Age Code
There comes a time when the long version of Turns, months and days old just doesn't work for you anymore. So here you will find listed three different ways of showing age. From an appreciated format, to simply Turns and an even more vague reference.
Format for T: M: D
Ex: 36T : 8M : 4D
[ljust(left(%xh%xg[extract([setr(0,[age(v(birthsecs))])],1,1)]T %: [extract(%q0,3,1)]M %: [extract(%q0,6,1)]D,21),22)]
Format for just the number of Turns
Ex: 47
Format for approx lifestage.
Ex: late teens or early forties
It is designed for PCs, so, while it works for children under the age of ten, it really only says one thing for that entire time, 'a small child'. [X'hil@ISW]
[setq(0,switch(first(age(v(birthsecs))),*0,in [poss(me)] early%b,*1,in [poss(me)] early%b,*2,in [poss(me)] early%b,*3,in [poss(me)] early%b,*4,in [poss(me)] mid-,*5,in [poss(me)] mid-,*6,in [poss(me)] mid-,*7,in [poss(me)] late%b,*8,in [poss(me)] late%b,*9,in [poss(me)] late%b))][switch(first(age(v(birthsecs))),?,a small child,10,a child,11,a child,12,a child,13,a young teen,14,a young teen,15,in [poss(me)] teens,16,in [poss(me)] mid-teens,17,in [poss(me)] mid-teens,18,in [poss(me)] late teens,19,in [poss(me)] late teens,2*,%q0twenties,3*,%q0thirties,4*,%q0forties,[switch(first(age(v(birthsecs))),5*,%q0fifties,6*,%q0sixties,7*,%q0seventies,8*,%q0eighties,9*,%q0nineties,1??,positively ancient,ageless)])]