Xanadu Weyr - Shore of Lake Caspian
The cliffs that run along the shore come and go, various weyrs nestled along the tops of them or dug into the walls, but eventually they recede enough to expose a beach. The white sand echoes the rise and fall of the cliffs with a multitude of sandy dunes, endlessly creating tiny valleys that are constantly demolished and rebuilt by the frequent arrival or departure of dragons. The dunes smooth out as the gentle slope approaches the edge of the deep blue water. The sand darkens, and a shell here and there stands out for children to collect.
The beach narrows to the southwest, leaving a path barely wide enough for dragons in single file before cutting in to a smaller, more sheltered cove. The sands are the same white, the waters the same blue, but they're calmer and more tranquil, more protected from the winds that ruffle Lake Caspian and the currents that tug beneath the surface.
Rough, wide stairs lead up to the meadow above and the road that runs along the top of the cliffs, passing through the fields and heading for the river mouth that can be just barely seen from here. The largest of the staircases up the cliff is located near the docks that jut out onto the peaceful blue waters.
Whose idea is this, anyway? Probably not Shiloh's, given he looks so grim. But since he's going along with it (reluctantly) it was probably Avi's. Didn't they just have a talk about what happens in lakes? There were definitely slanty looks and squinty eyes when this whole 'cookout' was suggested. But, alas, Shiloh is weak and can't seem to deny the artist anything. Certainly not something that won't actually hurt him. Even if, "I'm not sure where you got the idea that I know how to cook things," might be a clear indication that there *is* some danger to this whole endeavor. Hauling the grill (and who knows where he found that?) to the beach is half the battle, but he's made it. Getting the fire going was another fight, but Shiloh was also victorious. Procuring some fish (and anything else they might eat) from the kitchens? That was definitely Avi's job.
Averil exhales an airy laugh as he trails along in Shiloh's wake, a pair of food-filled baskets over his arms. Clad in a flowing, light weight sundress in pale yellow with little blue flowers and a pair of sandals, his smile is bright as he turns pale eyes on the beastcrafter, a hint of laughter lacing his tones. "How hard can it be? You've been camping, you've done the cattle drives, I have complete faith in you workig out how to cook on a grill." In the wake of the words, he breaks into a skip, his smile turning cheeky as he slips past Shiloh and settles the baskets in the sand. "We have steaks and some wherry breast to cook," he informs as he spreads a blanket and starts rummaging through the baskets. "Potato salad, fruit, cheese, bread.. Oh and some berry pies!" Setting the items out, he twists around to the second basket and goes about the business of unpacking it, as well. "Klah, juice…And meatrolls to tide us over while we're waiting to cook the rest." Fish? There is no way Avi is eating fish so soon after gutting them. "I also brought towels, in case you felt the need to go in the fish poop water."
Shiloh grimaces, lip curled up at the corner. "I'll rephrase," he drawls. "I dunno where you got the idea that I can cook well." He might make it edible in the loosest sense of the word, but delicious? Even Shiloh's not looking forward to this. While the fire grows, Shiloh moves over to peek in the baskets and maybe steal a kiss. "The firelizards can eat the wherry," he decides, sneaking a piece of fruit. "I'd rather go for chicken." But the wild, native, six-limbed creatures that prowl the land? No thanks. Speaking of firelizards, Nope might not be in attendance, but the little blue Bite is still too small to leave alone, curled up and tucked into a pocket, he peeks his little, pale-blue head out to eye the basket before deciding that flying over is just too much work. He's not quite hungry enough to be a bother. Later. For now? More snoozing. "If I go, you go," warns Shiloh, looking far too mischievous for Avi's good.
Both Tempest and Pumpkin peek up at Shiloh from the basket, the look of GUILT on tiny little faces almost comical as they are caught in the act of wrestling over a meatroll. In retrospect letting the pair ride in the basket was probably not the /best/ idea Averil has ever had. Still, he's tilting his head up to return the kiss, his expression adoring. "Awww, they love you so much," the artist cooes as his little greens do their level best to croon at Shiloh in an attempt to distract from the meatroll clutched in greedy little paws. It's the suggestion of /swimming/ that has him sniffing indignantly, the kiss returned as he gives a firm shake of his head. "No chance." Which is, admittedly, probably the worst choice of answers.
Guilty greens get a flat look in return, but Shiloh shows his soft spot by letting them keep the meatroll. This time. "Mmhm," doesn't sound very convinced as he looks across at Avi. "They love you more," he decides, closing the lid and letting the little 'lizards squabble over their find. "They Impressed you, after all. Or you impressed them." Checking on the fire, he lets it keep growing for the moment, turning back to Avi at his declaration. No chance? "No choice." A hook of Shiloh's arm hauls the artist up against his chest, and he makes it a few strides to the water before he's setting him back down again, calling his own bluff. Cupping Avi's face in his hands, he steals another kiss and grin at him like a smug little bastard. "I'd never actually throw you in the water against your will," he promises. "I just like it when you flail a little bit."
"You impress me every time I see you work," Averil points out in impish tones. "Or without a shirt, or waking up, or walking around.." Okay, it's clear that Shiloh impresses Averil ALL THE TIME. Still, there is a squeal as he's picked up and whisked toward the water, a delighted laugh spilling past his lips as he clings for all he is worth. And when he is set back down, his arms are quick to wrap around Shiloh's shoulders, the artist's gaze absolutely adoring as he meets that smug smile and whispers. "I was prepared for that happening. I even has shorts on under my dress." Just in case.
"Oh, do you?" Shiloh is definitely gonna check. A quick pinch of the fabric and he's flicking it up just to see what Avi might have on under there. Hopefully he was telling the truth! Either way, there is a limit to the shenanigans that Shiloh is willing to get up to on the beach. Teasing aside, his hands are going to stay in very appropriate places while they're in public. So it is one of Avi's that he claims, fingers threaded together as he tugs him back toward their to-be bar-b-que to check on the fire again. "Almost ready," he decides. How he decides this, who knows. It's his thoroughly inexperienced expert opinion. "Are we expecting company, or do you really think I can eat my bodyweight in food?" he wonders, eyeing those baskets again.
Averil is true to his word, a pair of comfortable shorts flashed with the teasing flick of his sundress' skirt. That Shiloh's checks at all is enough to inspire laughter, though, the artist's fingers lacing with the beastcrafter's as they move back up the beach toward the fire. "I left a note on the choreboard in case anyone wanted to join us," he admits. "If not, we can drop the leftovers off with the apprentices in the barn?" Cause he is pretty sure they would inhale the food without a second thought.
Most apprentices would probably inhale the food without a second thought. Shiloh slants another dry look at Avi as they reclaim the makeshift cookout ground, releasing his hand so that he can reach for the basket and whatever tools might be within. "We can," he allows. "But you know, they do go to the caverns to eat. And live in the dorms. We don't have to walk all the way to the stables." Considering his options, Shiloh plucks the steaks from the basket, laying each across the grill where they immediately sizzle and snap. "Hm." A little prodding with his tongs has them where he wants them, and he turns away to let the fire do its thing. "We'll see if anyone joins," he decides, wiping his hand on a rag.
"I know," Avi laughs as he folds himself down on the blanket and smooths the sundress over his knees. "But they like it. I think it feels like they are getting away with something." He's watching Shiloh, though, relieved the cooks put tongs and a long fork and spatula in his basket upon hearing about the picnic. It's as the steaks are settled on the grill that he scoot scoots closer, wiggling in until he rest his head on Shiloh's shoulder. It is in the wake of sweeping his gaze out toward the lake that he sighs and smiles softly. "I love it out here." Even if that water is full of fish poop. Course, it is autumn and it is going to start getting cold soon, but that's alright, too.
Clever cooks, including utensils. Shiloh's definitely grateful that his fingers won't get singed. He settles in the sand but keeps an ear (and eye, even if he has to kind of stretch to see) on the steaks as they cook, but clearly is fine letting them do their thing without his assistance. They might end up with some well-done dinner but. Oh well. Shiloh did warn him. "Is there anywhere in Xanadu you don't love?" he teases. He hooks an arm over Avi's shoulders, other hand planted in the sand to support his weight, gaze turned toward the totally clean lake. "It is nice, though." Even if there's a bite to the breeze coming off the water.
Averil laughs, the sound quiet and comfortable as he watches the water. "The training grounds after my fifth lap?" Course, even then, he has to admit that it is still unbelievable beautiful. "Although the sun coming over those jagged rocks can steal the breath…" After a moment, he shakes his head, his smile quiet as he slants a glance up to Shiloh's face. "Nope, I think pretty much love all of it." Shifting his weight on to his hip, he tucks his legs under himself, pale eyes sweeping toward the steaks as they sizzle and pop on the fire. "Isn't strange that nothing smells as lovely as steak cooking on fire?" They could end up lumps of charcoal and the smell would still be enough to have his nostrils flaring.
"Mm. I thought not," drawls Shiloh. But there is affection in the words, and in the smile that tugs at his lips. He presses a kiss to Avi's temple, pleased. "It is a good smell," he agrees, even if he's currently burrowing his nose into blond hair rather than sniffing at the steaks. "Delicious." He's probably talking about the food? Even if it's Avi's ear that he nibbles. A moment more and he's rolling to his feet to check on the progress of the actual steaks, prodding one with the tongs before flipping them over. At least he can pretend to know what he's doing. "Another few minutes," he warns. Is it a warning? Well, it is now. "Can you get the plates ready?"
Steaks? What steaks? The moment Shiloh is nibbling on his ear Avi forgets what steaks even are. So much so that the request for plates as him looking impossibly confused, his brows furrowing as he slants Shiloh a blank look in the wake of them. "…plates?" Blinking once, a flush immediately rises to claim him, his eyes widening as he exhales a breathy 'Oh!' before rolling up on his knees to start pulling plates out of the basket. After a moment, bits of fruit and cheese and thick slices of bread slathered with butter are all neatly arranged, the plates themselves settled on the blanket next to the grill. "I don't know where my head is at lately," he admits with a quietly embarrassed smile, his chin ducking as he pulls out the thermoses of klah and juice.
Shiloh will just poke at steaks and look impossibly pleased with himself. He might not be able to cook, but at least his nibbling skills are on point. A snort and a smirk, and he slants a gaze toward Avi on the blanket as the plates are arranged. "Mm. In the clouds, maybe," he teases. "But that's okay. I'll pull you down to pern." A little more fussing (which at least comes in the form of Shiloh just staring at the steaks rather than actually poking and prodding them) and he holds out a hand. "Plate, please." Here's hoping his cooking skills have improved since the trail ride.
Averil can't help that he blushes at the promise, his smile warming as he twists around and slips over to press against Shiloh's back. "I like being pulled back down to Pern," he whispers as he wraps his arms around the beastcrafter's waist. "Pern is where you are." It is only when the plates are requested that he lets go, scooting over to gather up up the plates and pass them one at a time to Shiloh. When they are filled, he sets his own down, leaning back on his arms and stretching out his legs as he draws in a slow, relaxed breath. "It's going to start getting cold soon," he observes. "Do you think we should grab our coats and bring them out to the barracks?"
Steaks plated and at least smelling delicious, Shiloh reclaims a spot on the blanket with Avi, the fire left to fizzle out on its own time. While he lets the meat rest, he's quick to start in on the sides, clearly hungry. Hungry enough that it's a grunt that answers Avi rather than words, because Shiloh's mouth is kinda full. It's not until he's devoured at least half the plate that he finally slows down enough to speak (Maybe he could eat his body weight in food…). "Maybe," he allows. "Do you want to?" grab their coats. "Not sure how long we're gonna be there." That is, he's not sure how much longer till those eggs crack open and potentially rearrange their lives forever. "Wouldn't hurt," he finally decides, taking another bite of potatoes. "But. S'not like they're that far, either." Just a little walk from the barracks to the caverns and their old room.
Averil smiles indulgently as he watches Shiloh eat, his own plate eventually gather drawn closer so he can pick at the fruit and cheese while the meat rests. "I'm torn," he admits. "It feels silly to start dragging more down to the barracks at this point." But he hates being cold. "I'm a little worried about my coat, as well," he admits. "Maybe I'll just wait and see if I can't find something less delicate in stores if it comes to that." White fur in the barracks just feels like a recipe for disaster to him.
"I'll find you something," decides Shiloh. It'll probably be something that weathers well, if nothing else. "Course, you managed to keep it clean at the stables…" and white fur around runners isn't any more of a hazard than it might be around candidates. "Still shocked you managed that." Because honestly, the moment Shiloh steps foot into the stables, cleanliness seems to go out the window. Cutting into his steak, he chances a bite. Slow, careful chewing nets a seemingly positive result because, once he's swallowed, Shiloh's taking another. So. Can't be all bad! "You make arrangements with the Hall yet?" he wonders, between bites. "'Case you Impress?"
Averil smiles at the promise, grey eyes crinkling at the corners. "Thank you," he admits in tones that are more then a little relieved. "I just know something fancy and impractical would catch my eye and I'd be right back in the same position." It's the question regarding the hall that has him looking sheepish, his teeth worrying at a corner of his lip. "Sort of? They know I'm a candidate, but we haven't really discussed anything beyond that. My commissions have slowing down a lot," he admits. "So they are definitely aware that it is getting closer to time." By the time the eggs finally decide to crack he'll be out of projects entirely. "I'm more worried about picking more up after this is all over." The art world can be finicky and he knows it.
Shiloh knows next to nothing about the art world. But he does know that, "you're an amazing artist. I'm sure it'll be fine." Because who wouldn't want Avi to paint a piece for them? "Always illustrations, right?" books. Shiloh sets his plate aside, apparently finished. Fishing Bite from his pocket, he drops the little blue near the scrapes to let him pick at he remains, carefully avoiding getting his fingers nipped in the process. Food is a good distraction for the little biter, at least. "Gonna talk to the apprentices tomorrow," admits Shiloh. "Gotta get with another trainer on where I'm at with the young ones. Been cutting back on projects, too," he admits. A moment or two and he adds, "think I'm gonna put Red on break. 'Least 'til the hatching is over." And then he'll either be back to riding her, or thinking up a plan B.
Averil nods as he sets his plate aside, his expression softening as he stretches out on the blanket with his head in Shiloh's lap. "It's not to much longer," he murmurs. "Before we know it things will be back to normal." Closing his eyes, he exhales a relaxed breath, one arm stretching out to wrap around Shiloh's waist as lets himself relax. "Illustrations," he agrees in those same relaxed tones. "With gather season starting up in the spring I'll have lots of portraits coming up, as well." He's pretty sure that things will be fine across the board. And right now, with a full belly, a warm day and a comfortable lap? A nap is most assuredly in order.