At first, one might mistake this little blue for black. Yes, black. The shadows of the darkest midnight make themselves at home all over this dragon, the dark midnight blue swirling idly with twilight's shadow over every inch of his hide, as if the darkness of night can disguise him. Lean and long is the make of this little one, his limbs only vaguely longer than the norm, though his skinny torso is most definitely so, as are his dark tail and neck, almost seeming to give him a tunnelsnake-like appearance. This creature is not completely swathed in darkness however, as he hosts a diamond-shaped lighter navy blue star on his slightly elongated muzzle - nearly between his eyes - and another light navy blue smudge between his wing sails, and even forming faint clouds on his delicate membrane. The only part of this blue that is truly given to the night, and darkness, are his onyx talons, looking like they were filed down to the sharpest point manageable.
Egg Name and Description

Mary, I Vant Your Blood Egg
Runny and red is this oval shaped shell, the surface entirely and perfectly smooth as the thin blood red coats the egg. A seemingly random cylinder of green - a stalk of some sort - is found towards the lesser end of the oval, the 'point' seeming .. well.. pointier than most of the other eggs. The coat of red isn't all that even either, the red thickening and deepening in color, pooling towards the 'bottom' of the egg, making it a truthful deep, bloody maroon.
Hatching Message
Mary, I Vant Your Blood Egg continues to gather the smallest of cracks all over it's surface. Without warning the shell bursts. Standing where the egg used to be is a Hatchling, wings spread wide in a crowing position, a loud keel emitted. Egg shell drips from wings for a few split seconds, for this pose does not last long, as the Hatchling slithers into the deep shadows.
Impression Message

Blood seeps into your mind, quickly, as if someone just slashed open your mind. « Miiriel! » Comes the near agonized cry as the mind longs for its match, before the cry comes again. « M'iri! My One! » The scorching hot blackness that usually comes with its anger is actually toned down to a dulled gray, instead producing nice warm fuzzy feelings. « My One. » A pause, where nothing happens. « I will protect you, My One. I will help you, My M'iri. Will you not help and feed me? Me, Kieranth? »

Kieranth (Pronounced Key-Ran-th) will be a violent and withdrawn creature from the start. The elongated blue is not big on talking with others, and isn't big on making friends either. When he's finally allowed to kill beasts for himself, he will take exquisite joy in the act. He's not much of an eater, and enjoys not only gouging on the beast, but blooding it as well. Since he's not a heavy eater, Kieranth might even offer to take down a buck or two for a lovely lady, enjoying in the act of killing, but leaving the body for a fellow dragon. Kieranth is a very opinionated dragon as well. Any dragon that doesn't act like one, he'll ridicule. Anyone who isn't the brightest person in the world, he'll ridicule. He'll be scornful of others, though he'll make sure to do it in his cool, jazzy, self assured way. He won't stoop to low insults like "Your mama!" but he will - probably - succeed in taking down whoever he wanted. This blue is almost more like and tunnelsnake than in just looks. Slippery and conniving, he'll almost move like a tunnelsnake, preferring to stay hidden in the shadows of the night. Unless he feels the need for enjoyment, or duty calls, he'll most likely be found sleeping during the day - maybe on a ledge sunning, but probably in his Weyr, in the shadows - and doing his excursions at night, when he can shield himself from invading eyes. He'll also use his sharp brain to get what he wants, when he wants, and if his brain doesn't cut it, he might very well resort to a bit of bullying or violence. When Kieranth matures, he will still have the figure and mind of a tunnelsnake, but he'll have figured out how to use it efficiently by then. Also, as he grows, he'll gain a standing dislike of half breeds - like Watch Whers, or even little firelizards - and enjoy of disposing things like runners, herdbeasts, and wherries. If you're not careful watching him as a youngster, it's very likely a few beasts might pass away from fright, or even be found with a few talon marks in them. In maturity, he'll be a lot more aloof and self assured than he is a loner, but the general attitude still has the same effect of making him a loaner, nonetheless. And even though he keeps himself apart, he might just find a few quasi friends for himself, from anywhere. Eventually, he might even find that Lady-Love as well. Wouldn't THAT be a sight? In mating flights he'll be down right vicious in the blooding. He'll enjoy every single minute of it. His small blue lithe form will give him an advantage with the greens, and he'll TRY for the golds, but probably fail. He'll turn more violent than usual, and competitive and protective. When he wins, he'll not gloat, but rather look extremely smug and feel like the King of the Weyr for a day or two. When he loses, he'll take it hard, because he wasn't able to prove his prowess. In the end, what Wing you'll end up feeling most comfortable in is actually up to you. Kieranth has a lithe long form going for him, but he hasn't the right heart to be a Search and Rescue dragon. His heart will be devoted to one person alone from day one. A Lady-Love will even come in second to you, Miiriel. You are his object of devotion, and to be devoted and close, he'll do what he has to to get by.

Violent Jazzy Bloodlust: Mystery Hidden in the Shadows.
Arrogant. Bloody. Violent. Self Confidant. Powerful. Prowess. These are all words to use when describing what his mind is like on a normal basis, and what he projects to others as well. Kieranth is very sure of his ability to do well, in fact, he knows he's the best of his breed. He strongly believes in himself as the Best Blue, the Strongest Blue, the Most Agile Blue on all of Pern. He also believes so of his Master, of his rider. His rider - if far fetched in some of her plans - only needs a little truthful grounding from her faithful servant - himself - and she'll be alright. His mind is like one of those seeping open wounds that'll leave a puddle of blood on the floor in no time. This deep blood red will seep in, and coat your mind utterly in his blood lust and prowess. The royal purple that swirls in with the blood is of his 'royalty' of the breed, and how incredibly sure he is of himself. If he did not have the reality-check mind he does, he would almost believe himself to be royalty, though for sure he came from a powerful family, and will do powerful things! The scorching black hotness that is his anger will rarely be used on you, unless you're being incredibly stupid. Just the opposite of *between* his anger deprives by the means of hellish heat, suffocating and constraining. It'd probably be like swimming in lava. Though, when loving, the scorching hot blackness will be toned down to a dull grey warm-fuzzy-feelings type of love. True devotion.

This Dragon is inspired by Alucard from the anime Hellsing. Alucard is one of the few TRUE vampires left, and is fiercely proud of his heritage, though he doesn't show it. He will - and does! - purge the world of "unclean" or "fake" vampires. Alucard, though one of the most powerful vampires in existence, is bound by blood to a woman (Integra.) Alucard will allow no physical harm to come to his Mistress, and would even forgo his own life to save hers. However, he does not save her from the pressures of her position, or mental harm/turmoil. Alucard is really a very simple character to summarize. He is obsessively loyal to one person, attracts a few strays as loyal "followers," is rather smug with himself and sure of his prowess and worth, and can also be excessively violent and rude, depending. He is a loner, for his only real friend is his Master, and only one "turned" woman. He is very selective with who he encounters, and "befriends".
Why M'iri?
Why did Kieranth choose you, Miiriel? Because you are his Integra. You never backed down in front of his aloof and smug face, nor did you ever cower or rebel against his 'power'. Kieranth chose you, because he would like to think you have a Will to get things done, and an agenda to your life. Kieranth will be your grounding and your truth. He will never, ever sweeten his words for you, though he will harshen them for anyone but you.
Name | Blue Midnight Darkness Kieranth |
Dam | Gold Kilaueth |
Sire | Bronze Alhenaeth |
Impressee | Miiriel |
Created by | Lahela |
Hatched | April 25, 2004 |
Xanadu Weyr, PernWorld MUSH |
- Art by Lahela, Lorena and M'iri.
- Inspiration picts; Snapshots of Alucard within the Anime "Hellsing". All rights belong to Kouta Hirano.
** Kieranth - Whispers in the Dark by Skillet

Despite the lies that you're making
Your love is mine for the taking
My love is just waiting
To turn your tears to roses
Despite the lies that you're making
Your love is mine for the taking
My love is just waiting
To turn your tears to roses
I will be the one that's gonna hold you
I will be the one that you run to
My love is a burning, consuming fire
No, you'll never be alone
When darkness comes I'll light the night with stars
Hear my whispers in the dark
No, you'll never be alone
When darkness comes you know I'm never far
Hear the whispers in the dark
Whispers in the dark
You feel so lonely and ragged
You lay there broken and naked
My love is just waiting
To clothe you in crimson roses
I will be the one that's gonna find you
I will be the one that's gonna guide you
My love is a burning, consuming fire
[Chorus x2]
Whispers in the dark
Whispers in the dark
Whispers in the dark
** Kieranth/M'iri impression - Cut by Plumb
I'm not a stranger
No I am yours
With crippled anger
And tears that still drip sore
A fragile flame aged
Is misery
And when our hearts meet
I know you see
I do not want to be afraid
I do not want to die inside just to breathe in
I'm tired of feeling so numb
Relief exists I find it when
I am cut
I may seem crazy
Or painfully shy
And these scars wouldn't be so hidden
If you would just look me in the eye
I feel alone here and cold here
Though I don't want to die
But the only anesthetic that makes me feel anything kills inside
I am not alone
I am not alone
I'm not a stranger
No I am yours
With crippled anger
And tears that still drip sore
I was cut