curiosity. « Does it burn? Or freeze? » That's directed to Euclath, as rescue-and-tech experienced dragon assesses for dangerous chemicals that are probably rather unlikely given the actual circumstances. « Is there a smell like rotten eggs, or ammonia? »

Cough, cough, cough. Rhodelia is mostly alright and eventually straightens back up and the coughing mellows out and she can't help but laugh slightly at the sight of the baby blue's 'help', although Garouth's landing was probably more useful at getting any airborn particles away from folks. "It's just baking soda," Rhody offers to Risali in case anybody might be worrying about what all the mystery substance might be even as she goes to pick up some of the other buckets. She won't even argue about the ghostness, although she would be the world's patchiest ghost since the cloud didn't cake evenly. "Was there a reason she sounded like one of the alarm bells?" WEE-WOO-WEE-WAH-WEE-WOO

Meanwhile, Leirith is the opposite of Garouth: ZERO HELPFUL. « YOU ARE DOING PERFECT, TINY BADASS. » She might even give him a boop with her snoot to help him in amid all of that baking-soda chaos, shifting her wings to tuck in against her back now that Risali is no longer hiding beneath them and scooting massive hide just a touch Garouth-wards. DID HER PAW JUST SMACK DOWN ON A SHADOW? Maybe? And so what if she is looking at the bottom of her paw. Risa's attention strays to D'lei as he approaches, a look on the weyrwoman's face that's probably somewhere between, 'help me,' and, 'help her' before she blinks back up to Rhodelia. "I didn't think they would give you something dangerous." NOT OUT OF TRUST, but Rhodelia isn't exactly boasting the most dangerous of occupations - not when it comes to chemical compounds anyway. Or… ones that aren't intended for fueling drunkenness versus mass hysteria. And, finally: "She was singing." There's a hint of a smile on Risali's lips, a touch a mischief, a hint of her usual deviance as if she's laughing at Leirith and Leirith SNORTS. MORE BAKING SODA CLOUD. Or maybe that was a sneeze. « IT WAS BADASS. » It was something.

Testing for what it smells like! Euclath can do that - he's a Very Helpful Dragon! « It's not warm or cold. And I don't think it smells like either of those things. What do they smell like? » Sheltered Euclath, who has been spared dealing with any rotten eggs thus far. « It just smells… very dry. » He basks in Leirith's praise, sunbeams through the forest of his experiences. As the dustcloud settles, Meion comes jogging up from the direction of the barracks, wheezing and holding her sides. It looks like she may have been neglecting her own physical training, while Euclath focused on his.

Squooshy squishy shadow guts! Darkness makes a dappled blotch against Leirith's paw, evocative of…. something, that's for sure… before it fades to smoke. Other whiffs of smoke rise to Euclath, shadows turned to scents that are… at least only remembered, rather than actually present. « Like these. » Garouth is also helpful, expanding the limits of knowledge with all sorts of terrible things! « It is likely safe. » The powder, he means - a claim which is further supported by the lack of any screaming and also Rhodelia's relative unconcern (and report of the actual substance in question). D'lei reaches to pick up one of the tumbled buckets, being maybe-actually-helpful… but also adding, "Could have been powdered bleach." For scrubbing up afterward!
It's true! And aside from being pretty flamable, most substances Rhodelia handles are pretty safe. Her wincing is more for the explanation of Leirith's… singing, until she spins around to spot a D'lei. "They make bleach in powder?" THE MORE YOU KNOW!!!! As for Meion's arrival, that gets another wince, followed with a bit of a bashful smile. "Cleaning him should be easier than it looks." At least it wasn't flour! or anything sticky in said buckets. You could consider Euclath pre-scrubbed in all his baking soda covered glory.

A beat, as Risali considers D'lei's offering of what it could have been and… a half shoulder shrug and a huff of a laugh before she breathes out, "You're right." Because he is, and Risali is not a creature so full of pride that she can't admit it. Another bucket gathered, stacked, and Risali rises back to her full (unimpressive) height, dusting her clothes as if it will be ANY AMOUNT OF HELPFUL and turning her attention onto Meion. There's a beat as she takes in the computercrafter's state of wheezing, and then Risali offers a soft, amused, "Alright, Meion?" LEIRITH HAS SOOT SPOTS ON HER FEET. TRANSPORTATION TO MIYAZAKI WORLD: COMPLETE. Except… no. It disappears, and the queen's laughter ricochets and reverberates even as her attention falls back to Euclath, silent as Garouth delivers another lesson and even offers up glimpses of his own experiences. « I SAW THAT, MINION. » YOUR WINCE ABOUT HER SINGING, RHODY. But don't worry, she's laughing. Listen. They can't all be beautiful creatures full of haunting melodies, okay.

Euclath "assists" with dusting off Risali's clothes, by the recently-learned trick of rearing back and giving a solid wingbeat in her direction. Which does at least move more of the dust from her clothes to the ground, even if it is somewhat uncontrolled. It's less chaotic than if Leirith or Garouth had done it, at least! There's an advantage to being the smaller sort of dragon. In the meantime, Meion nods to Risali, holding up a hand in the well-known just-need-a-moment gesture, panting until she can reply. "Oof.. He's just.." *wheeze* "faster.. than me." Which explains a lot about how he came to be here while she was still most assuredly back there. Euclath beams, all bright forest-floor, taking that as a compliment.

"Sure do!" D'lei grins to Rhodelia. "For when you want a sprinkle instead of a splash." Whenever that may be! He nods to Risali, a grin for her as well - and then, with buckets duly stacked, he leans over to give her a greeting in the form of a kiss… which means his mouth is conveniently open for that gust of Euclath-generated wind. Mmmm, baking soda. It's the baking-soda-est. D'lei makes a face, though there's still amusement in with the what-have-I-done, and wipes his mouth semi-effectually with the back of his hand before he grins to Meion. "…just a bit of vinegar in the wash-water, and it'll be an excellent bath." Note that D'lei did not say effective. Note also his amusement as he makes the suggestion, which … well, Euclath will surely enjoy it, so that makes it not-at-all-terrible, right?

Gears turn in Rhodelia's head as she tries to formulate when a sprinkle might be preferable (her usual bleach measurement is in deluges), but whatever it is, she just shrugs. And like in slow-mo, when she sees Euclath rearing back, she flings a hand over her eyes. She doesn't quite manage to shield everything and so once the wind settles down, there's a lot of blinking and a bit of watery eyes. "Can we just like cover the baking soda up with dirt?" Rhody toes at where some of the soda-dust has settled in with the ground.

AWWWWYIS. D'lei comes in for that kiss and Risali looks momentarily snared. HELLO, BEAUTIFUL MAN. Fingers twist in the weyrleader's tunic, she presses to the tips of booted feet, and closes her eyes, and tilts her head and - wing buffet. The weyrwoman scrunches eyes and mouth closed, her nose scrunching too as if it might somehow save it from the assault of baking powder renewed, but no. And then Risali is laughing, her hair slightly askew but her humor still in tact, interrupted by one ducked-into-her-shoulder sneeze and then more laughter. When she blinks open grey eyes into a squint, she's letting go of D'lei's tunic and tilting sideways into him instead, thunking her shoulder in against his chest and turning her attention onto the blue. "Thank you," she manages on a breath. "That was very helpful." Now her gaze strays back to Meion, settles there for a moment while D'lei speaks and she adds, "He is pretty quick." Mentally and physically she means. "But soon you won't have to outrun him. You can just hop on." AND BE WHERE HE IS. Wherever that may be. AS FOR DIRT AND BAKING SODA… "Do you think that would be much help?" Because Risa thinks it would just be a dust cloud of another kind. "Leirith, go get wet and roll in this." « NO. I AM STARING AT GAROUTH. » And apparently extending a paw to playfully attempt a TRAP on Euclath's tail. "Well, it was worth a shot."

Euclath is caught off-guard by Leirith's paw! Also, caught by the tail by that same paw. He looks up at her with indignation that's completely ineffectual at concealing his amusement. « That isn't helping! » But it's an important lesson in being aware of what might catch your tail - and that's important, right? Meion laughs as she gets her breath, nodding to Risali. "Soon, I hope! Otherwise, I think I need to take running lessons." And really, that is not the sort of thing Meion wants to be doing. She considers on D'lei's joking suggestion as she looks at the baking-dust-covered ground, and laughs. "Actually, that's not a bad idea. Leirith, if you'd let Euclath go…" She focuses her mind intently - there's a big pail down by the weyrling barracks that's designed to be carried in dragon-mouth, and she pictures it, trying to wordlessly instruct Euclath to fill it and return with water.

D'lei comes from the strange lands of technology, where things like 'selective oxidation' and 'trace patterns' are, well, things. As opposed to this land, where…. baking soda is a thing. And what a thing it is! He curls his arm around Risali as she leans to him, fingertips tracing down along her opposite side, and grins. He's probably got more of the baking soda on him now, after Euclath's help, but… so it goes, so it goes. Such matters do not concern him! He does give Euclath a considering look, a hmm to go with it… and then a heh. "First comes the part where you can't even follow him," he says to Meion. "He'll be flying before you can ride him." Because really, the proportion of wings to dragon to human has some implications about what will and won't be possible… and besides, D'lei knows the rough outlines of weyrling lessons. Which do not include tail-capturing and its avoidance, but that's probably just an oversight. Garouth eases himself into motion as well, taking advantage of Leirith's distraction at pouncing Euclath's tail to circle around and… pounce Leirith's! At least, if he can evade her staring-at long enough to do it. Or distract her further by making her write poetry about his motion. Or something. The ideas for how to handle this spill draw the bronzerider's gaze back to it, considering on his own… then tilting his head to listen as Meion makes a suggestion to-Euclath that - in addition to helping - demonstrates that a rider is never far even if they're not actually physically present!

Rhodelia shrugs as for the benefits of covering up the mess. "There's not exactly a rug to push it all under…" Look, DON'T LOOK under the rugs in the Wherry. There's probably glitter and dirt and maybe a bit of other questionable debris under there as well. She'll give an overexagerated snap of disappointment for Leirith's refusal to help with the whole cleaning thing. "Drat. That sounds like such a busy schedule." How many hours does the gold spend staring at Garouth? Although Meion's suggestion is watched with a tilted head. "At least he's helpful?" UNLIKE SOME DRAGONS.

Did Risali just punch D'lei? She did. In his chest. Gently enough, relax, but she did punch him before giving Meion her BESTEST SMILE. "Right. That part comes first." Unfortunately. « IT IS. » Very busy, Leirith means, booming amusement and sarcasm. « I HAVE TO STARE AT MYSELF AFTERWARDS AND I CAN'T CANCEL THAT DATE AGAIN. » With… herself. Because she's Leirith. BADUM, TSH? « OF COURSE THIS IS HELPING. » But notices she doesn't expand on how. Ahem. The important part is that whether or not she is going to listen to Meion, Leirith does, in fact, relinquish her hold on Euclath's tail because she did stop staring at Garouth long enough for the brindled bronze to get in a pounce, and Leirith is booming laughter as she twists body and neck in the hops of snagging some wing or feet or tail with all that NIP NIP NIP (but she probably comes up empty handed, and she's probably okay with that). "We could probably order a large rug," Risali says just then, as if she is actually considering it. "But then I have a feeling people will get swept under it. AT THE RATE THIS WEYR IS GOING. She's joking. And now she's waiting, to see what Meion and Euclath do with all those nifty dragon-rider bonds and quiet, mutual links of communication.

Meion hopes this works, with all the attention of actual dragon-riders on her - and, perhaps more nerve-wracking, a weyr resident who isn't a rider, and has no idea just how awkward and hard it is to get a young dragon to actually do what he's asked. Euclath jumps forward as soon as his tail is free, rubbing up against Leirith's side. That's not actually the help Meion was proposing. But then he gives a bright chirp of some kind of acknowledgment, and goes off at a bounding run for the weyrling barracks, which is maybe the right thing? Meion is going to hope so - she takes it as a sign to do her own half of the job, and she sets off at a brisk walk for the kitchens, hoping to beat the blue back by the trick of having the closer (but more thumb-requiring) task for herself.

Risali most assuredly did punch D'lei. You can tell, because his grin gets wider. Also, Leirith most assuredly tries to nip at Garouth, encountering smoke and shadows that curl around her like inverse flames rising from the nether-world and make her (or at least, his mental conception of her, as shared by dragon-telepathy) as striped as he is… though her 'streaks' are also condensing, or maybe melting, and inky droplets work their wandering traces back down across that mustard hide even as Garouth sleeks his way around and about in an Ouroborus chase with Leirith that… ends up with a small burst of speed that has him tucking herself in under her chin, for all the world like a cat that's found out you're trying to read a book and has inserted himself there. With an added tangle of tail around her legs to interrupt the chase, of course, because he's like that. Right down to the amused rumble that could certainly pass for a purr! While weyrling-dragon and weyrling-rider head off on what are probably parts of a coherent plan, D'lei… gives them the time to plan it! By which we mean he converses with Rhodelia - and Risali, whose rug idea is greeted with an amused grin and a playful roll of his eyes. "Pfft, everyone knows you wrap the people in the rug," he informs her. "You don't put them under it. They're far too lumpy." A beat. "Well, unless there's a pit trap under the rug, but that's not really the same thing."

"That's when you beat the rug!" Rhodelia is far too busy with this rug idea to be judging on whether or not Euclath might need extra encouragement from his rider. She just assumes since he's off and Meion's off, eventually they might be coming back. Or get distracted by a bath that they all probably sorely need by now. "Although a pit would work mighty fine too." She gives a nod for that. "But then we'd have to dig a pit, since Leirith is too busy with staring at Garouth and herself." And who wants to stand in the way of the ever important stare-down plans?

Euclath's affection interrupts the game with Garouth long enough for his dam to squish him (lovingly) beneath her massive head before she lets him go and then THE GAME IS ON. AH, BUT THE PITFALLS OF BEING SO LARGE. Leirith cannot keep up with Garouth, nor can she match his badassery or his glory; instead, she finds herself on the losing end of a game, but on the winning end of EVEN MORE DRAGON AFFECTION. Leirith rumbles a sound that's most assuredly happiness, bunting, and rubbing, and squishing as those eyes go half-lidded in contentment. "Shut up, D'lei," Risali breathes around her own smile, maybe PUSHING AT D'LEI'S FACE FOR HIS GRIN before grey eyes shift to Meion, watching the weyrling retreat to enact PLANS and then rolling her eyes back up to D'lei. One, two, three, four, and… "Uh-huh." A playful inward draw of her brows. "And what was it that you did before you became a dragonrider, Dash?" WERE YOU ACTUALLY A RENEGADE? Or were YOU Rhodelia? Those brows raise, Risa's attention comes back to the barmaid and… a huff of laughter. "Somehow I feel like digging a pit would only make it worse." Not to mention the logistics of trying to get powdery stuff in the pit. "Unless you mean for the people. In which case, I have a head guard that has a lot of questions for both of you."

Meion arrives in time to forestall pit-related questions by introducing new ones - most notably, how did she end up with two enormous glass jugs of cleaning vinegar, and how is she managing to carry one under each arm? Secrets of the klahmaster's art, surely. But she beats Euclath back, and sets them down on the ground with an audible sigh of relief at no longer supporting their large, fragile weight. She pauses to catch her breath, and just waits for someone to intuit her brilliant plan - or demand that she explain herself.

"When it's lumpy, or when there's a person inside it?" D'lei asks Rhodelia, because someone has to. It's an important clarification! He nuzzles in at Risali's fingers, smearing that grin all over her hands and yet somehow retaining it even when he looks back up again. "Technology, of course," he answers his weyrmate ever-so matter-of-factly. "It's important to know what to do with the body when you replace someone with a robotic double." Could his beaming smile be any more innocent? ….uhh, maybe. Depends how you define 'innocence' in this case. Garouth, meanwhile, rumbles against those squishes and bunts, arching and leaning up (and promptly being squished back down, because Leirith is maybe kind of big, okay?) but with a definitely-pleased sort of manner to his being crushed for his impudence (which is to say, loved for his badass). And oh, what's this? Garouth doesn't care, but D'lei at least grins at the return of Meion and the chemical distraction she brings. He's probably got a whiff of that vinegar - it's like that, as smells go - and he's quite certainly got an idea what it can do, but does he say something? Of course not. Risali told him to shut up! And he definitely does that… when it suits him. Like now, significantly after she told him to do so! And on on entirely different topic! And with a grin for Meion that edges on the conspiratorial. Yep, D'lei is most definitely good at doing what he's told!

"Both?" Rhodelia guesses with a grin for if she's beating lumps or people. She returns Risa's eyebrow raise with wiggle of her own eyebrows, one of which is nearly invisible under the baking soda. Meion's return is eyed with curiosity and maybe a smidge of apprehension as those enormous jugs clearly don't seem like water. Intuition isn't her friend today, so Rhody will just come on out and saw it. "Whatcha got there?"

… Annnnd, it hits. Risali's expression goes from amusement and mischief to… something stricken. That smile falters, her gaze drops towards trees and forests, and then down to her feet. "Yeah," comes soft - a concession for D'lei's robotic replacements of people, or an attempt to keep herself from giving in to whatever that is behind her eyes. Arms come around her chest, as if she might physically keep herself in one piece while looking at Meion and her jugs, to Rhodelia and the question she asks so that Risali doesn't have to. Leirith keeps on with those bunts, and those squishes, and those contented cuddles, but she does also lift her head just enough to alert that her attention is momentarily on her rider. "Ah…" A furrowing of those brows as she takes in the vinegar and - "I have to…" A gesture, away from the group around a forced smile. "Tend to…" Something? "Good luck, though. Let me know how that turns out, yeah?" Risa's hand goes for D'lei's, hooking her fingers with his to squeeze, contact lingering as she draws away from him and Leirith moves to stand, to bunt Garouth one last time, and then D'lei, before she moves to follow her rider. AND THERE RISA GOES, taking off in a jog without looking back or a proper goodbye.

Meion looks up in surprise at the shift in Risali's expression, but actually responding productively to that is the sort of thing that involves being Good At People. Which Meion really only manages at the individual scale, and there are entire multiple others here. Nope. That's beyond her skill. Answering Rhodelia's question, though - that, she's more confident in. "Vinegar." All matter-of-factly, like that. "That way we can neutralize it, right?" Why a computercrafter knows that bit of simple chemistry is a bit of a mystery, but she's not wrong. And there's Euclath returning, at something less than a trot, water-pail clutched firmly in teeth, and mostly not sloshing out the sides when he takes it slow - though little patches of freshly-washed hide on his throat and forelimbs hint that he might have learned that lesson through practice.

Risali was doing so well, until she thought about it! Thinking: not even once. There's a tilt of concern of D'lei's head, a squeeze of his arm around her - and then of her hand, before she goes. "If you need help -" in that something-tending that she has to "- let me know." His voice is level, concerned but not actively worried, and there's a wry empathy in his gaze that… implies it's probably not paperwork, or if it is, it's one of the really unpleasant forms. Still, he doesn't try to stop her as she runs off, and while Garouth arches and bumps Leirith back before she goes, the bronze also untangles his tail from her legs so he doesn't trip her. Once she's gone, he tucks it around himself as he shifts to a better position to watch this attempt at cleaning a mess of spilled chemicals by… adding more chemicals! Because logic, or something. "It's plausible enough," D'lei says to Meion's explanation, with a grin that's a bit dampened in enthuse - because People, who he cares about, having Feels - but still making the attempt to be on the cheerful side with those who remain.

And Risali isn't the only one making a sudden exit, although Rhodelia looks decidely less uneasy. In fact, the bartender looks downright chipper as she chirps, "I'll go get a mop!" How much good a mop will do on dirt for the 'neutralized' base, who knows? But don't try and stop her cause she's zooming off towards the Wherry. She'll probably be back eventually since all those buckets are being left in the very capable hands of the ground.

Meion looks waits for Euclath to come close and set down the bucket before she uncaps one of the two large jugs. She holds it up for him to smell, and it's obvious when he does, his eyes whirling briefly with surprise as he recoils. « Why did you get that? » In his obvious surprise and disapproval, he's broadcasting a bit widely again. Meion just grins, and waits expectantly for him to hold out a dusty forelimb. "You'll learn something." That's the magic phrase to get the blue to do any number of things, extending an arm the least of them. She splashes a little of the stuff on a particularly powdered area of hide, and grins at his suddenly curious reaction. « What's it doing? » Instead of answering, Meion just starts splashing it on the ground, looking for spots where she sees large clusters of the baking soda, and setting them afoam.

Maybe this 'baking soda' thing is more dangerous than it might have seemed! After all, it's already gotten rid of two humans and a dragon… that, or they left for unrelated reasons, but hey. D'lei looks a bit dubious at the idea of a mop, because, well, "It'll be kind of muddy…" ….but it's not like Rhodelia's going to wait on his words, so, he shrugs! Euclath's reaction - to both scent and reaction - gets a grin from him, even as he shifts his position a bit to not be so downwind of the vinegar. "There's a patch over there," D'lei points out to Meion, indicating a spot partly obscured by those buckets and the slope of the ground. "While we're using chemistry for better weyrs and gardens, and all." Garouth just half-lids his eyes, with a low rumble and a faint whiff of fallen apples turned sour and the snorting of creatures who seek them. « Is it a danger? » He doesn't actually sound concerned - Meion seems to know what she's doing - but it's a question that the bronze thinks should be asked of the unfamiliar, and so he asks it.

It falls to Euclath to answer that question from the great bronze, and in the process of answering it, reassure himself. « No. But it's almost buzzing! » It's the blue's first experience with foam, and it's being created right there on his hide, little bubbles forming where acid and base meet and cancel. Meanwhile, Meion is cheerfully making more of it all around the meadow, turning that white powder into so many oddly-clinging bubbles. She gestures to the water-pail Euclath brought. "I'm figuring we should use that to give a rinse so we're not leaving all this stuff everywhere." But she's currently busily engaged in the production of that stuff, so if any rinsing is going to happen before she finishes, it'll have to be someone else who does it.

Garouth rumbles acknowledgment to Euclath's assessment. So long as it's safe, all is well and explorations may continue undaunted… not that they couldn't also continue in the case of danger, but they should be conducted more carefully in those cases! « It is like dirt and water. » Which make mud, though… « Mud does not buzz. It squelches. » Or makes plorp-squoosh sounds that might also be Garouth's amusement. « These buzz. » White-powder and smelly-liquid! By their powers combined… buzzyfoam. Which is probably a very technical term, just so you know! D'lei nods to Meion, and then… he makes with some helpful! He's not going to try lifting that dragon-sized bucket, but he does dip his hand into it to scoop up some water and splash it over some of the foam, breaking the surface tension of those bubbles and turning them into smaller bubbles, further apart… which is what cleaning is all about, sometimes! And, while he does… "So how are things treating you, anyhow?" he asks, all conversational-like, then grins. "Besides 'runningly', that is?"

When the foaming buzz dies down on that one part of Euclath's hide, he prowls forward, curiously investigating all the spots Meion is making on the ground - and the ones that D'lei is helpfully starting to rinse. « It makes special mud! » Very precise terms. Very good science-ing. Meion just grins, answering D'lei as she pours out the last of the first jug, and goes to get the second. "They've been… well, there's a dragon." Which is a sort of explanation, sometimes. "Good, really. Though I miss my old work, sometimes. I'm hoping maybe we'll be able to get a computer out where I can use it, eventually." She's taking it as given that she'll never get to go back into the main weyr caverns, despite having seen other dragonriders there all the time, back before she had Euclath. The idea of it just seems impossible to her. "I'm sure we're keeping everyone busy, too, with all the other things you and Risali have to pay attention to."

Rhodelia RETURNS, and looks like she's ready for battle with a vicious sud monster. She's armed with the promised mop (the dingiest one the tavern has to offer), giant yellow galloshes and even a yellow jacket as well. The boots make trotting a bit difficult, but she's trying and she slides to a stop next to D'lei and Meion. "That is… that's a lot of foam." The mop is tossed aside as mostly useless. "Foamy dragons." Or at least one foamy blue dragon. "The foams not going to spread all the way to the caverns, right?" She's pretty sure foam and computers shouldn't mix. Or foam and food.

« There are many kinds of things, » Garouth muses, as wind shifts a forest of leaves - on trees, on shrubs, on small plants, all kinds of leaves (and leaf-like things, like ferns, and pine needles…) « What makes one special, and one not? » He'll let Euclath handle the up close investigating, though; the bronze is content to merely lounge and observe (and talk) from that vantage. D'lei nods to Meion as he splashes more water on more bits of foam, working in a vague spiral-ish out from where the bucket sits so he doesn't have to carry it too far in his hands. He hehs, a glance to Euclath before his gaze returns to Meion. "Still not feeling like you can leave him unsupervised that long, huh?" He presumes it's a transient thing, probably because he has the advantage of perspective that comes with a dragon long-since stabilized into his adult personality (and level of self-control). "You might try bribing a dragonhealer," he adds after a moment. "I'm pretty sure they've got one in the Annex, for records and such." And that's definitely a place built for dragons to co-exist with humans! D'lei looks up to Rhodelia again, lifting a wet hand in a wave before he glances down to the chemistry-in-progress and hehs. "Probably not? But it'd be easy enough to mop up off the stone…" It's the mud-nature that makes it a challenge here! D'lei looks back to Meion, and grins. "If it's not weyrlings, it's something else." A shrug. "Last week, it was coordinating schedules for the riders who wanted to volunteer at Monaco. No weyrlings at all!" …except for the usual amount which he'll leave unstated, of course.

If D'lei is lying slightly by omission, Meion doesn't notice - which is probably for the best, because she really did need that reassurance that she and her classmates are not the primary source of headaches around the weyr for folks other than one another. She nods follow-up to his answer to Rhodelia. "They use this stuff to clean in the kitchens, anyhow." Though not usually mixed with mud - but we do what we can with the field that we have! Euclath's busy bouncing from one foamy spot to another is interrupted by an annoyance at the back of his mind, which distracts for a few moments before he can quite establish what it means. « It itches! » And more science is done, demonstrating the power of acids and bases to interact with - and mostly destroy - oils! Like the ones that keep dragon-hide happy and supple.

Rhodelia glances between the two riders as they talk about things like bribing dragonhealers and actual duties and things. She'll just be busy grabbing one of her abandoned buckets, dumping out any remaining baking soda and dunking it in the dragon-water-bucket to start sloshing in her own efforts to clean or muddy matters. "Yeah. I was going to use this to clean the floors, but there's not exactly anything 'delicate' in the tavern." Like computers with wires and stuff.

D'lei nods to Rhodelia. "Anything that this could possibly reach has already been soaked by rain, snowmelt, and people tromping in and out with muddy boots." He grins. "If someone put their delicates out exposed just because the sky's not got clouds at this exact moment, then… I admire their faith in Xanadu's weather, but it's kind of their fault if anything gets dripped." His head turns to Euclath in an echo of Garouth's attention, and then he scoops another handful of water and splashes it toward the blue. Rinse time! « Perhaps it is a danger… » Garouth muses, though he's still not particularly concerned. Itch happens! « Though only a small one. »

Euclath heads for D'lei and the power of rinse - and he manages a useful task as he does, picking up the bucket and carrying it alongside the weyrleader so that it's in easy reach for rinsing, as long as that rinsing includes periodic splashes to help keep his hide from starting to itch. It gives Meion a chance to finish up, splashing out vinegar at increasingly-infrequent patches of the powdery stuff. "I think we've got most of it, anyway." And while it may not have been technically necessary to neutralize the base with acid, it did give her a chance to teach Important Chemistry Lessons to her dragon. She looks to Rhodelia. "Did you need help carrying some to the tavern? While we're here, we could probably make faster work of it than sending you back for more alone."

Rhodelia missed most of the original splashing in the suds, but she'll make up for it with a bit of enthusiastic splashing in some of the dying suds in the name of 'cleaning' and occassionally some tossing of water at the other side of Euclath. When Meion directs a question to her, Rhody first looks up at the sky and then shakes her head. "Nah… at this point, by the time I got the baking soda to the Wherry, there wouldn't be any time for anything scrubbed to dry before folks are wanting to get their drink on." No need to start a riot in the name of cleaning. And for some, it might always be five o'clock in Xanadu.

You know whose shoes still give excellent traction? Risali's. Okay, so it could be a lot better if she wasn't in boots, but she's certainly not slipping about and that's probably why she can keep on that (probably unwise) forward momentum as she REAPPEARS FROM HER RETREAT AND (not so sneakily) COMES UP BEHIND HER WEYRMATE. LEAP! IMPACT! That would be Risali, jumping onto D'lei's back, bringing her arms around shoulders and legs around hips and holding on for any displacement of footing she MAY OR MAY NOT BE THE CAUSE OF. Leirith is also back - with a nuzzle-boop for Meion (and Euclath, and Rhody - or was that a push? Hard to tell with Leirith) and then her nose going right into a small pile of foam-bubbles as of yet diminished by water. NOW SHE HAS A MOUSTACHE AND A GOATEE AND SHE LOOKS HORRIBLE. And now she's painting Garouth's hide with it, when she shoves her face in against his side in an exaggerated nuzzle of greeting and then plops herself right there, probably partially on top of him because of course she gotta get dat squish-squoosh in. Risa and Leirith: literally the least helpful.

D'lei is going around being all helpful, splashing water on foam and on Euclath's itch, and then what happens? Risali happens, that's what! She may not be very sneaky, but he's got lots of splash to muffle his ears, and also this ground is kinda slippery, so when she tackles him, he goes sideways - into Euclath, and a bucket that is at least less full and thus maybe less sloshy… but that has a Rhodelia on the other side of it, thus increasing the potential of a domino effect. THANKS, RISA. And while she is doing that… someone's going to see to it that all these dragons need themselves an oiling. That someone… is Leirith! Such a (non-)surprise. « That may be hazardous. » Not that Garouth sounds particularly concerned about it, admittedly. Or like he made any effort to prevent that rub of acid and base still in process of neutralizing each other, or… that his rumble is in the slightest daunted. But still, she should know the hazards she's facilitating in the world! « It caused Euclath to itch. We shall see how effective it is on other dragons. » SCIENCE!

You guys. You. Guys. Meion sighs mightily, but she's laughing as she does. Chaos has been facilitated, somehow. That's the Xanadu she's coming to know and love. What she says is "I'm only promising to oil Euclath. The rest of you are on your own." After all, it's not her fault Leirith has gone and spread the solvent-stuff around! Or that Euclath has bounded over to join them both, poking his blue head in to greet. Wait, that might be her fault, at least insofar as she's the Designated Responsible Human for all matters Euclath-related. She sighs again, but somehow every time she sighs she's smiling wider - it's as if she's not actually annoyed by this at all, or something.

Rhodelia doesn't have a Risali on her back, but a boop from Leirith is nearly as unbalancing and down Rhody goes! The ground may look level, but it's sloped ever so slightly that with all the foam and water and mud, she goes sliding. "AHHHH!!!" That's a happy yell, it really is as she's slipping and sliding her way closer towards Leirith and Garouth and tossing foam mostly at the instigator but the bronze might be some collateral damage. "I guess I can help scrub and oil?" It's kind of her fault for the whole mess after all, even if that's a LOT of dragon to scrub.

« YOU ARE MORE BADASS THAN THIS. » Don't disappoint her, Garouth. Don't SHATTER HER VISIONS OF YOUR YOU-NESS. SUCH MAJESTY. SUCH INDOMITABLE EXISITENCE. Nevermind that she's probably now rubbing her face on the bronze and - oh yes! HELLO TINY BLUE - because she is already starting to itch as well. That laughter that carries, and echoes, and grows, and booms is only half at herself. « VERY GOOD, MY EUCLATH. GET HIM. » And her. She takes it too, though now she seems to be squishing Garouth to pin him for science experiments he is already (un)willingly a part of. SPLAT! MUD! There's a draw back, a swipe of paw against snout and then Leirith SMACKING A PAW DOWN. This effectively sends mud everywhere, but as long as some gets on Rhodelia, well… it was worth it. Risa is still holding tight to D'lei, making a squeak of a sound when he timbers into Euclath and then laughing as all hell breaks out. Rhody goes SLIDING, Meion SIGH SMILES, and the dragons… dragon cutely. It takes Risa a moment to haul herself up a little higher on D'lei's back and appear from behind the back of his head, but she's smiling wide when she does - and perhaps a little breathless. "That's fair," she tells Meion, and then shakes her head at Rhodelia. "Mostly it was Leirith's fault. And mine." And, inadvertently, D'merial's, but details. "If you want to help oil, I'm not going to say no, but you definitely don't need to." And nose she's pressing her face against the side of D'lei's and pressing a kiss there, against the top of his ear, probably an apology even if she hiccups more laughter.

« What can be badder ass than facing hazards unflinching? » Garouth asks, amusement in the rustle of leaves made not by wind but by little squirrels and birds, scratching themselves of itches there amid the branches. It's an outbreak of forest mites, and everyone's invited! Y…ay? The small blue head of Euclath gets a muzzle-bump from Garouth in answer to pokes, and then Garouth blinks membranes as Rhodelia throws more foam that's probably going to drip down onto him even if it doesn't spatter there directly, and Leirith arranges for MUD because there's acid-laced mud, into which Garouth is also being SHOVED DOWN because LEIRITH IS AN OPPRESSOR and apparently Garouth is NO LONGER KING because he's got mud all over him. OH WELL. At least D'lei's getting his feet back under him with Risali on his back, hooking an arm around to make sure she's stable enough to not fall down. There's an echo of Risali's denial to Rhodelia in his own shake-then-nod - and really, it's D'merial, it was probably advertent - followed by a tilt of his head back like an inverse cheek-rub-ish at Risali. "We need another clutch, clearly." This is the opposite of a good idea, D'lei. Stop beaming. "Then we'd have candidates to help us scrub!"

Meion breaks up laughing. "I don't think you're getting one out of Tineangrath yet, so the current weyrlings aren't going to be any help with that." And she leaves it at that, before it can lead to any awkward questions from her blue, which she might need to figure out ways to answer. They're coming soon enough - let her have her time until then! So, with vinegar thoroughly doused on the grass, the mud, the dragons, and whoever else might be in range to be subjected to it, she gives a mental nudge to Euclath, then a verbal one. "C'mon. I need to get you washed up before that actually gets down enough to get really itchy." She still remembers what happened when she missed a spot for a week's worth of oilings, and the awful way the hide reacted (and the terrible, terrible experience of having a dragon with something like athlete's foot in her mind.) A grin for Rhodelia. "Tomorrow, if you need help with the hauling, I think Euclath and I could assist." After all, she's got this dragon-haulable bucket, and he's demonstrated his impressive (by human scale) strength by hauling water in it. Baking soda is light by comparison! Euclath reluctantly withdraws, with little nose-bumps and eager rubs against both the larger dragons. Much as he'd like to stay, the promise of oiling away this itchiness wins out.

"PROMISE!!!" Rhodelia calls out as she will TOTALLY take up Meion and Euclath up on that hauling offer tomorrow since hey, it's less work for her, but for now she'll give a two fingered mock-salute towards the departing weyrling. Now that she's come to a final stop, she'll scamber on up to her feet and a few feet away from giant frolicking dragons. Accidental squishings are not something she wants to deal with. "Maybe you can convince the weyrbrats that the more dragon scrubbing they do now… the greater the chance of impression later." What do kids know about statistics after all?

« ONLY YOU, MY GAROUTH. » That's what's more badder ass than facing hazards UNFLINCHINGLY. YAY FOR FOREST MITES, and for tiny blues that are getting bunted by both sire and dam and - being called away. For important things. Leirith shifts her wings, stills just long enough to lean in against the bronze, and watches Euclath depart. There is pride there, affection, something so at odds while somehow punctuated by that sunbright, giddy joy Leirith always seems to exude. Risali, on the other hand, is not trying to suffocate D'lei - honest. Her hands coming up and over his mouth are just to do that thing she knows telling him won't: shut him up. She's even hissing, "Shhhhhh," into his ear around another breath of laughter. "You're going to make her rise just to spite me and then where will we be?" And listen. She's still a little bit, you know… traumatized from the last time they introduced a new clutch to the sands. Or, well… the aftermath of that flight, anyway. As Meion goes, Risali waves from her spot on D'lei's back, and then tilts her head to look at Rhodelia. "Weyrbrat Revenge is real, Rhodelia," Risali offers around another smile, a duck of her chin to D'lei's shoulder as he rights his footing and she just keeps hanging on — with the added security of his arm, to keep her in place! "There's nothing more scary than a group of weyrbrats you've lied to. Nothing." Because they are capable of mischief. Lots, and lots of mischief.

Garouth rumbles, facing those terrible hazards of sunny day and sunbright mustard gold and future itches with… contentment. It's like laughing in the face of danger, kind of. D'lei doesn't exactly shut up, but it's just a laugh that's leaking out around the edges of Risali's muffling hands, not more of those terrible-idea words that might inspire Leirith to do terrible things WITH GREAT JOY (but then, isn't that how she does everything?) and ruin everyone's plans for the day with her bombastic self. There's a vague wave to Meion, and then another laugh for the plan and counter about that manipulation of children to obtain labor. "…I can think of one thing," he says, and grins. "A group of weyrbrats… with the help of a gold dragon." Because seriously, if you think Leirith wouldn't gleefully help prank her riders… you haven't met her. Also, you weren't paying much attention during this past candidacy. So, having established that this idea is terrible… D'lei hehs. "…we better go do the work ourselves." GASP. He tilts his head back, looking up at Risali. "Cita said we were coming for dinner." Yes, said. There was no 'ask' involved in this dinner plan. "So we should get moving." If they're going to get the dragons washed and oiled beforehand, that is! He lifts his hand to Rhodelia, and grins. "Good luck with the evening rush. If anyone complains about the mess… blame Leirith." It might seem implausible, but… not if you've met her! And then D'lei will carry Risali off and drown her! Or at least dump her in the water to spot-scrub dragons in between splash-fights. …once those dragons get moving, that is, but fortunately they have longer legs (and wings), so they can catch up to those slower humans on the beach. ONWARD.

And then there was one… but not only one bucket! Rhodelia will gather all her buckets and eventually she'll be off to scrub herself before showing up all rosy cheeked and not baking soda-covered to her next shift! The booze will still flow probably on time!

D'lei is going around being all helpful, splashing water on foam and on Euclath's itch, and then what happens? Risali happens, that's what! She may not be very sneaky, but he's got lots of splash to muffle his ears, and also this ground is kinda slippery, so when she tackles him, he goes sideways - into Euclath, and a bucket that is at least less full and thus maybe less sloshy… but that has a Rhodelia on the other side of it, thus increasing the potential of a domino effect. THANKS, RISA. And while she is doing that… someone's going to see to it that all these dragons need themselves an oiling. That someone… is Leirith! Such a (non-)surprise. « That may be hazardous. » Not that Garouth sounds particularly concerned about it, admittedly. Or like he made any effort to prevent that rub of acid and base still in process of neutralizing each other, or… that his rumble is in the slightest daunted. But still, she should know the hazards she's facilitating in the world! « It caused Euclath to itch. We shall see how effective it is on other dragons. » SCIENCE!

You guys. You. Guys. Meion sighs mightily, but she's laughing as she does. Chaos has been facilitated, somehow. That's the Xanadu she's coming to know and love. What she says is "I'm only promising to oil Euclath. The rest of you are on your own." After all, it's not her fault Leirith has gone and spread the solvent-stuff around! Or that Euclath has bounded over to join them both, poking his blue head in to greet. Wait, that might be her fault, at least insofar as she's the Designated Responsible Human for all matters Euclath-related. She sighs again, but somehow every time she sighs she's smiling wider - it's as if she's not actually annoyed by this at all, or something.

Rhodelia doesn't have a Risali on her back, but a boop from Leirith is nearly as unbalancing and down Rhody goes! The ground may look level, but it's sloped ever so slightly that with all the foam and water and mud, she goes sliding. "AHHHH!!!" That's a happy yell, it really is as she's slipping and sliding her way closer towards Leirith and Garouth and tossing foam mostly at the instigator but the bronze might be some collateral damage. "I guess I can help scrub and oil?" It's kind of her fault for the whole mess after all, even if that's a LOT of dragon to scrub.

« YOU ARE MORE BADASS THAN THIS. » Don't disappoint her, Garouth. Don't SHATTER HER VISIONS OF YOUR YOU-NESS. SUCH MAJESTY. SUCH INDOMITABLE EXISITENCE. Nevermind that she's probably now rubbing her face on the bronze and - oh yes! HELLO TINY BLUE - because she is already starting to itch as well. That laughter that carries, and echoes, and grows, and booms is only half at herself. « VERY GOOD, MY EUCLATH. GET HIM. » And her. She takes it too, though now she seems to be squishing Garouth to pin him for science experiments he is already (un)willingly a part of. SPLAT! MUD! There's a draw back, a swipe of paw against snout and then Leirith SMACKING A PAW DOWN. This effectively sends mud everywhere, but as long as some gets on Rhodelia, well… it was worth it. Risa is still holding tight to D'lei, making a squeak of a sound when he timbers into Euclath and then laughing as all hell breaks out. Rhody goes SLIDING, Meion SIGH SMILES, and the dragons… dragon cutely. It takes Risa a moment to haul herself up a little higher on D'lei's back and appear from behind the back of his head, but she's smiling wide when she does - and perhaps a little breathless. "That's fair," she tells Meion, and then shakes her head at Rhodelia. "Mostly it was Leirith's fault. And mine." And, inadvertently, D'merial's, but details. "If you want to help oil, I'm not going to say no, but you definitely don't need to." And nose she's pressing her face against the side of D'lei's and pressing a kiss there, against the top of his ear, probably an apology even if she hiccups more laughter.

« What can be badder ass than facing hazards unflinching? » Garouth asks, amusement in the rustle of leaves made not by wind but by little squirrels and birds, scratching themselves of itches there amid the branches. It's an outbreak of forest mites, and everyone's invited! Y…ay? The small blue head of Euclath gets a muzzle-bump from Garouth in answer to pokes, and then Garouth blinks membranes as Rhodelia throws more foam that's probably going to drip down onto him even if it doesn't spatter there directly, and Leirith arranges for MUD because there's acid-laced mud, into which Garouth is also being SHOVED DOWN because LEIRITH IS AN OPPRESSOR and apparently Garouth is NO LONGER KING because he's got mud all over him. OH WELL. At least D'lei's getting his feet back under him with Risali on his back, hooking an arm around to make sure she's stable enough to not fall down. There's an echo of Risali's denial to Rhodelia in his own shake-then-nod - and really, it's D'merial, it was probably advertent - followed by a tilt of his head back like an inverse cheek-rub-ish at Risali. "We need another clutch, clearly." This is the opposite of a good idea, D'lei. Stop beaming. "Then we'd have candidates to help us scrub!"

Meion breaks up laughing. "I don't think you're getting one out of Tineangrath yet, so the current weyrlings aren't going to be any help with that." And she leaves it at that, before it can lead to any awkward questions from her blue, which she might need to figure out ways to answer. They're coming soon enough - let her have her time until then! So, with vinegar thoroughly doused on the grass, the mud, the dragons, and whoever else might be in range to be subjected to it, she gives a mental nudge to Euclath, then a verbal one. "C'mon. I need to get you washed up before that actually gets down enough to get really itchy." She still remembers what happened when she missed a spot for a week's worth of oilings, and the awful way the hide reacted (and the terrible, terrible experience of having a dragon with something like athlete's foot in her mind.) A grin for Rhodelia. "Tomorrow, if you need help with the hauling, I think Euclath and I could assist." After all, she's got this dragon-haulable bucket, and he's demonstrated his impressive (by human scale) strength by hauling water in it. Baking soda is light by comparison! Euclath reluctantly withdraws, with little nose-bumps and eager rubs against both the larger dragons. Much as he'd like to stay, the promise of oiling away this itchiness wins out.

"PROMISE!!!" Rhodelia calls out as she will TOTALLY take up Meion and Euclath up on that hauling offer tomorrow since hey, it's less work for her, but for now she'll give a two fingered mock-salute towards the departing weyrling. Now that she's come to a final stop, she'll scamber on up to her feet and a few feet away from giant frolicking dragons. Accidental squishings are not something she wants to deal with. "Maybe you can convince the weyrbrats that the more dragon scrubbing they do now… the greater the chance of impression later." What do kids know about statistics after all?

« ONLY YOU, MY GAROUTH. » That's what's more badder ass than facing hazards UNFLINCHINGLY. YAY FOR FOREST MITES, and for tiny blues that are getting bunted by both sire and dam and - being called away. For important things. Leirith shifts her wings, stills just long enough to lean in against the bronze, and watches Euclath depart. There is pride there, affection, something so at odds while somehow punctuated by that sunbright, giddy joy Leirith always seems to exude. Risali, on the other hand, is not trying to suffocate D'lei - honest. Her hands coming up and over his mouth are just to do that thing she knows telling him won't: shut him up. She's even hissing, "Shhhhhh," into his ear around another breath of laughter. "You're going to make her rise just to spite me and then where will we be?" And listen. She's still a little bit, you know… traumatized from the last time they introduced a new clutch to the sands. Or, well… the aftermath of that flight, anyway. As Meion goes, Risali waves from her spot on D'lei's back, and then tilts her head to look at Rhodelia. "Weyrbrat Revenge is real, Rhodelia," Risali offers around another smile, a duck of her chin to D'lei's shoulder as he rights his footing and she just keeps hanging on — with the added security of his arm, to keep her in place! "There's nothing more scary than a group of weyrbrats you've lied to. Nothing." Because they are capable of mischief. Lots, and lots of mischief.

Garouth rumbles, facing those terrible hazards of sunny day and sunbright mustard gold and future itches with… contentment. It's like laughing in the face of danger, kind of. D'lei doesn't exactly shut up, but it's just a laugh that's leaking out around the edges of Risali's muffling hands, not more of those terrible-idea words that might inspire Leirith to do terrible things WITH GREAT JOY (but then, isn't that how she does everything?) and ruin everyone's plans for the day with her bombastic self. There's a vague wave to Meion, and then another laugh for the plan and counter about that manipulation of children to obtain labor. "…I can think of one thing," he says, and grins. "A group of weyrbrats… with the help of a gold dragon." Because seriously, if you think Leirith wouldn't gleefully help prank her riders… you haven't met her. Also, you weren't paying much attention during this past candidacy. So, having established that this idea is terrible… D'lei hehs. "…we better go do the work ourselves." GASP. He tilts his head back, looking up at Risali. "Cita said we were coming for dinner." Yes, said. There was no 'ask' involved in this dinner plan. "So we should get moving." If they're going to get the dragons washed and oiled beforehand, that is! He lifts his hand to Rhodelia, and grins. "Good luck with the evening rush. If anyone complains about the mess… blame Leirith." It might seem implausible, but… not if you've met her! And then D'lei will carry Risali off and drown her! Or at least dump her in the water to spot-scrub dragons in between splash-fights. …once those dragons get moving, that is, but fortunately they have longer legs (and wings), so they can catch up to those slower humans on the beach. ONWARD.

And then there was one… but not only one bucket! Rhodelia will gather all her buckets and eventually she'll be off to scrub herself before showing up all rosy cheeked and not baking soda-covered to her next shift! The booze will still flow probably on time!

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