Xanadu Weyr - Stables
The stables of Xanadu Weyr are composed of one long building, lined with box and standing stalls that are kept thoroughly clean by the resident grooms and stablehands. Runners nicker and neigh at everyone who enters, save for the obstinate ones that just flicker their ears in indignant curiosity that they dare not make visible. The foremost stalls near the door to the barnyard are the grand box stalls which are home to the prized runners of Xanadu, as well as the most pregnant, those which are so far along that they require constant observation by the Herders, so as to ensure easy foaling.
A broad pathway covered in straw and sawdust leads to the rest of the weyr's stalls, primarily comprised of standing stalls. Many runners are in the standing stalls, with ropes strung across the front so as to keep the runners from leaving their designated containers. A few hay bales sit here and there along the avenue, some of which act as seats for the stablehands and grooms on their breaks, others as snacks for those runners who can reach out their necks far enough. Buckets and baskets of grooming supplies - brushes, combs, and the like - also sit here and there, occasionally knocked over by a wayward hoof or inquiring muzzle.
True to his word, Shiloh is ready and able to introduce Averil to his new equine partner. The morning cooperates by being sunny and bright, but with a breeze off the water to keep things cool. The stables are in full swing, with 'hands and apprentices going about their tasks with well-trained precision. After making sure Averil has had a quick (but filling) breakfast, he finally gave in and has escorted him to the stables, a far too-smug expression on his face for someone who hasn't done anything except switch up the artist's mount for the day. "Okay," he breaths, stepping into the stables. "You wanna wait here, and I'll go get her? Or… hm. You wanna turn around and face the wall, and I'll tell you when to look?" Just how much of a surprise does Averil want out of this whole thing?
Averil makes a point to wear comfortable clothing that will not devastate him should they get destroyed. Even so, he still looks stylish and put together because, well.. It's Avi. Breakfast had proved to be a challenge for him, if only because he's excited and curious and a little sad and utterly distracted. Still, he'd eaten and taken the time to apologize (again) to Lightning while feeding him carrots. It is the question, though, that has his hand smoothing down the length of Lightning's neck, his chin dipping in a quick nod as his attention turns to Shiloh. "I can do that," he promises as he executes a neat about face and steps close enough to the wall to prevent him from being too tempted to peek. Again, it's Averil, so the desire for a surprise is more then a little high. "You'll tell me right?" Of course, Shiloh already said that, but he's just got to make sure.
"I will," promises Shiloh. He steps in close, sweeping down to press a kiss to Averil's cheek and give his ponytail an affectionate tug before he moves away. His steps take him far down the stables, until they can just be heard if one is straining for the sound. It is only a minute or two later that he returns, the characteristic clop-clop- of runner hooves accompanying him. It is unlikely that much will be discerned from the sound alone, though it is clear this runner is not one to prance and dance (like some of the younger, or more excitable ones are prone to do), but to walk politely and stand nicely once she's clipped into place. "Alright," says Shiloh, moving back so he's out of the way. "Turn around." And when he does, Averil will be met with the sight of a pretty little palomino mare, golden coat already shining from a good grooming; snow-white mane left long. She's no bigger, height-wise, than Lightning was and, while she's more muscled (if just because she's far younger than the older, bey gelding) her features are delicate, her face dainty and adorned with a blaze. "I've been calling her Summer."
It is all Avi can do to keep himself still while he waits. Fidgeting is inevitable and happens in abundance. At the sound of hooves, though, he very nearly turns around, catching himself at the last minute and holding ground until Shiloh gives the go ahead. When he does turn around, his lips immediately part in a quiet gasp, pale eyes widening as he takes an unconcious step closer. "She's beautiful," he breaths as he takes a step closer. "Can I.. Can I touch her?" Even as he asks the question, though, he's holding on hand out to introduce himself to her at her liesure. "Summer…. It's perfect for her."
"Of course you can meet her." The words are spoke with a slight tsks; a gentle tease that comes with a crooked grin from Shiloh. "That's why I brought her out." The mare proves to be well mannered and friendly, happy to stretch out her nose and snuffle at Averil's hand, searching it for treats. "She's already been groomed, but grab a brush if you want," he encourages. "She's about ten and very quiet, but willing to do just about anything," he continues, stroking one hand down her neck. "Even as a youngster, I heard she was pretty easy to handle and not prone to spooking. Happy to go out alone, too, though you won't be doing that," he adds with a look toward Averil. "Not anytime soon." Because sending his little love out by himself is not something Shiloh is comfortable with, it seems.
"I wouldn't," Avi promises as he slants a glance up to Shiloh's face. "You never have to worry about that." He does move to get a brush, turning back at the last moment to hug Shiloh before dashing off to get the brush. When he returns it is with a brush in one hand and a carrot in the other. The carrot, of course, is promptly offered to Summer with an adoring little croon as she accepts the offering. "She's a lady," he notes in tones that could not possiby be more pleased. With the carrot taken, he immediately steps in to start brushing down her already pristine coat, each sweep of his hand as tender as he can make it while still being affective. "I am /aching/ to weave ribbons into her mane," he admits with a faint blush.
"Next time," promises Shiloh, leaning in to press a kiss to Averil's cheek. "Today, we've got some riding to do." Ribbon-weaving will definitely happen. He knows it. Avi knows it. Even Summer probably knows it. And she's fine with it. Or she will be, when it happens. "I'll go grab your saddle," he adds, heading to the tackroom. When he returns, it's with the saddle on his hip and a blanket tucked beneath his arm, both of them set near by so Avi can tack her up when ready. "I'm gonna go get Red," he adds, swooping in for another kiss before heading down the aisle to do just that.
Averil couldn't be more pleased, both with Summer and the promise of ribbons and it shows in the smile dancing on his lips. While Shiloh gets his saddle, he spends a few moments brushing Summer with gentle strokes, murmuring soothingly to her to get used to the sound of his voice. The arrival of the saddle and blanket, however, have him putting the brush away in favor of getting the tack on Summer. The kiss, though, has him preening and pausing in the task to watch Shiloh walking away. "Are we going back to the beach," he calls before turning to get the blanket and saddle in place. With everything checked, rechecked, and checked again, he gathers up the reins and carefully swings himself up into the saddle.
Shiloh makes short work of getting Red ready. It helps that he doesn't intend to use a saddle. But there's a cheerful, "Nope!" returned for the question about the beach. (That it has his snakey little brown popping into existance to see what he wants… well. It's a hazard of naming a firelizard like he did.) Waving away Nope-the-not-rope firelizard, he leads Red out of the stables toward the riding pen. "Staying close while you get used to her," he reminds. He unlatches the gate, letting Avi and Summer head into the pen before following with Red. Once the gate is secure, he uses the fence to help him mount, swinging a leg over Red's broad back and settling into place. "Just figured Red could use a lesson on standing patiently." She's somewhat still sketchy about it and tends to jig.
Averil can't help laughing when Nope appears only to be waved away. Urging Summer forward, he guides her into the pen, leaning forward to run a hand along her neck once they are safely inside it. "Soon," he promises her in soothing tones. "We'll be swimming before you know it." And, while he's waiting for Shiloh to tell him what he wants him to do, he guides the mare so that they are moving in a light trot around the circle. "She's more bouncy then Lightning," he observes.
"Yeah," agrees Shiloh, who lets Red wander along at a walk for a little bit, just to work out the wiggles. "Lightning's a little more…" Lazy "Smooth in his gaits. She's far more animated." Just wait until he picks up the canter — rocking horse dreams. Letting Red walk along at her own pace, he keeps an eye on Avi and Summer with a lazy sort of curiosity; unconcerned but absolutely keeping tabs. "Do whatever feels comfortable," he encourages. "Just know that she is sensitive; you don't have to ask as strongly as you do with Lightning. And she'll halt just from sinking your weight into your heels and sittin' down on her."
Averil dips his chin in a nod as he listens, letting the mare trot for a bit before encouraging her to speed up. As her stride lengthens, Avi gasps, a broad smile tracing over his lips as he leans into the wind on his face and laughs delightedly. With Shiloh's permission still in his ears, he lets her go fast until it's dizzying, his laugher growing more and more delighted as they twist and turn and get a feel for one another. It is in the wake of a turn that is nearly all hind legs that they slow to a trot and eventually a liesurely walk that has them pacing Shiloh on the opposite side of the railing. "She's so fast," he breaths.
Shiloh keeps a close eye on Averil and Summer, expression stoic but jaw tight. When he slows there's a breath released, and a pleased, crooked grin aimed in the artist's direction as he joins them at a walk. "She is," he agrees. "And young enough to enjoy it." Lightning is definitely not named for his speed; nor is he particularly keen on going faster than a walk. "You like her, then?" he asks, feigning innocent curiosity. He damn well knows Avi likes her, but that won't stop him from teasing him.
"She is perfect," Avi breaths as he leans forward to smooth a hand over the length of her neck. "I think we have similiar tempera-" The words are cut off as Summer goes into a jangley high step that immediately has Avi exhaling a delighted laugh before aiming her steps back toward the fence. "She wants to go, go, go," he enthuses. "I think when we can take her to the beach, Red is in for a real race." Cause Lightning might not be known for his speed, but he's pretty sure Summer is happy to be the opposite. "How long are we pen bound," he asks as he guides her into a light trot around the ring.
"Until tomorrow. Or until you are comfortable with the way she moves and are confident you won't fall off." Whichever comes last. Sorry Avi; you're stuck in the pen today. Shiloh turns Red toward Summer, urging her forward to close the distance so that they can walk side by side along the rail. "I know you're feeling confident," he allows, offering a crooked smile toward the artist. "But the pen is a controlled environment. She's not going to be as rock-steady as Lightning is once she's out of it. She's not spooky," he assures, affording the mare a fond glance. "But she's not dead-quiet either. She'll be alert and looking at things. A lot like Red." But probably a bit less prone to spooking that Shiloh's pretty mare. "So, I want you to spend some time really getting to know her in here first."
Averil slants a pout across the distance at Shiloh, sniffing lightly before exhaling a quiet laugh. It is a battle he KNOWS he is not going to win, but that isn't going to stop him from trying. "I understand," he assures a moment later. "I wouldn't want to rush and get either of us hurt." In the next moment, though, he is guiding Summer into her smoothly rolling canter, the motion alone more then enough to inspire a whimsical smile as they 'race' Red and Shiloh without a hint of warning. Cheating? Why yes. Yes they are.
"It's you I'm worried about," admits Shiloh. At least he is upfront about it. "She'd be fine. If anything happened, she'd just run back to the stables." As would Red, if she managed to toss Shy. "I know you are comfortable in the saddle, but you've only ridden Lightning. Another horse can feel and act very differently." And he is simply unwilling to risk it. The transition to canter has him cracking another crooked grin, an eyebrow arched. "Oh really?" With a bit of a smirk, he lets Red pick up a quick canter, letting her 'chase' Summer. But he won't actually engage in a race. Not here. Not yet. And when Red gets a little too feisty — ignoring his request to slow down and ducking her head like she might buck — he puts a stop to the nonsense with a tight circle that brings her back to a walk. "Practice more transitions and turns," he decides, angling Red toward the center so he can keep watch while she walks. "Get used to how quick she responds." Unlike Lightning, who can be a little 'dead' to the aids.
Averil is listening, despite the fact that he wants to give himself over to the rock of the canter. In the wake of Shiloh's words, he slows Summer to a trot, grimacing mildly at the jarring sensation before guiding her into a turn. Course, there is a moment where her quick response has him teetering before catching himself with one hand in her mane. It's enough that he firmly gets Shiloh's point, and immediately settles into guiding her through walk, trot, canter, and turning in all three. "It feels like she is turning before I even give the signal," he admits. Of course, she is not, she's just catching the subtle clues rather then waiting for a more firm guidance as Lightning would.
Shiloh keeps a steady eye on Averil, remaining where he is with Red circling in the center. "Good," he praises, as Avi keeps his balance. "Yeah," he agrees, a crooked grin offered. "She's a lot more intuitive than Lightning. Try steering her with just your seat. Look where you want to go and 'think' that direction, and she'll probably go that way without you touching the reins." She's sensitive to weight and pressure, but not overly so. "Can probably stop with nothing but your seat." No reins needed! Even if Shiloh won't let him ride without a bridle yet.
Averil nods as he listens, his teeth worrying at his lower lip at the instruction given. Urging Summer forward into a light trot, he loosens his grip on the reins, his eyes widening when the mare turns in the direction he wants to go. "How does she know…"Clearly, she's not reading his mind. "I guess, my weight shifts that way when I think about it?" He's curious, of course, but that doesn't keep him from prancing around Shiloh and Red in a wide series of turns.
"She's feeling the shift of your body. Not just your weight," clarifies Shiloh. "But the way you're turning. Even with the saddle." It's kind of amazing how much the runners can feel. "And even if you don't think you are, you're moving just a little when you think of what you want to do, before you give the cue to do it. Looking makes it a little stronger. Still, they don't always listen," he admits, a dry smirk at his lips as he slides his fingers through Red's mane. "And she may not be as responsive when we're outside the pen. Just like us, they can get distracted." There's a bit of a smirk for the prancing, and after a few more turns he asks, "Done?" with a teasing tone. "Or do you want to keep going for a bit?"
"I think I'm good," Avi admits as he guides Summer in to stand alongside Shiloh and Red without he reins. "Can we go to the beach tomorrow," he asks curiously. "Or do you think I need more practice with her?" Either way, he is fine, a fact that is clear as he leans forward and smooths a hand along the length of the mare's neck. "I like her, alot," he admits. "Cantering is so smooth…" Not at all jarring like he had expected it to be.
"You did well," agrees Shiloh, turning Red toward the gate. "I think we can definitely go to the beach tomorrow. But… not bareback." Rather than dismount, Shiloh shifts Red around so that she's parallel to the gate, leaning down to unlatch it with one hand and then side-passing her into the ring to open it. It's good practice for her, and after a moment she swings around and stands politely while Shiloh nods his head at Averil. "Go ahead." And he'll close it after, dismounting only once it's latched again. Red gets an affectionate rub on the neck before he heads back to the stables with her. "I'm glad you like her," he says again, sliding into place beside Avi and Summer as they head back.
Averil grins at the gallantry, guiding Summer out of the pen and swinging down from his own saddle. "Thank you very much," he murmurs to the mare as he smooths a hand down the length of her neck. As Shiloh moves closer, he reaches out and threads their fingers, smiling as they walk the horses back toward the barn. "She's perfect," he assures as he tilts his chin up and smiles broadly. "I'm excited to get her into a canter in the surf." Walking in silence until the barn comes into view, his fingers tighten, pale blue eyes sweeping the area. "When are we going stargazing?"
Shiloh squeezes his hand, releasing as they enter through the big doors and head down the aisle to clip the runners to the crossties. "When do you want to go stargazing?" he asks right back, slanting a crooked smile at Averil. "We can't take the runners," he points out. "We'll have to go alone." All the better, really. Nothing to distract them from sea and sky. With no saddle to remove, Shiloh gets straight to grooming. "Leave the saddle there and I'll carry it back for you," he offers as he picks out one of Red's back hooves. There's not much, if anything, to clean out, but better safe than sorry. "We could go tonight," he offers. "Pack up dinner and take it to the beach."
"Yes," Avi agrees as he gets Summer clipped up and goes about the business of removing her saddle. "I'd like to go tonight." And while he can get the saddle off with a bit of struggling, he's more then glad to set it aside for Shiloh to deal with for him. "And I still need to arrange to be trained in hand to hand and daggers," he reminds as he steps away to fish out the brushes he needs for the mare. "We should think about bringing wine tonight. Not that I want to get drunk, but because it would be romantic to lay under the stars and sip wine."
"No," corrects Shiloh, finishing up with Red's hooves. "I've already arranged it. You start in a few days." The details of that will be given later, apparently. Tossing the pick back into the bucket, he moves to collect it and Averil's saddle, pausing to press a kiss to his cheek as he does so. "A skin," he agrees, for the wine. "I don't want to worry about glass on the beach." And really, no one else wants to worry about that, either. A few moments later he's back, saddle and pad stowed away, hat pushed back up his forehead as he leans against the wall and watches Averil with Summer.
Averil perks at the news, grey eyes flashing up to smile brightly at Shiloh. "Thank you for that. Guardsmen are…" A little bit intimidating for him. It is the kiss pressed to his cheek that has him relaxing, his attention sweeping back to Summer as he brushes out her coat with tender, but firm strokes. It is the mention of a skin, rather then glass that has him blinking once before laughing, "I hadn't even thought of that," he admits. With Shiloh moving off to put away his tack, Avi spends the time finishing up Summer, his touch tender as he draws his palm down the length of her nose. "I'll come early tomorrow," he promises in a warm whisper. "And we'll braid your mane." And, of course, there will be carrots aplenty for everyone. Tossing the brush into the bucket, he stoops to gather it up and put it away before escorting Summer to her stall and securing her inside. It is only when he is finished that he pads over and wraps his arms around Shiloh's waist while leaning against his chest. "She's perfect," he whispers. "Thank you."
A hint of a smile tugs at Shiloh's lips, affection clear in his expression as he watches the artist with the runner. As Averil finishes, he pushes off the wall to meet him, arms wrapping around him to pull him close. He presses a kiss to his forehead, a crooked smile offered for the thanks. "All I did was move you to riding her instead," he teases. "But I'll take the thanks." Another kiss, this time to Avi's nose, and he quirks another grin at him. "Ready to go?"
Averil dips his chin in a nod, his smile relaxed as he slips around to tuck himself under Shiloh's arm. "And arrange my self defense classes," he reminds. "And take care of the things I would inevitably forget on a daily basis." Avi knows that he can be flighty a lot of the time. "Some of my instructors used to say I'd float away never to be seen again if I wasn't tethered to a canvas or easel." Grinning at the memory, he shakes his head, his finger tips tucking in the back pocket of Shiloh's work pants. "So. I'll pack up a blanket and some towels, in case we decide to swim tonight, while you grab us food?" Whatever the decision, he's agreeable and clearly looking forward to spending the evening on the beach.