09:48 PM
Logfile from Flandynn.
You head into the Craft Complex.
Xanadu Weyr - Craft Complex(#3200RL)
The large area has been separated into a variety of smaller sitting areas, couches and chairs organized into rings and squares, tables set where they can be used easily. A few desks for studying are pushed against one wall, while another has a variety of doors spaced along side it, opening into private quarters for the ranking crafters posted at the weyr. A set of double doors opens to the general apprentice dorms, and a long hallway stretches outwards, providing access to the various workshops.
People: Fl'ynn, Derin, and Briana
Obvious exits:
Harpers' Workshop Glass Workshop <GW> Plastics Workshop <PW> Textiles Workshop <TW> Apprentice Dorms <AD> Clearing <C>
Another rainy day has delayed yet again the exploration of the sinkholes and summer is fast approaching adding to warmer humid days. Briana has found some time at the end of another long day to do some research at the craft complex. Well little chance does she get these days to work on her craft and she takes what time that she can. So she sits at one of the tables with a variety of books and scrolls laid out, scribbling notes in a notebook.
Crafters. The learned. Those fine practitioners of great and amazing trades so intrinsically necessary for the quality of life of others. And here we have Fl'ynn, one boot on, one boot off, and hobbling his way with a click-pat from without. Bootless foot is also without a sock, thus leaving his foot so very, very bare and now mudded. Where is the other boot? Tucked under an arm and looking rather split. "My love for a tanner," the rider drawls, voice lifting… you know, in case there is a tanner near and desiring of his love.
Derin is a crafter, well, sorta anyway. Though miners aren't likely normally seen in the craft complex, but he's coming out of one of the jewelry workshops, perhaps he got stuck with delivery duty or something. The lad pauses briefly to eye the half-booted Fl'ynn. Well, too bad he's not a tanner, huh?
It is that familiar voice that draws Briana's head up from her studies and she smiles to see Fl'ynn but then frowns a touch at the state of his boots. "Oh dear, definately need the love of a tanner. Not sure if anyone else is still around." She nods towards to the textiles workshop, "Might be someone still in there." She gives a shake of her head, "All this wet has been death to many a shoes."
Before you is a rather average height young man looking to be in his teens. His dirty-blonde hair is kept rather long and curls this way and that always seeming to be in a mess atop his head. Dark brown eyes peek out from beneath those curly locks. He seems a bit chubby but has been working out and it starting to get that typical bulky-muscled miner physique. Nothing spectacular can be seen about this young man, as a matter of fact he seems to be just another average weyr resident.
He wears functional work clothes, thick natural-hued leather pants and strong leather boots with steel in the toe. His growing upper torso is wrapped in a black shirt covered often with a leather jacket. When working a hard hat can be seen atop his head. His clothes always seem dusty as he spends most of his time in the mine. Upon his shoulder is worn the knot of the Minercraft colours twisted into the rank of Apprentice as well as a knot in the colours of his posted weyr, Xanadu.
Fl'ynn hobbles. It is a sad thing. Sad and pitiful and rather purposeful. Click-pat. Click-pat. Click-pat. If he is being looked at, Fl'ynn will look right on back. "Tanner? Got one of those little hammers and those little nails?" His chin comes up, dark eyes falling onto Briana upon hearing her just-as-familiar voice too, "I'm pretty sure I'm growing mold. Damp." Toes wiggle. "Maybe we should all just walk bare-footed in the mud. One with nature. Feel the squishing between our toes." He glances back up. "Or I can just get some new boots."
Derin chuckles, a little, "Why get new boots, the mud'll just…muddy them." Yep, that's Rin, stating the obvious. He gives both Fl'ynn ans Briana salutes in greeting.
Briana shifts in her chair to look more directly to the rider and can't help but smile at the solution, "I have seen more than a few people doing that. We should encourage it now that its warmer, and just place water buckets near entrances to clean off the feet." She says with light humour to her voice. She looks over to Derin and returns the salute, "How are you holding up? Recovering alright from the incident?"
Fl'ynn helps himself to a chair right beside Briana, moving it nearby and then straddling the thing backwards. His boot is settled onto the table with about as much care as if he just dropped down… well, a broken boot. "I bet we could start something there, Briana. We'll start out without shoes. Then we'll go to half-trousers. Then swimming suits. Then just throw caution to the wind and go naked. I think it could work. Don't you?" At Briana's later words, his eyes come up to look across to Derin in attentive interest.
Derin grins, "S'like it never happened." His head bump is long gone and his leg is finally free from that annoying cast. "They're startin' to let us back on light duty finally. Obviously I'd rather be down there rather than playing errand boy but what's an apprentice t'do right?" He, also, will just help himself to a chair, so much for Bri's crafting time, huh?
As Fl'ynn comes to settle next to her and to drop a boot on the table, she hastily scoots her precious books and scrolls away from the offending mud. "Be careful there…Fl'ynn." She says with a teasing note of caution before she laughs at his idea, "Yes, I can see it now, all around Pern Xanadu weyr becomes known as the crazy nudist colony." She shakes her head and looks up to Derin, "I am glad to hear that, I was sorry to hear you were injured." She nods sympathetically at the woes of an apprentice, "If I make it to the kitchen, usually on peeling and dishwashing duty still." Even as a weyrwoman.
Fl'ynn tilts his head to the side, flicking away unruly black hair from his eyes. "As an official errand boy to the Great Weyr of Xanadu, it isn't all that bad." He winks after Briana, "I see absolutely nothing wrong with that idea. " His attention wanders along to books and scrolls, earning a wrinkle of his nose.
Derin shrugs a little, "Hey, danger and possibe injuries come with th'job. I've been pretty fortunate in my minin' career really." Career? Really? Well, it sounded good in his head. A chuckle at the nudist colony idea earns a shake of his head. "Well, there are some I wouldn't mind seein' in the nude, but not sure I'd wanna see th'whole weyr nekkid."
Briana is carefully closing books and rolling up scrolls less someone else decide to set muddy boots upon the table. "I shall pass it along to Thea in my next report." Briana says with a bemused tone to her voice. She gives him a light nudge with elbow before looking up to Derin, "I suppose it is, we are only thankful you did not get more hurt. No doubt we will have to call upon the services of the miners again when its properly excavated."
"They'd more than likely be clothed in mud," Fl'ynn points out with a head-bob Derin-wards, adding that bit of logic to his argument. He perks some more at Briana's words. "If you want, I can help you sell it. You could make it an outing. You'd all go down to the clearing and I've have it set up with a fine sampling of weyr residents striding about in the mud. It could work." He flashes her a wink. In the next breath, the young man in folding his arms upon the top of the ladder-back chair, dropping his head down to rest upon a forearm. He looks to Derin, "Got a scar?"
"Prob'ly on th'back of m'head, they had t'stitch it up a bit." Derin runs a hand over the back of his head. "Though it wasn't too bad, they said. They were more concerned with the broken leg, acourse, a miner needs his legs to work afterall." Weyr residents clothed in mud…messy! He wrinkles his nose a bit.
"Some say mudbaths are good for the skin…" Briana so helpfully adds to the conversation, "I fear though we may have to keep to our clothes though for the sake of any hapless visitors who may come upon our weyr." She says with a note of mock seriousness. Her gaze shifts over to Derin at the question about scars and nods, "Nothing too bad then. Are you keen to get back down there or you going to leave if for someone else?"
Fl'ynn starts to lift his head up at Derin's words. "Really? Chicks dig scars. I do too. Can I see it?" Even if it is in the miner's hair; that simply makes it far more interesting to find. "Our clutchmate has the best scar," he adds as well, glancing askance to Briana.
Derin grins, "Oh, Dersk and I have already volunteered for the exploration, ain't no way we'd miss it." Well, that is if the bosses let him anyway. He peers at Fl'ynn, then chuckles a little. "I guess iff'n you can find it. Don't think it'll get me any chicks though, s'not like a big buff dude scar or anything, just a stupid apprentice who fell in a sinkhole scar. Which clutchmate?" He asks, curiously.
"It's good. I've got a scar on my hip from this one time I fell off the wagon when one of the 'beasts got spooked and I landed on a rock. Mom told me not to be standing on the tailgate. I tell everyone I was busy fending off a rampaging bull from trampling my little sister." Beat. His eyes grow huge. "Shells and shards, now the jig is up." He slides back to his feet to hobble towards Derin. Being rather vertically challenged as he is, the bluerider motions for the miner, "Bend over." It is only after the words fall from his lips that the young man looks almost shifty, "You know what I mean."
Derin lowers his head a bit for the bluerider to go scar-searching, he laughs, "It's probably not very big, it's just from smacking the stone floor when m'leg gave out from bein' busted. Stone and head, neither one gives too well, Ma says I'm lucky I'm hardheaded." He snickers softly.
Fingers seek into the dirty-blonde hair of Derin's, moving sections aside 'til he can see the offending marking. "Ohhhhhh, not bad. Not bad at all. If you ever go bald, I bet anything it'll be a great talking point." His fingers remove, and the bluerider twists around some to look to Derin, "You're my first miner -touching one, that is. Was it good for you?" He flashes him a wink and then retreats, hobbling, back to Briana. He doesn't sit quite yet though, left to contemplate that broken and forlorn boot.
Derin chuckles, "Well, I don't plan on goin' bald, but thanks fer th'compliment." As for the question, he laughs. "Well, I s'ppose yer my first bluerider too. Dersk will be ever so thrilled." He giggles, yes, wannabe big bad miner giggles.
Daoi arrives from the Clearing
Daoi has arrived.
Fl'ynn taps a finger to his nose and then points it to Derin, "Tell everyone I'm amazing. I've a reputation to keep up." He clucks his tongue, then moves to push that chair back in to where he found it. But something said begs to be commented on, "Who is Dersk?" His head comes back up, dark hair falling to either side of his just as dark gaze. Murmuring something or another under his breath, he looks to the various doorways.
Derin giggles again. "Dersk is m'partner, a lump of a blue wher." This comment is made with that hint of fondness for the ugly critter. "I'll tell 'em you were good iff'n y'tell them I was." He gives a wink to the bluerider. "We're with th'search an' rescue crews when there're cave-ins or rocklslides or stuff."
"Gotcha," Fl'ynn adds, following Derin's words. "Remember. I'm Fl'ynn. Flyyyyyyyn." Rider of Cluelesseth, but we'll just keep that one under wraps for now. "Give Dersk my regards. I look good right?" Fingers come up to rough-shod comb back through his hair, tugs at the tails of his shirt, scratches at a bit of mushed tubers crusted on a sleeve. Dunno how that got there. "I need to sway someone into fixing this boot." He pauses once more to look to Briana, giving her a soft smile, mouthing a silent "Visit me". With that done, and boot in hand, he hobbles towards the textiles area. Best bet!
Derin grins at the bluerider, "Fl'ynn, got it. And acourse I'm Derin, don't ferget." He winks as the bluerider preens..or is that gussies up? Either way. "Aye, y'look good." The wherhandler giggles softly, turning back to Bri. "So, just you an me now, huh?" If Daoi has entered, he hasn't noticed the girl just yet. Aww, poor Daoi. Or maybe she prefers it that way?
Briana does not contribute to the scar discussion, busy putting her books back in their proper shelves. She does look over to Derin as he critisizes himself, "Bah, you were brave to lead it." She assures him as she returns to the table and closing up her notebook less it get mudded up accidently. She gives a shake of her head at Fl'ynn's teasing with the miner relaxing as the young man takes it well, settling back down in her seat. "I have a lot of respect for the search and rescue teams." At the words from Fl'ynn she nods, "I will wait for ya." She replies before looking back to the miner, "Don't mind Fl'ynn…he…is fun."