Xanadu Weyr - Store Room
This large storeroom is lit with a series of electric lights, illuminating the smooth cut walls. Rows of shelving contain all sorts of items, while large trunks contain all sorts of clothing, and a mix-matched variety of furniture is stacked up in one corner.
Pyriel leads the way, begrudgingly, to the storeroom way in the back of the weyr that no one uses anymore. Strangely enough, he finds it with no problem at all despite the many twists and turns that are needed to find the disused place. Hand on the handle, he turns it, and thrusts it open, soon coughing at the dust and things that come drifting out all at once in a thick rolling cloud. "Oh for crying out…" he coughs, waving a hand back and forth over his face before peering inside. After this, he heads inside and turns on the light with a flick of a switch. The entire place is coated in an inch of dust, there were moldy linen and things on shelves, crates of mangled kitchen ware such as twisted spoons and forks with their prongs all bent out of shape. Banged up pots, piles of clothing beyond mending, used up glows, broken glass items. And waaaaaaay in the back several more crates covered in a tarp tied down with rope.
Kiley shuffles along behind Pyriel, glancing about the storage caverns with a careful gaze here and there but not stopping at any particular place as their destination lay elsewhere. Once he comes to a stop and opens the door, she takes a step back away from him with her hands flying up to cover her mouth and nose from the dust. Luckily for her, she doesn't get a mouth and nose full of the dust. "You okay?" He heads in and she doesn't follow, waiting until the light is on before she, too, steps in to join him. The amount of dust coating everything brings a look of dread to her face. "Shells.." Her gaze drifts around the whole area and then she reaches into one of her pockets to pull out a scarf. It is carefully placed to cover her mouth and nose and prevent the inhalation of dust. "Well.. We might as well get to it." The computer crafter moves off to begin cleaning an area on her own.
"Yeah, I'm good." Pyriel calls back, even he was coughing through it. "Ain't no one used this room in like forever." he scowls as Kiley heads in, setting down a large bucket with hot soapy water, a mop, and bag of rags. Golden eyes wander over the contents of the room, and the blond sighs, shoulders slumping. "It's like they opened the door, threw crap in, and closed the door again." The place was a complete and utter disaster. "Uuuuugggghhhhhh." comes the despairing groan. He wasn't quite as willing to dig right in as Kiley was, no, instead he laments his lot in life for a time just looking here and there. Shaking his head, he does eventually yank a red handkerchief from his pocket and ties it like a bandit around his nose and mouth, tying it behind his head. "Right." is said with a nod, literally rolling up his sleeves, and yanking a rag out of the bad. He heads over to one shelf, dragging over a trash can from the corner that was surprisingly empty and starts dumping moldy cloth napkins into it.
There's a face made for Pyriel's coughing and the woman offers a sympathetic look towards the harper turned candidate. "No kidding.. It looks as if it has been untouched for ages." Kiley shakes her head, mumbling under her breath as she sets her own bucket down where she intends to clean. "Maybe. Or, they had intentions on using it again and then forgot all about it. Otherwise it is a complete waste of a room and materials. Or, maybe everything in here is broken and they needed a place for their trash. If so: Ew." The woman makes a face of dread before she begins to clean up the floor first, sweeping her area clean of dust and trash. A neat little pile is made and then she promptly scoops it up to take over the trash. "Who knows how long it'll take to clean this whole place? And where is everyone else?" There's silence as she returns to her previous spot and then she glances over her shoulder. "With our luck you'll find something worth a fortune."
Pyriel sends Kiley a dubious look, "With my luck, I'll trip and break my leg." he grumbles, kicking something can shaped over to the side with a sweep of his foot, having nearly tripped over it. Sure, he'd have to pick it up and add it to the pile of metal scrap over there at some point, but right now he was just plain irritated. The question as to where the others were? "I dunno, but if we gutta clean all this crap by ourselves I'm gunna be pissed." he responds grumpily, tossing more things in manly way as he grabs a broken jar with some sort of pinkish goop in it, holding it up to eye level. "What the shells is this?" he asks aloud, then jiggles it back and forth. The stuff inside jiggles and wiggles and then settles back to it's original position. "Uh…" Yeeeeaaaaahhhh, Py tosses it into the trash, dragging the receptacle along with him as he moves further down the shelf.
Kiley lets out a soft hum, "maybe.. I guess we should get Pol, then. He'd find something worth a lot at least.. He found that stuffed ovine." She gives him a look with an upward lift of her brows before shaking her head and returning to her sweeping. "If we clean this whole thing by ourselves.. Nothing would happen and that would be it. We'd just be mad and there is no point in being mad because it will amount for nothing." However her gaze is drawn towards the other candidate as he lifts the jar with the pink goop. Her nose wrinkles in a bit of disgust when it jiggles. "Ew.." Quickly, she turns away so not to subject herself to that sight. More sweeping continues and the woman makes a face as she comes across a pile of dust. The broom she has is used to poke it and it reveals a doll completely drowned in it. "Ew." Comes again from the woman and she sweeps it up as well.
Pyriel glares over at Kiley, and tosses something into the trash can, "How about we not get Aqueepoli?" Slam. Another thing chucked in the bin. Slam. And another. That topic is dropped at that point, even if there is the occasional grumble or kicking of things. He sighs at some point, shaking his head as the woman falls back on reason rather than Pyriel's habit of using raw emotion. "I'd still be pissed." he growls under his breath. Reason! Bah! Now that the shelving unit was free of things that make your hair curl, Py uses that cloth he's taken out of the bag earlier, and dusts off the shelves. Thick rolls of dust come off in chunks, pushed off and float to the floor like a grey cloud. He does the same to all of them until it's clean and then moves on to the next set of shelves, carting along the trash bin behind him. All that 'ewing' gets an occasional glance over, but reason and the suggested help, might of deterred the harper from further conversaion.
Pyriel glares over at Kiley, and tosses something into the trash can, "How about we not get Aqueepoli?" Slam. Another thing chucked in the bin. Slam. And another. That topic is dropped at that point, even if there is the occasional grumble or kicking of things. He sighs at some point, shaking his head as the woman falls back on reason rather than Pyriel's habit of using raw emotion. "I'd still be pissed." he growls under his breath. Reason! Bah! Now that the shelving unit was free of things that make your hair curl, Py uses that cloth he's taken out of the bag earlier, and dusts off the shelves. Thick rolls of dust come off in chunks, pushed off and float to the floor like a grey cloud. He does the same to all of them until it's clean and then moves on to the next set of shelves, carting along the trash bin behind him. All that 'ewing' gets an occasional glance over, but reason and the suggested help, might of deterred the harper from further conversation.
Kiley blinks for the glare Pyriel shoots in her direction, "okay. Then we /won't/ get Aqueepoli.. Maybe Iessrien…?" Brows lift in question but she shakes her head and turns back to sweeping the doll up into her duster. It is lifted and into the trash the doll goes without hesitation. "Okay. You be pissed and I'll watch. There's really nothing that we could do and it isn't as if we'll be rewarded for something we're supposed to be doing." Curse the logic. The woman heave a heavy sigh and returns to her area that is now dust free on the floor. Next stage has her wetting a rag so to gather the dust off of areas which can get wet without issue. "Maybe you could go see where the others are and yell at them until they come and help."
Another glare, "No." Pyriel replies to talk of getting Iessrien, more things slammed into the trash can. Poor, abused, trash can. The harper goes deathly silent after this, picking some sort of cloth, or what looks like cloth, up and eyeing it before it gets tossed in the bin as well. "You do that." he mutters, moving to another shelf, and then another. The shelves are soon free of debris though as the boy picks up the pace, likely using his irritation to fuel his progress considering all the under breath comments of a rather disgruntled nature. Abandoning the dusting for now, he moves on to start in on the picking up of things on the floor, another bin for trash dragged out from the corner and isn't shying away from anything molded or pointy. He's just more careful with the slamming of them.
"Okay. No Iessrien, either." Kiley's gaze drifts to the poor trash can and shakes her head for the behavior of the harper candidate. Trash on the shelf is quickly taken off and then questionable items are settled on the now dust free floor of her area. Salvageable items are organized along with items that actually look useful. Anything else is also put on the floor. "I think this really was the room where they put… Questionable things to think about later and then they just /forgot/." Another look is given towards Pyriel and she remains like this for a moment before turning back to her cleaning. "Done. That was productive." The woman chuckles to herself and continues to clean. At least until something else pops up, questionable and moldy. She lets out a loud gag, quickly doubling over and moving /away/.
The slamming gets louder at the mention of Iessrien's name, but after a while Pyriel does go back to being much more gentle about it. Especially with the quiet stretching out between them. There doesn't seem to be much more to sort, as crates are dusted off, labeled, and lined up neatly against the back wall to be taking out and distributed to the crafts that will recycle the materials. Py even makes a few trips back and forth from Kiley, taking her sorted piles and sorting them further into the crates. Then he's back to dusting, not a single glance or word for the computer crafter woman, at least not until he's shoved a red lollipop into his mouth and has been sucking on it for a while. He finally does look over at the woman, at the word 'done' and he narrows his eyes to slits, "Ya ain't done," he says, dust-dust-dusting away over there. Cough. Cough. "What about those crates back there?" he asks, pointing towards the corner.
The computer crafter remains hunched over for a bit until she draws a breath, filtered by the scarf around her face. It takes her a moment to collect herself before Kiley turns a look to Pyriel. "Done watching you be angry is what I meant." The smile is hidden by the scarf but the uplift of her cheeks is quite visible. Back to work she goes, cleaning off what made her gag without looking towards it. The rest of the cleaning continues and then begins the organization of crates. Pulling what she can down, she begins to sort through for anything that can be saved and whatever goes into the trash. More separation, trash and save and 'what the heck is this?' piles.
The computer crafter remains hunched over for a bit until she draws a breath, filtered by the scarf around her face. It takes her a moment to collect herself before Kiley turns a look to Pyriel. "Done watching you be angry is what I meant." The smile is hidden by the scarf but the uplift of her cheeks is quite visible. Back to work she goes, cleaning off what made her gag without looking towards it. The rest of the cleaning continues and then begins the organization of crates. Pulling what she can down, she begins to sort through for anything that can be saved and whatever goes into the trash. More separation, trash and save and 'what the heck is this?' piles.
Pyriel's shoulders slump and he frowns at Kiley's real reason for saying 'done'. One could tell even with the handkerchief over his nose and mouth by the creasing of brows and the degree of displeasure to be found in those golden eyes. "Really? Ya went there?" he sighs, though quickly distracted with Kiley's interest in the crates he'd pointed out. The computer crafter might notice the dust here has been disturbed, as if someone, or many someones had been using the crates as a seat or brushed them off. "Dunno, never thought to looooo-eeeerrrr…I mean dunno, take a look?" he says, shifting his gaze elsewhere. "This shelf is really dusty…" he suddenly interjects, finding renewed interest in wiping that rag over the shelves. Even though, he had already wiped them all down.
Kiley looks to Pyriel, "you /were/ slamming things into the trash." The computer crafter reminds in a rather helpful tone and she pulls down the scarf to smile at the other candidate. "It's okay Py, you can be mad or whatever you want. I won't bug you about it." She gives him a look with an uplift of her brows before looking back down into the crate . Brows lift at the sight of everything in the grate. "Someone… Was sitting on this." However, she looks to Pyriel for his statement and brows lift, "wait. What?" Pause. "Right. Right. Got it." She shakes her head and then curiously opens the crate that looks as if someone put their rear end on it.
Kiley looks to Pyriel, "you /were/ slamming things into the trash." The computer crafter reminds in a rather helpful tone and she pulls down the scarf to smile at the other candidate. "It's okay Py, you can be mad or whatever you want. I won't bug you about it." She gives him a look with an uplift of her brows before looking back down into the crate . Brows lift at the sight of everything in the grate. "Someone… Was sitting on this." However, she looks to Pyriel for his statement and brows lift, "wait. What?" Pause. "Right. Right. Got it." She shakes her head and then curiously moves the tarp from above the crate.
"Yeah well, maybe I /LIKE/ slammin' stuff into the trash. Maybe that's how I relax. Maybe yer suppose to slam stuff into the trash and no one /TOLD/ ya about it." Pyriel babbles, still dusting that one spot he has been for the last ten minutes or so. He does wince at Kiley's observation that of someone had been sitting on the crate, and he's then turning around and heading back to the bag of rags, "Oh?" he calls back, sounding as if he was trying to sound uninterested, but it's almost a squeak. He coughs quickly to try and cover this up and look very busy at the same time. "Crap," he groans, hands sliding into his back pockets, scanning over the progress that they had made, and yanks down the handkerchief off his face, letting it hang by the knot, now at the back of his neck. "We still have to put useable stuff back up on the shelves after we wipe them down, take the trash out, check those baskets of glows, then give the recyclables to the crafts that can recycle them, and /THEN/ we have the change the bulbs and mop the floor." He deflates completely. "This is gunna take all freakin' day."
"Don't let me interrupt you." It's a dry-voiced comment from the Weyrwoman who has entered quietly. Just how long has she been here? Well, she looks quite comfortable with arms folded, her shoulder leaning against one set of shelving while giving the two nearest Candidates a bright-eyed look. She's been in the Caverns for awhile, by the looks of her, since she's not wearing her coat over the thin, sleeveless cotton tunic and trous she wears while on the sands. It's definitely not the office she's been come to spend her time in, for her hair is casually tumbled about her shoulders instead of neatly coiled up. Why is she here? Anyone's guess.
"Don't snip at me because you're angry…" Kiley turns her gaze back towards the harper candidate with a frown, making a face at him and then carefully turning away. She misses that reaction to her mentioning someone sitting on the crate. She begins to open it without a second thought, pausing only to look at Pyriel as he moans about their progress. The woman tilts her head slightly, offering him a smile. "It'll go faster if we don't think about it. /Maybe/ you'll get an extra big dinner if we clean it all by ourselves." Into the crate she peeks once she is done looking towards the harper candidate to begin poking around inside to see if anything in it can be saved. "You can make a game out of it so it goes faster." The crate will have to wait, however, as there is another voice in the storage caverns and her gaze is drawn towards the source of it. "Ma'am." A hand comes free of the lid and salutes the Weyrwoman in a sloppy manner for the position she stands in.
Pyriel had seemed to of forgotten about the crate, now busying himself by wiping down all the shelves, while Kiley talks, making bemused 'hmmhmm' sounds as he does. No, he's not really paying attention to her. Once that is done, he gets the rest of the trash and hauls the now almost over full bins to the door, and uses them to prop it open and get some hair in there. He turns and heads over the the recyclables, bending at the knees to grasp the closest one when Thea appears and speaks, startling the boy bad enough to send him flying back onto his backside. "Tetchy tunnelsnakes of Terror! Ya scared the crap outta me!" he says in the alarm still clinging to his features, but after a second he tacks on, "…ma'am." Golden eyes shift sheepishly, and he clears his throat. "What brings ya by Weyrwoman?"
Pale green eyes blink with faint puzzlement for that salute, but the Weyrwoman gives the Candidate a smile regardless, inclining her head in greeting. "Kiley," her voice is easy, relaxed and carries not one whit of the amusement she's surely keeping inside, though there's the merest hint of it in the eyes that shift beyond Kiley to Pyriel. His flail-leap backwards draws a chuckle, her mouth actually curving into a grin. "Awake now are you?" His question goes unanswered, perhaps intentionally as her eyes drift casually around the store room. Back to the pair, she lofts one brow. "Slamming trash sounds like fun. What are you upset about?" The idle question is aimed at both of them rather than the boy. How curious.
Kiley blinks at Pyriel's reaction, brows lifting again as she watches the younger candidate. "You okay, Pyriel?" The question is soft but loud enough to reach the other before her gaze drifts back towards Thea; the question to the Weyrwoman has her giving her a questioning look. However, she smiles in response to the woman for the one the woman gives her, inclining her head as well. As for the question of what has them upset the computer crafter shakes her head. "Nothing is upsetting me, ma'am. Aside from the fact that we're the only two cleaning and the rest have all.. Vanished." Her hand waves before she looks into the crate, finally looking beyond just a glimpse.
Sighing, Pyriel pushes himself to his feet and brushes his backside off of the inch thick layer of dust that was clinging here and there. "I was awake before." he says with a touch of grumpy, now brushing his hands together. Ewww, dusty. For Kiley, the harper candidate looks over and shrugs his shoulders. "Yeah, more or less. Won't be the last time I fall on my aaaaaz…butt." Shifted eyes in Thea's direction and he adds another round of clearing his throat and trying to look busy. This time by getting the mop soaking wet by dropping in the now cold bucket of soapy water and then grabbing the broom from Kiley's side of the room. So he can sweep up the dusty floor. Busy, busy, busy. Sweep, sweep, sweep. As for Thea's question, "Huh?" he asks looking over at her, and then colors some what. "Uhhhh…" he starts, leaning the broom handle against his shoulder and scratching idly at his own cheek with the tip of his finger. "Kinda got into a shouting match with Pol and Iess, we're not really talkin' to one another right now." Lashes lower, and he looks more upset about it, then angry.
"Not upset. I see," is Thea's murmured response to Kiley but in the tone that she doesn't really, after which she gives the panicked Pyriel a skeptical look as if daring him to deny it. Is she doing that on purpose just to make them nervous? Probably. She tsks and shakes her head at the vanished Candidates but otherwise makes no comment to that, instead tilts her dark head to listen gravely to Pyriel. "Hmm, I imagine everyone's nerves are a little on edge with the Hatching drawing nearer day by day and the life-changing course of events that will soon commence, ready or not." There's an ever-so-slight dance to the gaze that is evenly divided between them, subtly teasing. She hasn't moved up until now, even with the clouds of dust that sweeping surely stirred up, but with a languid shrug that pushes her shoulder away from the shelves she's been leaning against, unfolds her slim arms to point to Kiley's box. "If you don't mind, take that to the Barracks, please. You'll find your vanished fellows there waiting to try them on." As she turns to head on out and to her business, there's a flash of merriment in her eyes, a half-grin and a parting shot over one shoulder for Pyriel, "I hope your aazbutt is unbruised."
"As long as you're okay." Kiley tilts another smile in his direction before she allows the crate to drop more fully open. Thea's words give the woman pause in continuing to look into it; her gaze lifts and her eyes blink at the Weyrwoman. And then she's making her way back out. The last statement has the computer crafter letting out a short fit of laughter before her gaze drops to the crate. Taking one of the robes into her hands, she examines it with a curious eye. It is then held up to herself in consideration for the size with a thoughtful frown. "We could pick first. Seeing as all the others left us here alone, we might as well."
Pyriel nods over at Kiley, "I'm good, I'm good." Yes, he was fine, really. Still, absently he rubs at his backside a bit. Perhaps karmaish retribution for abusing the trash can earlier. Golden eyes slide back to Thea though for a moment, listening to her speak about people's nerves and the affect it had on them. The boy just nods, "Yeah, I guess so." he murmurs, starting to sweep more seriously now. The Weyrwoman's movements are missed after this, despite any sound her footwear may make against the floor. Once again enshrouded is silence, the sweeping continues, even as pale green eyed woman drops her quip about his 'aazbutt' and the blond visibly winces. "Uh, yeah. Right." As soon as she's gone from their midst, he plants a hand to his face. "Why am I such a moron when she's around? I thought I was over her." he groans, unable to hide the flush of his cheeks as he turns around and looks over at Kiley. "Eh?" The broom is unceremoniously dropped and he strolls over with hands in pockets and peers at the contents of the box. "Candidate robes….huh…" he says and reaches down, picking up one and holding it up against himself. "At least their in good condition, dun need to mend 'em." A pause. "Ya know, yer supposed to wear these and nothing else but sandals on the sands right?" Another pause, this time with a smirking grin, watching Kiley closely now. "So yer naked underneath." A long over-dramatic sigh and he rolls his eyes towards the ceiling, "Have to try them on naked, just to get the right fit." Heartbeat. "Alas."
"That's good." Kiley murmurs, though now completely distracted with looking through the robes. The first one goes over her shoulder before she looks at the next one. As for Pyriel, she glances back over and eyes him carefully for that statement. "Right." Attention flickers back to the robe in her hands , nodding her agreement to the assessment on their condition. The fun facts about robe wearing suddenly causes color to flood the woman's cheeks and she promptly drops the robe back in and gives Pyriel a /look/. It is a mixture of displeasure and a touch of annoyance. "L-Liar. Stop teasing me." The woman doesn't hesitate to rush out of the storage caverns, leaving Pyriel to bring the crate and to finish the cleaning.
Pyriel really is having a hard time stifling back a laugh, and even attempts to school his features into some semblance of neutrality, but fails miserably when she gives him that look. He breaks out into a wide grin and just laughs, laughs so hard tears come to his eyes. And he can do nothing but laugh as the woman storms out, not even apologize. He eventually plops down on a unopened crate of robes and is able to stop, holding his sides. Py lets out at long last a deep sigh, wiping at his face. "Can't wait to see her face when she finds out it was all true." And sadly, this sets about another long round of melodic laughter, carrying on down the halls outside the room and bounces off the walls to follow the computer crafter for quite some time.