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PernWorld Links
http://pernworld.wikidot.com - PernWorld
The Weyrs
http://monacobayweyr.wikidot.com/ - Monaco Bay Weyr (formerly Eastern Weyr)
http://fort.wikidot.com - Fort Weyr
http://highreaches.wikidot.com - High Reaches Weyr (NPC area)
http://iew.wikidot.com - Ierne Weyrhold
http://igen.wikidot.com - Igen Weyr
http://isw.wikidot.com - Ista Weyr (In rebuild)
http://halfmoonbay.wikidot.com - Half Moon Bay Weyr (formerly Western Weyr)
The Crafts
http://beastcraft.wikidot.com - Beastcraft
http://computercraft.wikidot.com - Computercraft (work in progress)
http://dolphincraft.wikidot.com/ - Dolphincraft Hall
http://dragonhealer.wikidot.com/ - Dragonhealer (work in progress)
http://glasscraft.wikidot.com - Glass Craft
http://harper.wikidot.com - Harper Hall
http://healer.wikidot.com - Healer Hall
http://minecraft.wikidot.com - Miner Craft
http://smc.wikidot.com - Smith Craft
http://thestarcraft.wikidot.com - Star Craft
http://tannercraft.wikidot.com - The Tannercraft
http://techcraft.wikidot.com - Techcraft (work in progress)
http://weaverhall.wikidot.com - Weaver Hall
Mu* Client Links
http://www.phudbase.com/wm_client/ - WebMud (in-browser)
http://www.riverdark.net/atlantis - Atlantis (mac only)
http://www.heynow.com/Savitar/ - Savitar (mac only)
http://www.gammon.com.au/mushclient - MUSHclient
http://www.xcalibur.co.uk/MuckClient/ - MUCKclient
http://simplemu.onlineroleplay.com - SimpleMu
Pern Resource Links
http://www.annemccaffrey.org - Anne McCaffrey's official website
http://dragons.pernmu.com/ - PernMu* dragon name listing
http://forum.pernmu.com/ - PernMu* discussion forums