To view the genealogy of any Xanadu clutch (PC or NPC!), click on the name of the parent you want to learn more about. Or visit the Lineage Gallery.
Table of Contents
Xanadu Weyr's Thirty-Second PC Clutch
Gold Leirith & Bronze Xermiltoth
Hatched, July 25, 2022:
Brown Xulanth to Izobet
Brown Tchechayzaeth to Ky'zai (Kyszarin)
Brown Eyistirth to Tej (Tejra)
Brown Bhalahhaith to Y'riel (Kyriel)
Blue Qilaeth to Andy (Andalise)
And NPC Pairs:
Xanadu Weyr's Thirty-First PC Clutch
Gold Inasyth & Bronze Garouth
Hatched, August 13, 2021:
Bronze Daejienth to Za'ariah (Zachariah)
Green Kyasinth to V'orn (Velorn)
Green Rhearth to Z'ora (Zaira)
Green Saelcuhth to A'den (Arden)
And NPC Pairs:
Bronze Araceth to O'dorn (Olidorn)
Brown Culaeth to Tu'li (Turali)
Brown Ekapith to L'van (Levian)
Blue Aeorryth to M'adi (Maradi)
Blue Kakorith to Ha'an (Halaran)
Blue Larusith to Cifale
Green Melazyth to Neia
Xanadu Weyr's Thirtieth PC Clutch
Gold Leirith & Bronze Xermiltoth
Hatched, November 14, 2020:
Brown Khoszeth to Ly'iir (Lyubomir)
Brown Satoth to N'ye (Nyvex)
Blue Dovirauth to Kasle
Blue Kovagath to Sh'y (Shiloh)
Green Mirieth to Avi (Averil)
Green Navenath to Ajral
And NPC Pairs:
Bronze Ellylldath to H'rra (Hirryaw)
Bronze Ikeroth to Ae'lus (Daelius)
Bronze Syldoth to A'rion (Anarion)
Brown Niyrith to O'lin (Rolian)
Blue Vaangth to Kataka
Blue Zuvirenth to Nevale
Green Ulayth to Rhase (Rohasei)
Green Vierath to R'ahl (Rahloan)
Xanadu Weyr's Twenty-ninth PC Clutch
Gold Ilyscaeth & Bronze Xermiltoth
Hatched, November 1, 2019:
Gold Inasyth to Rhodelia
Bronze Glorioth to F'yr (Stefyr)
Brown Auricyth to P'al (Percival)
Green Neifeth to Evi (Evangeline)
Green Kihatsuth to Ru'ien (Keruthien)
Green Koth to V'ro (Khavro)
And NPC Pairs:
Blue Tcyralth to Louci (Loucialla)
Green Wyrcaelith to Piezra
Green Agadhith to Solcady
Green Sezoruth to Ri'tah (Azritahl)
Xanadu Weyr's Twenty-eighth PC Clutch
Gold Leirith & Bronze Garouth
Hatched, November 30, 2018:
Gold Tineangrath to Nessalyn
Bronze Varequoth to V'ayn (Sylvarin)
Bronze Zyddagath to Ki'lian (Kaellian)
Brown Kayinth to Airin (Rinian)
Blue Euclath to Meion
Blue Ceruadharth to C'iel (Cielo)
Xanadu Weyr's Twenty-seventh PC Clutch
Gold Leirith & Bronze Garouth
Hatched, February 24, 2018:
Brown Talanoath to Nailii (Jaelynn)
Brown Asceorth to Z'eir (Zashier)
Blue Tsarziath to N'kon (Nikolan)
Green Iczobyth to Ricki
Green Rosalyth to Lani (Kelani)
Green Nysaiwenyth to Ty'rian (Tyssarian)
Xanadu Weyr's Twenty-sixth PC Clutch
Gold Meirath & Bronze Draukaith
Hatched, May 26, 2017:
Gold Leirith to Risali
Bronze Sirhyth to M'tan (Metan)
Brown Sanarth to Bryn'jan (Brynnjan)
Blue Azrith to Zaria
Green Faeth to Cara
And NPC Pairs:
Blue Enuketh to S'ahi
Green Ivoth to Itzel
Green Ayurath to M'achi
Green Isometh to Averie
Xanadu Weyr's Twenty-fifth PC Clutch
Gold Luraoth & Bronze Draukaith
Hatched, July 8, 2016:
Gold Meirath to Calisi (Calisiya)
Bronze Saumath to T'lon (Tealonie)
And NPC Pairs:
Brown Ceylonth impressed to Bea'rn
Blue Maxeth impressed to H'aroro
Blue Yklimth impressed to L'on
Green Phaeth impressed to Ezzie
Xanadu Weyr's Twenty-fourth PC Clutch
Gold Kairoikyriath & Bronze Saburath
Hatched, July 26, 2015:
Bronze Kivshiralth to Is'ac (Zak)
Bronze Masikoth to M'ori (Maorin)
Bronze Qhynnveslacth to Q'll (Quillan)
Brown Ytildith to Maelle
Green Mairesaeth to Zhai (Zhianna)
Green Leikoirath to Jaya (Janaya)
And NPC Pairs:
Brown Nameless impressed to Barek
Brown Savarseth impressed to C'am
Blue Doanteth impressed to Unnamed Female
Blue Nameless impressed to Unnamed Male
Green Becath impressed to Elina
Green Nadaunth impressed to Je'son
Green Niobeth impressed to Unnamed Female
Green Lelomitchaith impressed to Ko'bin
Xanadu Weyr's Twenty-third PC Clutch
Gold Kairoikyriath & Bronze Zeruth
Hatched, September 26, 2014:
Bronze Saburath to E'tan (Eltanin)
Bronze Zimraith to G'ir (Giroux)
Blue Wensith to Ka'ro (Kaitro)
And NPC Pairs:
Brown Cimaanth impressed to Xha'il (Xhaeil)
Brown Paeth impressed to Meghan
Brown Zoinkith impressed to Nor'vil (?)
Blue Iarith impressed to J'oar (?)
Blue Spikenth impressed to Unnamed Female
Green Keleth impressed to Addriene
Green Secrath impressed to Kaylai
Green Sukiith impressed to Mei
Green Urslath impressed to Sarah
Xanadu Weyr's Twenty-second PC Clutch
Gold Luraoth & Bronze Sharuth
Hatched, November 16, 2013:
Gold Kairoikyriath impressed to Innes
Blue Saeth impressed to Bowyn
Green Moncerath impressed to Kera
And NPC Pairs:
Brown Zinieth impressed to Suka (Lasuka)
Brown Cullenth impressed to Ja'ken (Jadiken)
Blue Eptonith impressed to T'kan (Atikan)
Blue Prylith impressed to Praela
Blue Toth impressed to || Dorry (Dory)
Green Mraelth impressed to L'mar (Delmar)
Green Ruesireneth impressed to Damari
Green Zhansith impressed to K'nid (Kenid)
Xanadu Weyr's Twenty-first PC Clutch
Gold Sahazyth & Bronze Orionth
Hatched February 10, 2013:
Gold Luraoth impressed to Soriana
Bronze Kanekith impressed to Ka'el (Kale)
Brown Isyriath impressed to Marel Marel
Brown Kalsuoth impressed to Mur'dah (Muireadhach)
Blue Xeosoth impressed to M'kal (Mikal)
Green Tahryth impressed to Idrissa
And NPC Pairs:
Bronze Salrith impressed to K'asin (Karhsin)
Blue Hasephuth impressed to Al'cas (Alicastor)
Blue Cayceth impressed to T'bor (Tabor)
Blue Damiseth impressed to J'myn (Jikmyn)
Green Laoshuth impressed to Carolin
Green Kanyeth impressed to Jnelle (Jennabelle)
Green Narjath impressed to Reina
Xanadu Weyr's twentieth PC Clutch
Gold Seryth & Bronze Romth
Hatched April 10, 2012:
Gold Sonyxaeth Impressed to Esiae
Bronze Volenth Impressed to M'trin (Matrin)
Brown Izzuth Impressed to If'an (Iforian)
Green Aisuohkoth Impressed to Jessi (Jeniosa)
Green Szadith Impressed to Kinzie
And NPC Pairs:
Brown Ndoyeth Impressed to Gr'eg (Geigryn)
Brown Wanreath Impressed to Lanna (Laylanna)
Blue Tehath Impressed to Den'l (Denil)
Blue Taruneth Impressed to J'esh (Janesh)
Blue Marivath Impressed to Ta'ni (Tatyani)
Green Pwylth Impressed to Alasi
Green Dlessyth Impressed to Ronca
Xanadu Weyr's ninteenth PC Clutch
Gold Seryth & Bronze Inimeth
Hatched June 07, 2011:
Gold Sahazyth Impressed to Briana
Bronze Nisuanekhdjieth Impressed to Qe'pol (Aqueepoli)
Bronze Malphath Impressed to P'rel (Pyriel)
Brown Zhaoth Impressed to Ers'lan (Landers)
Blue Kagenaith Impressed to Fl'ynn (Flandynn)
Blue Tscyleth Impressed to I'srie (Iessrien)
And NPC Pairs:
Brown Doceleventh Impressed to Ri'ver (Raivera)
Brown Nabath Impressed to Issanleri
Brown Tochath Impressed to T'avil (Travil)
Green Ostarath Impressed to Mab (Mabonne)
Green Saliurfath Impressed to R'olf (Yahbut)
Green Prinyth Impressed to K'tis (Kurtis)
Xanadu Weyr's eighteenth PC Clutch
Gold Kilaueth & Bronze Isterreth
Hatched September 26, 2010:
Bronze Turlath Impressed to E'on (Relion)
Brown Khaumith Impressed to Ashkeia
Brown Ilaydith Impressed to Amelia
Blue Uirath Impressed to Quila
Green Sicealth Impressed to Natali
And NPC pairs:
Bronze Admath impressed to J'amie (Jaramie)
Blue Kogath impressed to M'ado (Marado)
Blue Terinath impressed to L'ron (Laron)
Green Rosath impressed to D'mond (Desmond)
Green Lulath impressed to T'ank (Tadank)
Xanadu Weyr's seventeenth PC Clutch
Gold Seryth & Bronze Zaqalekhth
Hatched February 13, 2010:
Bronze Taozyuth Impressed to N'shen (Natishen)
Brown Oceleth Impressed to O'ric (Osric)
Brown Neroth Impressed to R'io (Rio)
Blue Lonarith Impressed to R'shed (Rished)
Green Fauikith Impressed to Phylicia
Green Ninkasith Impressed to Jessa
And NPC Pairs:
Brown Tennath Impressed to Marta
Blue Tecoth Impressed to Cr'us (Crosus)
Blue Kranith Impressed to J'mar (Jammar)
Blue Kadrenth Impressed to Caitlin
Green Kinujinth Impressed to D'rvan (Doravan)
Green Jessiath Impressed to Analita
Xanadu Weyr's sixteenth PC Clutch
Gold Avaeth & Bronze Dhonzayth
Hatched June 7, 2009:
Bronze Nyunath Impressed to R'owan (Rogawani)
Brown Faraeth Impressed to M'nol (Morlanol)
Brown Mikalath Impressed to R'zel (Ruzel)
Blue Cidheoth Impressed to Ontali (Riyontali)
Green Alosynth Impressed to Keziah
Green Kelioth Impressed to Vivian
And NPC Pairs:
Bronze Ilveriath Impressed to A'den (Ashaden)
Brown Nachtelaith Impressed to V'den (Vandoren)
Blue Tandth Impressed to M'ont (Monte)
Blue Nesyth Impressed to Nyela
Green Adanaith Impressed to Lerta
Green Jelieth Impressed to D'ren (Daren)
Xanadu Weyr's fifteenth PC Clutch
Gold Ellamariseth & Bronze Arinith
Hatched December 20, 2008:
Gold Seryth Impressed to Thea
Blue Zeituth Impressed to A'dar (Aradir)
Green Ulaekimajith Impressed to Saige
And NPC Pairs:
Bronze Laseoth Impressed to J'len (Jollen)
Brown Ciebaith Impressed to I'ke (Yaike)
Blue Mazunth Impressed to E'gin (Delgin)
Blue Tiurneth Impressed to Caryn
Green Evelyth Impressed to L'nus (Belenus)
Green Mhairiath Impressed to Or'len (Lorallen)
Green Sirenath Impressed to J'oy (Jolyn)
Xanadu Weyr's fourteenth PC Clutch
Gold Kilaueth & Bronze Hesketh
Lineage Chart
Hatched April 20, 2008:
Gold Avaeth Impressed to Zevida
Bronze Lihauth Impressed to Ch'tra (Chaitra)
Bronze Nasrinth Impressed to N'kor (Nalkor)
Blue Ecoatleth Impressed to Y'ki (Ryski)
Green Sophyrinth Impressed to S'ya (Myesha)
Green Szayelth Impressed to D'len (Delenn)
And NPC Pairs:
Brown Philekazanth Impressed to R'nan (Ronan)
Brown Ramanduth Impressed to E'us (Eustice)
Blue Celtath Impressed to Rakell
Blue Gledrath Impressed to Oromi
Green Tamiath Impressed to G'rax (Garax)
Xanadu Weyr's thirteenth PC Clutch
Gold Mellonath & Bronze Quiath
Hatched August 01, 2007:
Bronze Kunaseth Impressed to Z'kiel (Zekiel)
Brown Mayikooth Impressed to R'in (Raelin)
Brown Odamith Impressed to N'mon (Neamon)
Blue Abirith Impressed to Alaye
Blue Karidath Impressed to K'cen (Kacen)
Green Ailath Impressed to Myra (Meira)
Green Nemiath Impressed to Harley (Harleanne)
And NPC pairs:
Brown Pamanth Impressed to Vykki
Blue Omarith Impressed to K'oji (Kojiro)
Green Imcinath Impressed to Eu'ne (Eugene)
Green Pajith Impressed to Lexey
Xanadu Weyr's twelth PC Clutch
Gold Kilaueth & Bronze Alhenaeth
Lineage Chart
Hatched November 18, 2006:
Bronze Jarath Impressed to A'thiel (Vathiel)
Bronze Vsetovith Impressed to Ar'ik (Airk)
Brown Montereth Impressed to T'lek (Tandelek)
Blue Mionarracth Impressed to Kitty (Kitani)
Green Anstarath Impressed to Angel (Angelyka)
Green Eirimenth Impressed to Dynome
Green Ilianath Impressed to Ch'na (Achina)
And NPC Pairs:
Brown Locututh Impressed to Jean
Blue Kryptonth Impressed to Kal'el (Kalendel)
Blue Tomokoth Impressed to
Green Shirith Impressed to Zuna
Xanadu Weyr's eleventh PC Clutch
Gold Calanth & Bronze Zsuzsath
Hatched March 14th, 2006:
Brown Dementh Impressed to T'maz (Tomaz)
Brown Ikasuth Impressed to J'di (Jeordi)
Brown Loyauth Impressed to Lorena
Blue Raath Impressed to Rafca
Blue Tamasth Impressed to Cirilia
Green Maith Impressed to Sabriel
Green Rakirikath Impressed to F'alk (Faulk)
And NPC Pairs:
Bronze Aragth Impressed to Ru'lph (Rudolph)
Bronze Reorth Impressed to Fl'int (Florient)
Blue Icyrith Impressed to D'eus (Daldeus)
Xanadu Weyr's tenth PC Clutch
Gold Kilaueth & Bronze Alhenaeth
Lineage Chart
Hatched July 23th, 2005:
Gold Calanth Impressed to Casiella
Bronze Ersieth Impressed to P'aolo (Pejaolo)
Bronze Zsuzsath Impressed to J'ymi (Jeymian)
Brown Khriseth Impressed to I'ven (Ziven)
Brown Ramachath Impressed to Di (Eydie)
Blue Ysamieth Impressed to D'hiel (Dashiell)
Green Anlyth Impressed to Medani
Green Faelynath Impressed to F'ai (Fyenai)
Green Kuarith Impressed to Kryn (Kieryn)
Green Sefiyth Impressed to M'la (Mylla)
And NPC Pairs:
Brown Jaryanth Impressed to Foley
Brown Roketh Impressed to G'ed (Ghied)
Blue Kiryath Impressed to W'll (Wiell)
Blue Sempeth Impressed to R'tus (Aratus)
Green Kesath Impressed to Minne
Xanadu Weyr's ninth PC Clutch
Gold Branwynth & Brown Zoith
[[[log:ha09|Hatched December 5th, 2004:
Blue Siyamath Impressed to R'soe (Rhesoe)
Blue Xhonovith Impressed to S'sev (Messev)
Green Emoryith Impressed to Tori
Green Gwynaleth Impressed to B'relle (Bryndarelle)
And NPC Pairs:
Bronze Kirjavath Impressed to Will (William)
Bronze Sophonath Impressed to Fa'dram (Fardecoram)
Brown Bolvangarth Impressed to M'tron (Metatron)
Brown Brynisoth Impressed to Iorek (Inoreak)
Brown Joparith Impressed to Lee (Lescorby)
Blue Alethiath Impressed to Z'hare (Zohariel)
Blue Pantalaimoth Impressed to D'eon (Daermon)
Green Belacquath Impressed to Lyra
Green Marisath Impressed to As'riel (Asamariel)
Green Stelmariath Impressed to Kaisa
Xanadu Weyr's eighth PC Clutch
Gold Kilaueth & Bronze Alhenaeth
Lineage Chart
Hatched April 25th, 2004:
Gold Branwynth Impressed to Elia
Bronze Raenth Impressed to T'eo (Matteo)
Bronze Ryunth Impressed to T'bear (Tabearin)
Brown Adinaeth Impressed to L'alie (Eulalie)
Blue Kieranth Impressed to M'iri (Miiriel)
Blue Sukith Impressed to Asiree
And NPC Pairs:
Green Shakkanth Impressed to T'dahr (Tahndahr)
Green Enth Impressed to P'pin
Xanadu Weyr's seventh PC Clutch
Gold Zaislinth & Bronze Alhenaeth
Hatched August 14th, 2003:
Gold Kilaueth Impressed to Niva
Bronze Yonsaith Impressed to Es'ravel (Estasravel)
Blue Charonath Impressed to Y'lish (Yanlish)
Green Shimonith Impressed to Lahela
And NPC Pairs:
Bronze Umbernoth Impressed to M'shel (Marshel)
Brown Ganasth Impressed to L'xis (Alexis)
Brown Lydianth Impressed to Fitzgella
Blue Irrascibeth Impressed to Gl'ind (Glorind)
Blue Mcleanth Impressed to Dawn
Blue Ssillith Impressed to Vali (Sorvali)
Green Mpeth Impressed to N'ren
Green Violarwyth Impressed to S'rkes
Xanadu Weyr's sixth PC Clutch
Gold Frydath & Bronze Aedhyth
Hatched October 19th, 2002:
Bronze Kajeth Impressed to B'ran (Berahn)
Brown Desafeth Impressed to Olissia
Brown Oseitazurath Impressed to Ryuu (Ruby)
Xanadu Weyr's fifth PC Clutch
Gold Frydath & Bronze Valenth
[[[log:ha05|Hatched January 27th, 2002:
Gold Zaislinth Impressed to Jezzara
Bronze Alhenaeth Impressed to C'ian (Caspian)
Brown Ezventh Impressed to Daniella
Brown Nheanth Impressed to Z'alan (Zalansho)
Blue Viambath Impressed to Tia (Tiaunnin)
Green Hannyfath Impressed to Kh'dan (Khardan)
Green Pheriannath Impressed to Kirilla
Green Tatyanth Impressed to Aya (Abby)
Green Xvetaoth Impressed to Xylaihl
And NPC pairs:
Bronze Sharetath Impressed to D'ork (Damork)
Blue Ducirth Impressed to B'rat (Borat)
Blue Quath Impressed to Ducka (Dushacka)
Green Laceth Impressed to L'ther (Luether)
Xanadu Weyr's fourth PC Clutch
This was a double clutch.
Gold Biancath & Bronze Gauth
Hatched June 6th, 2001:
Bronze Caith Impressed to C'vex (Cyvex)
Bronze Iolanth Impressed to K'roph (Kristoph)
Bronze Leoth Impressed to J'vry (Jeffry)
Brown Tigreth Impressed to Maureen
Blue Shivith Impressed to Verity
Green Meliath Impressed to Vispi
Green Vivanth Impressed to Hotaru
And NPC pairs:
Brown Ontarith Impressed to Allyson
Blue Kath Impressed to O'ron (Otirod)
Green Farnath Impressed to D'rrin (Derrin)
Gold Frydath Impressed to Qyh
Bronze Valenth Impressed to Rh'al (Rhial)
Brown Alexanth Impressed to Shairla
Brown Siryth Impressed to Kevyn
Blue Maxanth Impressed to J'ran (Joran)
Green Eunith Impressed to Magicara
And NPC pairs:
Blue Aekeiath Impressed to Jasra
Blue Rodenth Impressed to T'kin (Teilkin)
Blue Hoyth Impressed to S'vin (Selvin)
Green Lunath Impressed to Julista
Xanadu Weyr's third PC Clutch
Gold Genevraith & Bronze Branth
Hatched November 12th, 2000:
Gold Biancath Impressed to Darianya
Bronze Chardonnath Impressed to B'ane (Grizbane)
Brown Baccarath Impressed to Isolde
Brown Bergerath Impressed to Kysli
Blue Bordeauth Impressed to Elissan
Green Cuveeth Impressed to Aerdon
Xanadu Weyr's second PC Clutch
Gold Promith & Bronze Lyrath
Hatched December, 1998:
Gold Irabeth Impressed to Leann
Brown Amieth Impressed to Kipanna
Brown Edkath Impressed to L'nec (Lanec)
Brown Llaiireth Impressed to Kaela
Blue Calith Impressed to A'xim (Axiom)
Blue Yyrith Impressed to Tylynn
Xanadu Weyr's first PC Clutch
Gold Felinth & Bronze Pentath
Hatched November 24th, 1997:
Gold Promith Impressed to Siana
Bronze Branth Impressed to J'ham (Jayham)
Bronze Zanth Impressed to B'nor (Banor)
Brown Belanth Impressed to Sabine
Brown Imzadith Impressed to Salia
Blue Lexeth Impressed to Z'der (Zander)
Blue Zemarith Impressed to M'drawt (Medrawt)
Green Miranth Impressed to Alicia
Green Raliath Impressed to Dani
Green Tygerth Impressed to Nyara
Xanadu Weyr's NPC Clutches
Gold Sahazyth & Bronze Darlth of Eastern Weyr
Hatched August 31, 2011:
Bronze Caraeth to G'fry
Heavily Creamed Klah Brown Gharulth to Z'vaz (Zivaz)
Cloudy Daydream Blue Mosdaroth to H'ad (Hucidad)
Heart of the Glacier Blue Dtannuth to W'do (Wydobare)
Frozen Waters Green Psamouth to N'rar (Ninerare)
Milky Jade Green Idhedth to M'hony (Mihony)
Forest in Fog Green Sriceth to Gely (Gelygire)
Fading Glows Green Tolinaruth to Rili (Rililudy)
Gold Sakrienth & Bronze Destroth (NPC)
Hatched September 10, 2009:
Brown Verbanth Impressed to Y'urig
Blue Raspeth Impressed to R'nard
Blue Fraverth Impressed to W'asl
Green Pollith Impressed to Nenna
Green Availuth Impressed to C'loy
Green Stamrith Impressed to Tobai
Gold Kilaueth & Bronze Inimeth
Hatched September 9, 2009:
Bronze Nalunth Impressed to M'kyc
Brown Arkeleath Impressed to S'lir
Brown Tiahinarth Impressed to N'dah
Blue Leeth Impressed to R'kas
Blue Tasyth Impressed to T'nes
Blue Quoth Impressed to Fiki
Green Adoth Impressed to Katyr
Green Kelenyth Impressed to F'cha
Green Emeth Impressed to L'tia
Green Kalath Impressed to Cindra
Gold Seryth & Bronze Azaeth
Hatched August 3, 2009:
Bronze Wyverth Impressed to V'raen (Varaen)
Brown Docheloth Impressed to T'qua (Tebriqua)
Brown Akhluth Impressed to Keiryn
Blue Ceireath Impressed to Lisila
Green Charybdth Impressed to C'con (Cecron)
Green Peisinth Impressed to Pol
Gold Kilaueth & Bronze Inimeth
Hatched June 2, 2009:
Bronze Manetoth Impressed to X'vier (Xavier)
Brown Tsauramath Impressed to A'delf (Jhadelf)
Brown Nazguth Impressed to Iowynne
Blue Auriceth Impressed to J'mes (Jaymes)
Blue Shiroth Impressed to Nika
Blue Adseth Impressed to Eiryn
Green Herath Impressed to H'les (Herkles)
Green Urseleth Impressed to Airelle
Green Jadisth Impressed to Lucee
Gold Solarith & Brown Saenkarith
Hatched April 15, 2009
Brown Arkonuth Impressed to Lija
Brown Cusith Impressed to S'lar (Silarus)
Blue Chupath Impressed to Calyn
Blue Najimeth Impressed to A'li (Xaliyan)
Green Celaenth Impressed to S'alyn (Setalyn)
Green Lesirauth Impressed to T'eri (Setari)
Green Phaselith Impressed to Balana
Gold Seryth & Bronze Kinseth
Hatched April 15, 2009:
Bronze Areith Impressed to Z'van (Zevan)
Brown Turinth Impressed to A'ar (Aidar)
Brown Atsath Impressed to M'ren (Malren)
Blue Akyth Impressed to Jev'n (Jevan)
Blue Teyath Impressed to T'ne (Tione)
Green Yuanth Impressed to Lila
Green Seibanth Impressed to N'sken (Nosken)
Green Quarbimlath Impressed to Xandraea
Gold Kilaueth & Bronze Hesketh
Hatched December 10, 2008:
Gold Lusiath Impressed to Kate (Keitari)
Bronze Destroth Impressed to J'ril (Jerillian)
Brown Todraith Impressed to Erani (Eraniya)
Brown Viskith Impressed to A'en (Andalien)
Blue Kadaisith Impressed to N'tor (Nytor)
Blue Tuyeth Impressed to Faila
Green Ilexanth Impressed to Rya (Rysiea)
Green Jouluth Impressed to Noel
Gold Avaeth & Bronze Dhonzayth
Hatched October 22, 2008:
Bronze Rebeuth Impressed to A'miss
Brown Kreuth Impresseed to Allee
Blue Haaseth Impressed to D'eny
Blue Leith to N'von
Green Jaeneth to G'non
Gold Ellamariseth & Brown Meluth
Hatched August 24, 2008:
Brown Chukuth Impressed to P'gin (Pagin)
Blue Palkith Impressed to Ura
Blue Badriyath Impressed to A'zar (Alazar)
Green Mihrith Impressed to A'tis (Abetis)
Green Palamiyeth Impressed to Tilly
Gold Kilaueth & Bronze Hesketh
Hatched August 24, 2008:
Bronze Piapoth Impressed to B'rak (Barak)
Brown Neomonth Impressed to Aolani
Blue Tadith Impressed to R'ys (Rhys)
Blue Ojalith Impressed to Damali
Blue Layanth Impressed to L'mis (Lamis)
Green Mahaskath Impressed to Kiho
Gold Avaeth & Bronze Arinith
Hatched July 17, 2008:
Bronze Tireth Impressed to N'kan
Brown Astith Impressed to Halle
Blue Kennreth Impressed to A'lon
Green Kaelith Impressed to H'ren
Gold Ellamariseth & Bronze Arinith
Hatched June 2, 2008:
Bronze Balroth Impressed to Kha'dum (Kahadum)
Brown Atmath Impressed to Sh'dow (Shadow)
Brown Khoreth Impressed to M'anti (Melantin)
Brown Oogeth Impressed to J'ck (Jack)
Blue Clovoth Impressed to H'ud (Hud)
Green Franmonth Impressed to V'tor (Victor)
Green Mogwaith Impressed to G'zmo (Gizmo)
Green Patroniath Impressed to H'rry (Harry)
Gold Mellonath & Bronze Alandoth
Hatched September 23, 2006:
Bronze Jokulth Impressed to K'yn
Blue Devlinth Impressed to Anniala
Green Ayirath Impressed to Belianna
Green Tingeth Impressed to H'air (Hanthair)
Gold Calanth & Bronze Zsuzsath
Hatched November 29, 2005:
Bronze Zehebeth Impressed to Bh'ar(Bhajear)
Brown Wachinth Impressed to J'ann (Jehann)
Brown Rhodeth Impressed to K'lin (Khelin)
Blue Baraketh Impressed to T'ris (Tenris)
Blue Eifelth Impressed to Sochia
Blue Lirith Impressed to Evelyn
Green Malayth Impressed to Mi'an (Maikan)
Gold Aelith & Bronze Raenth
Hatched November 29, 2005:
Bronze Pheidaith Impressed to R'bian (Robiante)
Brown Khufuth Impressed to K'ris (Kharis)
Brown Rhodeth Impressed to K'lin (Khelin)
Blue Alexaneth Impressed to Lariss
Green Artymith Impressed to Tenya
Green Caraith Impressed to Alana
Green Euphrath Impressed to Galinda
Gold Kilaueth & Bronze Alhenaeth
Hatched January, 2004:
Bronze Tenth Impressed to C’ar (Cierear)
Brown Slouth Impressed to Ryne
Blue Luoth Impressed to Delia
Blue Daeoth Impressed to M’ik (Manik)
Blue Zaeth Impressed to J’nig (Jonig)
Green Yanath Impressed to Mila
Green Baith Impressed to R’ex (Reginex)
Gold Zaislinth & Bronze Alhenaeth
Hatched June, 2003:
Bronze Miarth Impressed to D'ver (Deviner)
Brown Kaeurth Impressed to Cyndey
Brown Roampth Impressed to N'kal (Nickal)
Blue Pfeth Impressed to Jinny
Green Dzeth Impressed to B'ak (Bankin)
Green Ulerith Impressed to Sio (Siona)
Gold Zaislinth & Brown Zeredyth (NPC)
Hatched June, 2002:
Brown Superbiath Impressed to K'yn
Blue Acediath Impressed to I'dyl (Inadyl)
Blue Luzuriath Impressed to P'shyn
Green Avaritiath Impressed to Myne
Green Invidiath Impressed to Ambishyn
Green Irath Impressed to M'lyn
Green Gulath Impressed to P'ezz
Gold Frydath & Bronze Aedhyth
Hatched May, 2002:
Bronze Xandeth Impressed to R'lie (Rylie)
Brown Yledoth Impressed to L'nsei (Lynsei)
Brown Zoth Impressed to L'rrie (Larrie)
Blue Jyelth Impressed to E'thann (Eithann)
Blue Kepth Impressed to Joise
Blue Lusanth Impressed to Darllah
Green Amyrath Impressed to M'kayl (Mikayl)
Green Anyath Impressed to Bufee
Green Deliath Impressed to Harmonee
Green Faeyth Impressed to W'slei (Weslei)
Green Karaenth Impressed to Drusyla
Green Tarath Impressed to Dawne
Green Wiloeth Impressed to Jeni